Wing II Report # 0 (2001-07-30)

This report was submitted by COL Ford Prefect

mmm. Tic-Tacs are good, ladies and gentlemen.
That's right, freshen those breaths because there's going to be some serious groove getting-on tonight! In other words, the Wing II Weekly Wreport is here! (oooh...a 'w' added to krazy up the spelling! How hip and bad is that?!?) Anyway, dig this groovy vibe:

-Quotable Notes-

-Wing News-

- None of you probably care, but there's some sap named Ford who's lounging in the WC's chair these days. COL Inkwolf departs from leadership of Wing II after a long and fruitful (sorry, Ink, couldn't think of a better adjective...noun...verb...thingy that describes another word...English majors, help! :P) reign that will long be remembered as one of the wing's great golden ages of activity, communication and sarcastic remarks. Inky, we luv you! [WC's Note: Some may have noted that the old briefing officer has been, shall we say, put out to pasture. (read: secret compartment in Inky's shuttle :P). In his stead will be a new briefing officer of the opposite gender persuasion. Ford currently has a team of privately-hired genetecists working on her, um, specifications. Also, suggestions for names are welcome to the WC's office :P]

- So, El Ford is the new Papa Smurf in this little cartoon village. And, as the big pepper in this bowl of salsa, it's time to announce the new WC henchmen, Seeing as Ford couldn't really think of anything more e-vile than himself, say hello to the new enforcers of insanity - the MiniFords! ::: mariachi music explodes throughout the halls ::: w00t! :P

- Napster really, really sucks. (three different file sharing utilities later...). Bah.

- It appears as if Theta, Sin and Kappa are gettin' jiggy with a little intra-wing competition! Theta and Sin are teaming up against the undefeated Kappans in a little two-on-one comp. TC-177 and averaged scoring is being used, and August 18th has been set as the end date. Good luck to all the boyz! (Note: The WC's betting pool on this one is open...:P)

- The Psi Squadron Invitational moves onto it's third and final round. While Psi Squadron was unfortunately eliminated, Yod, Eta and Koph Squadrons are currently vying for the championship.

- Pending Flight Office approval, the new Psi Squadron CMDR will be announced...stay tuned :P

- Ford's currently dreaming up some new competition ideas for ye olde winge, keep watching your mail for breaking news!

- The first round of Galactic Scatter is over, and the results:

LCM John Doe: 381085
CM Carl Lost: 361754
LC Stele Pellaeon: 330228
MAJ Michael Emrys: 238191
CM Algaron: 215324
LT Razor: 177362

Round 2 has been announced as TC-10. E-mail those .tfrs to Sin's LCM Jack Stone!

- Sigma has trounced yet another Wing X outfit...the results from their recent bout with Thunder Squadron:

Sigma: 72,373
Thunder: 45,448

The top five pilots in the entire competition were also solely Sigmans...way to go, guys!

-Wing Orders-

- Recruitment. With two squadrons hovering at low numbers and Rho closed, Ford would definitely like to see some infusion of new blood into the wing. While recruitment regulations have tied our hands somewhat, Ford would encourage you guys to keep thinking up new ideas to let cadets know about the future they have as colon-less drunkards in Wing II! A lot of you guys are active on message boards and IRC...keep it up! Those are some of the main ways Cadets notice active pilots and want to be just like them :P Ford hopes to see all W2 squads up to decent numbers and Rho re-opened as soon as possible, so let's get cracking!

-The Usual Roster Stuff-

Shiny Stuff:

MAJ Todbringer has been awarded the Iron Star - Bronze Wings for the top score in Sigma - Thunder! Yah!

Personnel Moves:

COL Inkwolf to the Reserves and COL Ford Prefect to Wing Commandership, once the FOo gets the transfer done >:|

Studious Success:

No IWATS courses passed this week...bah!

- Fleet News -

- The third round of Mr. / Ms. EH is almost over! Mosey on over to to vote before Wednesday! Currently, Ford, Inky and Solaris Macharius represent Wing II (making up one-third of available candidates...go us! We're popular! :P)

- The COO lost his e-mail and set a new one up.

- Visit to vote for your favorite LA game! And we'll lynch you if it's anything but the X-wing / TIE Fighter series! :P

- Another round of battles in Imperial Storm, and again the Sov's Silver Sabre forces are victorious!

09:56 - AD Havoc []
Sorry for getting this out to all of you pretty late, well here are the results.

At the Battle for Stoke, Flamming Arrow was victorious over Doom. Casualty listing below.
A/FRG Theodore

Flamming Arrow:
T/A Alpha(9)

At the Battle for Kata, Silver Saber was victorious over Doom. Casualty listing below.
L/FRG Cirque

Silver Saber:

Thanks to everyone who came out!

- HA Astatine returns after a brief leave due to his ISP crashing. Yay, the TO's back!

- The Flight Officer (was) on leave from the EH Summer Bash until today. It looks like he didn't drink himself to death. Yay!

- is updated! Yah!

-Notable Quotes-

Hey, yeah! Then the rebels tailing us would all be
exposed to dangerous levels of Ego! We'd flip the
rebel scum on their heads! Quickly! I smell a poem!

The news came out that Ford Prefect would be our new
It scared most of us all caused us all to see
That the fabled ego jar would simply have to go
Or else the Sov would be destroyed by the Ego's
powerful flow.

There are enough of the rebel scum that tail our
mighty ship
That a quick keelhauling of the jar would cause a
largish rip
in the Ego fields around the craft and cause the
rebels harm.
Their Egos would swell to the point of bursting,
causing much alarm.

The rebels would be swiftly turned straight upon their
And soon their egos all would pop and they would all
be dead.
Once that was done the Sov would be surrounded by a
Of pure Ego that would be an effective shield

From lasers, missiles, ions and other such nasty
The rebels would ignore the Sov and call it a bad
We'd all go down in history and the Sov would last and
And damage would be nothing but a thing of the past.

- LCM Fred the Mighty shows off some mad freestylin' skillz.

I didn't know
squirrel could somehow turn senile :)

- LC Delplancq mutters about the disadvantages of old age.

Praise the Frod! :p

- LC Astarosta knows where it's at :P

All bow to his Fordliness or he'll send the Mariachi Mini-Fords after you!

- MAJ Mick Emrys kindly warns his pilots about violent habits of extreme egotists.

From IRC:

*** GN_Devin ( has joined channel #tiecorps
SureFire: [GN_Devin] Omega Squadron - Semper Colon!

Vassan: I am NOT a lubricant!

All for this week, Wing II holdin' it down worldwide! Peace, baby!

WC-to-be-PROF/COL Ford Prefect/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
[ISMx19][PCx3][BS][SS][GS][OV][MOC - SoCx9-BoCx4-PoCx5-GoCx2][CoB][CoLx2][GALL][LoAx2][IWATS-SM 1/2-IIC-1/2-mIRC 1/2-CBX-VBS-ICQ-RT]
Professor of TIE Tactics (

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