Wing II Report # 0 (2003-05-06)

This report was submitted by GN Stele Pellaeon

WC/GN Stele Pellaeon reporting in for Wing II/SSSD Sovereign 05.06.03


We all wear the twin masks of emotion, Happy or Sad, Haunted or Hunted, You choose the mask, you choose the risk. You choose your own poison.
- Last words of Plethe the Pirate CY 3902

Wing News


-I'm back! But.. nobody missed me =( meoww

-SSL Round 4 is due the May 9th! This was actually a darn fun mission. There are very very evil little T/F that are shielded and armed with missiles. The creator did a good job of making them a good foe but as you can imagine they're not all that difficult. They're just fun targets to get.

Results so far:
1. Omega 219,856
2. Sigma 215,194
3. Praetorian 137,703
4. Yod 134,813
5. Inferno 134,169
6. Kappa 117,049
7. Psi 99,185
8. Theta 86,225
9. Rat Pack >*!*< 76,999
10. Pi 57,024

-Theta Invitational: There are currently 8 squadrons involved and the matches begin this week. Good luck to Wing II participants: Kappa, Sigma, Sin, and Theta. Hope to see one of you as the victor. (bracket attached)

Wing2 Site: Site has been updated

XWA Flight Night: I'm going to see if I can jump start this thing again for this friday. I will contact the night flight and see if they can fly.

New Recruits:
Sigma just seems to be getting bigger and bigger. Good job with the recruiting. SL Granite join Sigma 2-2. Welcome aboard the quarters, Granite. Should be a "solid." Also, Psi gains LT Daler. He recently was promoted for activity in IWATS.

Unfortunately we lost LCM Bob Fett due to the rDB situation. He was a little saddened with the situation and decided to leave altogether.

Misc: CMDRs! I need MSEs from Sigma and Psi asap. Get them to me, I don't care how they come in, I need them asap. I won't process anything from any MSEs until I get all of them!! =) (Ronin smile) So if CMDRs or pilots start jumping on you then you know why =P

Mini-Squadron News


-Kappa: currently 6th in SSL, Shimir submits a piece of fiction, Tempest releases TTT 1.3 (Tempest's Tailoring Tool for those who may have forgotten or were too DRUNK to remember)

-Psi: currently 7th in SSL, Jon has some major RL work to do so is putting LT Willis in as A-CMDR. We will make a man out of you, Willis!

-Rho: CMDR may have had a few too many... ahem... drinks. I need your report, CMDR =P

-Sigma: currently 2nd in SSL to Omega. Get them Sigma! Get them!! ...and have fun =P

- Sin: LCM Bob Fett resigns from Sin Squadron. Carl demands activity! Get flying people.

- Theta: currently 8th in SSL, hosting the Theta Squadron Invitational.

Wing Orders


Mandatory Wing Orders:

***Sovereign Squadron League (SSL):
Week Two: - TIE Free 183 (mandatory, attached)
- XvT Free 135
- XWA Free 98
Deadline: May 9th
Submit: to your CMDR (CMDRs will then forward their squadron's pilot files to



Promotions: SL Daler promoted to LT for recent activity with IWATS.

The Imperial Security Medal has been awarded to:
FM/LT Daurathi Ghost/Theta 2-4/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

The Imperial Security Medal has been awarded to:
FM/LT Josepy Killrath/Theta 1-4/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

The Imperial Security Medal has been awarded to:
FM/MAJ Jack Stone/Theta 1-3/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

Officer: FM/SL Daler Het Tohal Kosin/Psi 3-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
IWATS Course: TIE Fighter Tactics
Score: 90%

Officer: FL-TCS/LT Luca Fett/Psi 2-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
IWATS Course: Graphics
Score: 90%
Additional comments: Nice graphic ;)


Wing II Quote of the Week

*uses Jedi powers on you*
I am a good CMDR. I always do my reports on time. I deserve a promotion to
Major, a statue
in my honor, and a parade.
-----CPT Zekkie

Greetings my pepole

This is your MASTER GA_SKIPPY. i come befoer you to announce my control of wing II. I have taken control for tonight in my drunken wisdom to help better this wign and its people's... so here goes *dont' mind my spelling i'm drunk*
----GA Skippy (you all know the rest of this... Sorry Skippy, I couldn't resist putting this in)

Oh, come on! Why don't you want the chatter?
We've all been trying extra-hard this week to say
something funny and get recognition in the Wing II
Report Quotes list.
...And so we filled up your inbox to prove out
enthusiam! :p
-Doctor Chris

> COL Inkwolf, I am assigning you to command our new
> SteerTroopers regiment
> ;)
> AD "cholesterol" Proton

> <<>>
> Ladies and Gentlemen and Stele,


So what group does Stele fall into, hermaphrodites? :P

------LC Mickk Emrys

Stele's something totally different. :)
------CPT Zekkie

OK, I deleted Mr. Shadd(up) from the chain -- but his comment gave me a
nice entry for my "killjoy of the week" report category. ;)
----COM/AD Proton/SSSD Sovereign

TRY to protect your wingmen. Apparently them staying
> alive is worth bonus
> points. You probably won't succeed, but try anyway.
> Btw, you can't order
> them home, curses, foiled again.
------CPT Zekkie

Well, I could MAKE them go home at m order....
NO! Forget it! Your Doctor did not just say that!
-------Doctor Chris


WC/GN Stele Pellaeon/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx4/PCx7/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-2rh-1gh-5bh/IS-1BW-1BR-2SW-1GR/LoC-Rx3/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx2/OV-3E [CNTR] {IWATS-AIM-RT-SM/2-TM}

"Running away from the battle while outnumbered by the enemy has never killed me; but coming back with reinforcements has killed the enemy."

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