Wing XIII Report # 6 (2003-02-08)

This report was submitted by COL Khadgar

Wing XIII Report #6 - 02.08.03

Pilot's Lounge

The pilots of Wing XIII stood at attention in the entirety of the fighter bay.
Medals were distributed to pilots for their recent efforts in the competition.
Afterwards, the pilots proceeded to the cantina for some much deserved leisure.

"Quite a month," Khadgar said.
"Indeed, I've knocked off enough Rebels and Pirates to last me awhile!" Sarin mentioned.
An annnoucement suddenly came on via the intercom.
"Congratulations, pilots, you have all done well during January, but I'd like to see you earn some new simulator high scores, please continue with your flying!" Darksaber said.
"An interesting challenge, pilots," Sarin said.
Several pilots noted that Brucmack had not joined them, probably because he was already in the ship's Hangar Bay.
"But first, drinks on myself and the Wing Commander!"
A roar went through the cantina upon this announcement, and a cluster of pilots made their way to cash in on the offer.
Khadgar returned to his office to get a bit of rest after visiting the cantina, but noticed many new simulator reports and other E-Mails requiring his attention.
"Looks like another great month coming..." he said, and smiled.

Letters from the Cardinal...

Merchandising! Merchandising!

EH: the T-shirt
EH: the coloring book
EH: the lunch box
EH: the breakfast cereal
EH: the flamethrower (the kids love this one) EH: the doll!

Okay, okay, so maybe the EH doesn't offer that many things, but the Fleet Commander does have a little site with some EH gear on it at

On another note, the Cardinal's Office is planning a new Run-on Meesage Board thread for Wing XIII pilots. This is intended as a chance to display writing talents from amongst the Wing. Stay tuned for details!


- ASF:SC V is over! Congratulations to everyone who participated!
- Welcome this week to CPT Mage and CPT Quicksilver!
- New competitions are being planned along the lines of wargaming and run-ons. Keep checking your Inboxes for future details.
- The database now has new medal histories on historical profiles!
- The Tactical Office continues to release new battles and missions! Check for details!


LT Felix Anthraxson was promoted to Lieutenant Commander (LCM)!


*Takes a deep breath...*

LCM Draco Caanis received a Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) for winning a Multiplayer competition!
LCM Choosh received a Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) for winning a Multiplayer competition!
MAJ Girth Snail received an Iron Star - Gold Wings (IS-GW) for the Multiplayer division of ASF:SC V!
LCM Draco Caanis received an Iron Star - Silver Wings (IS-SW) for the Multiplayer division of ASF:SC V!
LT StarJammer received an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR) for the IWATS division of ASF:SC V!
LT Felix Anthraxson received an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR) for the graphics division of ASF:SC V!
LCM Draco Caanis received a Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) for winning a Multiplayer competition!
MAJ Delak Krennel received an Iron Star - Silver Ribbon (IS-SR) for the mission design division of ASF:SC V!
LT Felix Anthraxson received an Iron Star - Silver Ribbon (IS-SR) for the battle design division of ASF:SC V!
LCM Joey C received an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR) for the graphics division of ASF:SC V!
LT StarJammer received an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR) for the free mission design division of ASF:SC V!
LCM Choosh received an Iron Star - Silver Ribbon (IS-SR) for the IWATS division of ASF:SC V!
LCM Pickled Yoda received an Iron Star - Gold Ribbon (IS-GR) for the IWATS division of ASF:SC V!
LT Felix Anthraxson received an Iron Star - Gold Ribbon (IS-GR) for the trivia division of ASF:SC V!
CPT Devin Taralis received an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR) for the webpage design division of ASF:SC V!
MAJ Girth Snail received an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR) for the FCHG/CR gain division of ASF:SC V!
LT ZuQ received an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR) for a Crusader Squadron IWATS competition!
LCM Artur Knight received an Iron Star - Bronze Wings (IS-BW) for a Crusader Squadron FCHG race!
MAJ Girth Snail received a Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) for winning a Multiplayer competition!
LCM Pickled Yoda received an Iron Star - Silver Wings (IS-SW) for winning the monthly Wing FCHG competition!
LCM Pickled Yoda received an Iron Star - Silver Wings (IS-SW) for winning the monthly "Beat the COM" competition!
MAJ Girth Snail received an Iron Star - Silver Wings (IS-SW) for winning the monthly Wing CR competition!
LT Felix Anthraxson received an Iron Star - Silver Ribbon (IS-Sr) for winning the monthly Wing fiction competition!
LCM Pickled Yoda received an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR) for second place in the monthly Wing trivia competition!
LCM Choosh received an Iron Star - Bronze Wings (IS-BW) for second place in the monthly Wing CR competition!
LT Vladlet Xavier received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
CPT Picard received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
LCM Joey C received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
CM Thomas Solo received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
LCM Faliaj Shai received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
LT Porshakka received an Imperial Security Medal (ISM) for January activity!
CPT Con Selar received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
LT Rowland received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
MAJ Delak Krennel received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
LCM Choosh received a Bronze Star of the Empire (BS) for January activity!
LT StarJammer received a Bronze Star of the Empire (BS) for January activity!
MAJ Girth Snail received a Bronze Star of the Empire (BS) for January activity!
MAJ Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk received a Bronze Star of the Empire (BS) for January activity!
LCM Felix Anthraxson received a Bronze Star of the Empire (BS) for January activity!
LCM Pickled Yoda received a Silver Star of the Empire (SS) for consistently excellent activity!
LCM Delak Krennel received a Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer (MoT-gh) for creating a new mission!
LT Luke Morin received an Imperial Security Medal (ISM) for January activity!
COL Woobee received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
LCM Draco "Martyr" Caanis received a Bronze Star of the Empire (BS) for January activity!
CPT Mace received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
MAJ Hev Randrowan received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
MAJ DarkC received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
LCM Mad Max received a Palpatine Crescent (PC) for January activity!
CPT TK-6686 received an Imperial Security Medal (ISM) for January activity!
MAJ Kodiak Kereban received a Bronze Star of the Empire (BS) for January activity!
CPT Gilad Pelleaeon received an Imperial Security Medal (ISM) for January activity!
COL Khadgar received a Silver Star of the Empire (SS) for his work as Wing Commander!
COL Khadgar received an Iron Star - Silver Wings (IS-SW) for being named Commodore's Protector!
COL Khadgar received an Iron Star - Silver Ribbon (IS-SR) for winning the monthly Wing graphics competition!
COL Khadgar received an Iron Star - Silver Ribbon (IS-SR) for winning the monthly trivia competition!
COL Khadgar received an Iron Star - Bronze Wings (IS-BW) for getting second in the monthly Wing FCHG race!

Wow... Nice work. Quite a list here. :P

IWATS Courses

LT Vladet Xavier completed IWATS M/1!
LT Rowland completed IWATS M/1!
LT Vladet Xavier completed IWATS LIN!

War Room

Aggressor Strike Force: Supremacy Competition V
Deadline: February 1st, 2003.
Description: General activity competition in the Battlegroup to determine the Flagship, Escort Squadron and Top Pilot for the Battlegroup!

COM's Protector
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Top overall pilot of the month as chosen by the Commodore.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: The pilot to gain the most FCHG points each month wins.

CR Competition
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: The pilot to gain the most Combat Rating points each month wins.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Awards given to the best graphical submissions each month.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Awards given to the best fiction submissions each month.

Beat the COM
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Given to the first pilot to beat the Commodore in a Multiplayer match each month.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Given to the pilot who is able to correctly answer the COM's weekly trivia faster than anyone else, and the most times in a month.

Wing Commander's Office

First, I'll start off by congratulating everyone for their work in the January competition. I think the medals list speaks for itself as to how much your activity is appreciated. :P

On the note of the SC, the BGCOM has a thread running requesting your suggestions on how he can improve the next SC. Please post if you're interested. Expect to see some new competitions soon, but for now, work at the BGCOM's competition, and relax a bit after all that work in January!

That's all this week!

Picture of the Week

Flag Officers - 1
Vortex - 8
Phoenix - 8
Crusader - 7
Odin - 9
Tartarus - 8
Valkyrie - 6
Total: 47

In the service of the Empire,

Colonel Khadgar
Wing Commander, Wing XIII

WC/COL Khadgar/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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