Wing XIII Report # 3 (2002-04-06)

This report was submitted by LC Wes Janson

    Alright guys, SCIV is upon us! Fly fly fly! IWATS IWATS IWATS! MP MP MP! Can I make it any easier for you? :P Attached is our score sheet, so take a looksee and make sure everything matches up. We will not lose this Flagship title, will we? :P


No news is more important than this right now. :) I need all of you guys out there and churning out battles/IWATS courses/LoC's, etc. FCHG and CR Gains are worth big points... so I really need all my lower FCHG Point-ers out there to get to some serious flying... Work hard guys! :)
    CMDRs - I need you all to keep track of your own Squadrons Citations, FCHG Gains, and CR Gains. The rest I can handle, but having to run 58 people's FCHG/CR Ranks against my records gets tiring. :P And I want to see my CMDRs flying too! :P
Major Banys gets an SS!
    Congrats to my longest standing CMDR on his SS! There are still some Feb MSE Medals to go out, and I'll do the March MSE Medals shortly. So be patient guys, we have quite a backlog here to do. :)
New Internet Guidelines!
    FA Ari has drawn up some new EH Website guidelines... anyone putting a website up for their Squadron/Flight whatever, make sure you follow the guide to the letter.
EH Day at Kennywood Park
Plans are in the works for an EH Day in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It will be held at the world-famous Kennywood Park. The park contains the famed ThunderBolt and Steel Phantom (remodelled and called Phantom's Revenge), which the Discovery Channel rated as the #1 and #5 best coasters in the entire world!
    The likely date will be in July/August. Please contact and if you'd be able to attend so it can be scheduled when it's most accomodating. We hope to see many EH members there!
BSC News!
Battlestats now has an automatic cleaner running through all the Club rosters... anyone inactive for 100 Days is removed from the CLUB Roster... your profile stays on BSC though. Activity qualifies as just logging into the database or the like.
Wolfpack #2 is out!
Submissions are being accepted for the next one! Any fiction you submit, CC to AD Cyric for SCIV points! Keep it alive and submit!


LCM Delak Krennel --> Copperhead CMDR.
LCM Arcadius Calidus --> Commander!


SS Awarded to : Major Tomaas Banys!
DFC --> CPT Hev Randrowan
DFC --> LCM Delak Krennel
LoCx4 --> LCM Delak Krennel
LoCx3 --> CPT Hev Randrowan
LoC --> CM TK-6686
LoC --> LC Wes Janson
MoI --> LCM Thorn
ISM --> LCM Delak Krennel
ISM --> CPT Hev Randrowan
PC --> CM Devin Taralis
ISM --> LC Wes Janson
(I need everyone who got a medal for the MSEs on Thursday to FW me the medal e-mail or tell me who you were! Hotmail deleted my medal messages...)

-=IWATS Courses=-

BX Completed - CM Ygor Mantis
BX Completed - MAJ Tomaas Banys
BX Completed - CM Devin Taralis
BX Completed - LC Wes Janson 
SM/2 Completed - LT Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk
FLA Completed - LC Wes Janson
FLA Completed - CPT Kodiak Kereban
FLA Completed - CM Ygor Mantis
FLA Completed - CM Devin Taralis
FLA Completed - MAJ Tomaas Banys
RT Completed - LT Artur Knight
LIN Completed - MAJ Tomaas Banys
GFX Completed - CPT Kodiak Kereban
GFX Completed - LCM Delak Krennel


CAG's Corner
Pilots of the Wolf Pack!
As you may know, other ASF squadrons are damn serious about winning the Supremacy Comp this time. They are more determined, better prepared and willing... more than ever! In fact, from what I see, pilots from other wings are excelling in activity unlike before. To win and secure the title of the flagship, it will take much more than it ever did. We must fight with all our hearts if we are to be even close to winning. We are destined for glory but we will be feared only if we will prove ourselves to them.
Therefore I ask you, on behalf of RA Azazel Djo'Tarr and LC Wes Janson, to keep fighting till the end.
We shall be victorious!!!
---Major Tomaas Banys, CAG:Wing XIII

-=Final Thoughts=-

    Well, SCIV is finally here.... we have two months to blow away the competition, guys! We have NEVER lost one of these before, and I don't plan to lose them now. So I need everyone on their best, flying, IWATS-ing, MPing, everything. Especially important is our lower FCHG Point people... we need you flying VERY hard to try to bring in the big FCHG Gain points! I won't give you a huge lecture here... just work your hardest, and we'll win. Keep up the great work thus far, guys!
Lieutenant Colonel Wes Janson
Lieutenant Colonel 
( - "The Wrench, Eight Ball"
WC-ENV/LC Wes Janson/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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