Wing X Report # 5 (2002-02-03)

This report was submitted by COL Mairin Astoris

Wing X Report #5 (3.February.02)


New Tornado CMDR
Congratulations to CM Master on becoming the new Tornado CMDR!

Thunder Run-on Completion Comp
Now closed. You lazy lot didn't even bother, so no medals for you! :P

MSEs Due!
CMDRs attention, your MSEs are now due! Only CM Master has got his in to me so far, so do it fast, don't delay, send your WC a MSE today!

BG Highlander Competition
Inferno, Thunder and Tornado went through into the second round of the competition, and Inferno got a bye through into the third round. Tornado and Thunder, your files are due in to Mell tomorrow by 11.59pm GMT

Challenge News Network: Newsletter Layout Design Competition
We're starting a newsletter - yippee! But to start a newsletter, we need a cool funkomatic design to publish it in. Are you good at graphics, html, web design in general? Then this competition is for you! Details are available below or at:
"The competition is to completely design a format for the forthcoming Challenge Newsletter. Candidates may work in groups or as individuals to produce the layout, including graphics, html, etc.

I would expect the following categories to be included in any layout:
- Cyclone
- Inferno
- Tempest
- Thunder
- Tornado
- Typhoon
- Banners
- Miscellaneous
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Promotion / Joining Stories

Medals to be awarded: IS-SR for first place, IS-BR for second place; First placed layout will have the honour and pleasure of having their layout used as the Challenge Newsletter!

Submissions should be posted on a web-host, and the URL emailed to COL Mairin Astoris and RA Darklord, or else all necessary files should be zipped and emailed (if no hosting is available to the entrants). A URL would be much preferred. :P Entries are due in by 28th February (which gives you loads of time to get this going!)"



You can get in touch with your fun friendly wingmates in the following locations: - come armed with your TC ID number and password

Channel #isd_challenge on the Undernet - you can either download mIRC ( or use the EH applet on the main website (



IWATS: - a great place to improve your knowledge! Take courses in HTML, mission design, tactics, and ASP!

Battle Reviews:
So you flew the mission/battle? Why not write a review to help out mission designers and fliers? It doesn't have to be long, just a few lines - and even better it gets the Wing some great exposure!

Don't make me beg!


SL Calidore --> Inferno 2-2
CM Master / Tempest --> Tornado CMDR
SL Karce --> Thunder 1-3
SL Han Shek / Thunder 3-2 --> AWOL
CPT Werdna Elbee / Tornado --> RSVs
SL Heero Yuy --> Thunder 2-2

CM Badlan / Tornado --> CPT (Congrats!)
SL Karce / Thunder --> LT
CPT Sephiroth / Inferno --> MAJ (Congrats!)
CPT Boliv / Typhoon --> MAJ (Congrats!)

CM Arion Sunrider / Tornado --> IS-BR
LCM Ponda Jarret / Typhoon --> IS-BW
MAJ Boliv / Typhoon --> MoT-gh
CM Dujhod / Inferno --> MoT-gh
LCM Dex D'Alcobia / Thunder --> MoI
CM Shadow / Thunder --> IS-SW
MAJ Boliv / Typhoon --> MoI

LT Karce / Thunder --> CBX (86%)
CM Arion Sunrider / Tornado --> ICQ (100%)
CM Arion Sunrider / Tornado --> GFX (85%)
MAJ Boliv / Typhoon --> TT (90%)
LT Stuart / Thunder --> GFX (93%)
COL Boromir / Typhoon --> SM/2 (95%)
LCM Dex D'Alcobia / Thunder --> CBX (80%)
LCM Dex D'Alcobia / Thunder --> AIM (100%)


Quote of the week: A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous.

WC/COL Mairin Astoris/Wing X/ISD Challenge
"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is..."

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