Wing X Report # 7 (2002-02-25)

This report was submitted by COL Mairin Astoris

Wing X Report #7 (25.February.02)


Challenge Recruitment Programme
In our infinite wisdom, Locke and I have started up a new Challenge Recruitment Programme. This is being run by our very own LCM Dex d'Alcobia from Thunder, and ably aided and abetted by recruitment officers ship-wide. Current officers are:
Thunder / Wing X: LCM Dex d'Alcobia
Tornado: CM Master
Tempest: CM Kaneda Pellail
Inferno: LCM Raxell
Typhoon: TBA
Even if you're not an official recruitment officer, this doesn't stop you getting stuck in and recruiting people. If you want more information on recruiting, please talk to Dex!

Wing X Wargame
Due to start on Wednesday, this promises to be a rumble in the jungle you won't forget! The Kangaroo-backed Thunder & Tornado take on the mighty Tempest & Typhoon. Who will win? Watch this space for weekly updates (kinda like the big game on a Sunday but on a Monday!). In the meantime, Inferno will be taking on squadrons across the Fleet in the new Inferno Supremacy Tour (it needed a name guys...!). Again, regular updates in your friendly fluffy Wing Report!

BG Multiplayer Training Nights
Come along to #ehcoc at 10pm GMT on Tuesdays and fly! We had a mixed response last week, so I'd like to see a few more peeps along in future please. :D

New Trivia Competition:
Just for fun, we're still playing trivia! Thanks muchly to CM Dark Viper who is moderating this for me. Trivia will be sent out for this week as soon as I receive it...!, but I'll explain the rules in brief here for you all as well:
The Pilot with most correct answers will receive 3 points, the second 2 and the third 1. When two pilots have the same number of correct answers the one who submitted first will get the point.

At the end of the month the pilot with most points will receive an IS-SR, the runner-up an IS-BR. The third in line will get an extra point for the next month’s contest.

Challenge News Network: Newsletter Layout Design Competition
We're starting a newsletter - yippee! But to start a newsletter, we need a cool funkomatic design to publish it in. Are you good at graphics, html, web design in general? Then this competition is for you! Details are available below or at:
"The competition is to completely design a format for the forthcoming Challenge Newsletter. Candidates may work in groups or as individuals to produce the layout, including graphics, html, etc.

I would expect the following categories to be included in any layout:
- Cyclone
- Inferno
- Tempest
- Thunder
- Tornado
- Typhoon
- Banners
- Miscellaneous
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Promotion / Joining Stories

Medals to be awarded: IS-SR for first place, IS-BR for second place; First placed layout will have the honour and pleasure of having their layout used as the Challenge Newsletter!

Submissions should be posted on a web-host, and the URL emailed to COL Mairin Astoris and RA LOCKE, or else all necessary files should be zipped and emailed (if no hosting is available to the entrants). A URL would be much preferred. :P Entries are due in by 28th February (which gives you loads of time to get this going!)"



You can get in touch with your fun friendly wingmates in the following locations: - come armed with your TC ID number and password

Channel #isd_challenge on the Undernet - you can either download mIRC ( or use the EH applet on the main website (



IWATS: - a great place to improve your knowledge! Take courses in HTML, mission design, tactics, and ASP!

Battle Reviews:
So you flew the mission/battle? Why not write a review to help out mission designers and fliers? It doesn't have to be long, just a few lines - and even better it gets the Wing some great exposure!

Don't make me beg!

Challenge News Network:
Start writing your submissions, making your missions, and priming up those vats of chalquila! C.N.N. is go for March! Everything Challenge related accepted! More details on this as and when. ;)


MAJ TopDawg / Tornado --> RSVs
LCM Rollins / Tornado --> Praetorian
CPT Badlan / Tornado --> RSVs
CM Tigurius / Thunder --> RSVs
LCM Dark Viper / Typhoon --> Epsilon CMDR
SL Alexi Stukov / Daedalus --> Thunder

SL Alexi Stukov / Thunder --> LT
CM Arion Sunrider / Tornado FM --> Tornado 2-1

CM Dujhod --> LoC
LCM Dex d'Alcobia --> BS
CM Dujhod --> LoC (from BattleGroups Training Night - you too can come and win medals!)
CM Rover --> IS-BW
COL Mairin Astoris --> GS (go me!)
LCM Raxell --> LoC
MAJ Triji Boliv --> ISM

CM Arion Sunrider --> AIM (91%)
LCM Dex d'Alcobia --> TM (88%)
CM Arion Sunrider --> TM (92%)
LCM Stuart --> TM (100%)


Quote of the week: Pilots of the BattleGroups arise! You have nothing to lose but your chairs!

WC/COL Mairin Astoris/Wing X/ISD Challenge
"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is..."

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