Wing II Report # 0 (2003-07-02)

This report was submitted by GN Stele Pellaeon

WC/GN Stele Pellaeon reporting in for Wing II/SSSD Sovereign 07.02.03


"Ignore the bird, follow the river"---COL Calzeo Inkwolf

Wing News


Hello people. How's your Summer.. or Winter treating you? =P

Well, so far we're nearing the very very end of the Sovereign Squadron League. The missions are due this friday, the 4th. The top 8 squadrons of each division will advance to the playoffs. Good luck everyone.

The GN's Sovereign Summer Patrol is doing well also...

-SSL Round 8 is the last and final round before the playoffs. Details in Wing Orders

-The General's Sovereign Summer Patrol: This competition is doing pretty well... so far. Well, we're in our second week so far. Of the 38+ pilots, 4 were dropped off. Most were due to technical issues.

Wing2 Site: Yaye! Minos is back up again. I've updated the roster and news as well.

FO's History Competition
14:35 - HA Priyum Patel []
I noticed the other day my lack of an Imperial Pilot Navy Record (INPR). Now I know I wrote one many moons ago under the constant bugging of my then CMDR, General Sasquatch (now Elite Omega CMDR), but finding it proved unsuccessful. So rather than rewriting it, I thought it might be interesting to get members of the TIE Corps to submit their own versions, with awards going for the best entries.

Submissions can be serious or humorous, the only criteria is that they be in good taste and have a good amount of content. Send them attached as either .doc or .txt files to by July 13th. After this I'll decide on the winning entry and post all submissions for viewing.

Wing Orders


Mandatory Wing Orders:

***Sovereign Squadron League (SSL):
Round 8: TIE-FREE 218 (attached)
As always, fly one or all.
Deadline: July 4th
Submit: to your CMDR (CMDRs will then forward their squadron's pilot files to

Mini-Squadron News


-Kappa: placed 8th place in SSL Round 7.

-Psi: COL Jon gets a new joystick. LCM Luca still on leave. LT Willis disappeared due to tech issues.

-Rho: Argon Viper joins his old Wing VI and new friends...finally! Welcome aboard Argon. Looks like there's two Viper's in the wing now. Heh, that reminds me of the time Sin Squadron had 3 Stele's.

-Sigma: LT Mateusz fills in as A-CMDR until a new CMDR is found. I'm fairly close to finding one, so sit tight Sigma. Applications are not being accepted at this time, keep in mind.

- Sin: Carl had some problems with his keyboard maybe? Activity is finally up in Sin as the Summer Patrol has started up. Good to see that.

- Theta: currently following wing orders and a couple pilots are involved with the Summer Patrol.

Theta question of the week:
If you were on a desert island with only one fast food item, one person, and one Star Wars starfighter, what would they be?



Promotions: none

Medals: none

Officer: FM/LT Granite/Sigma 2-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
Score: 95%

Officer: FM/LT Granite/Sigma 2-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
Score: 80%

Officer: FM/LT Granite/Sigma 2-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
IWATS Course: mIRC 1
Score: 100%

Officer: FM/LT Granite/Sigma 2-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
IWATS Course: mIRC 2
Score: 100%

Officer: FM/LT Granite/Sigma 2-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
IWATS Course: Eggdrop
Score: 90%

-Fantastic activity LT Granite. You've been doing IWATs quite a bit lately.


Wing II Quotes of the Week

Hmprgh, mmmhmp, irgmnph ! = Decushion your keyboards * makes for mebtter and more typing :P
---Carl (huh?)

LOL, yeah, that would not be good to have the tour leader get bounced!!

AD Proton
On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:37:01 -0700, "Edward M William"
> Thanks, Proton. Got them. Good work! Now all I have to do is fly now
> =P
> GN Stele Pellaeon


I was Scoutmastering all this past week, sorry for the lack of activity,
troop was at summer camp.
But I did get kicked off of camp Friday by the Camp Director, I've worked
there the last 3 years and knew all the staff, and was trafficing alochol to
them, somebody narced and now we're just doing it more carefully, heheh :P
I'll try to do SSL if time permits me.
---CPT Psyko

(*Wipes away a tear*)
Spoken like a true Psi pilot! I'm glad you haven't forgotten the lessons
I taught you, Psyk ;-)
- Sas

Greetins oh fearless leader and master of all he serveys, any way General Stele

Attached are my submissions for week 1 of the General's Summer PatrolComp.


FL/CM Viper/Rho 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

Ok Gentlemen, you may have your heart attacks now.
The Ninj has flown.

I missed this report while I was gone, so I was reading through it today.
Skimming over, I actually decided not to read all of the quotes, the first
time ever for me. THe reason? i found that the word nipple was showing
up far too often for it to be a good thing...
---LC Mike "MY VIRGIN EYES!!!" Chistu


WC/GN Stele Pellaeon/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx4/PCx7/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-2rh-1gh-5bh/IS-1BW-1BR-2SW-1GR/LoC-Rx3/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx2/OV-3E [CNTR] {IWATS-AIM-RT-SM/2-TM}

"Running away from the battle while outnumbered by the enemy has never killed me; but coming back with reinforcements has killed the enemy."

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