Wing X Report # 1 (2001-05-13)

This report was submitted by GN Darklord


== I'm back! ==
Yep everybody's favourite WC has returned! (*looks around
disappointingly at the people looking confused and saying "where?
who?") Exams are all finished so I'm on official duty. So if you
have any ideas, comments, complaints, rants, raves, whatever, then
just drop me an email!

== Tornado CMDR Resigns ==
Tornado CMDR, LC Hicks (or more commonly known as CoHo) has resigned
from his positions to give himself more time with real life, and
those all-important but evil exams. Many thanks to CoHo for all the
time and effort he's put in to the squadron, and to Wing X - you'll
be sorely missed, CoHo!

== Tornado CMDR apps being taken ==
I am opening up the job of Tornado CMDR for applications. If you're
interested in the job then please email me your application.
Remember the absolute basic requirements are that you have completed
and passed SM/2, and be of rank Lieutenant or higher. Most
importantly, please ensure the subject of the email containing your
application is "Tornado CMDR Application" or it'll just be deleted
;P (those few I've already received before this will be kept!)

== Wing X Webhunt ==
The first Webhunt round has finished, and the second starts today!
Well done to everyone that gained some points, and to everyone
else.. there's 7 more rounds to go (including this one) so there's
still every opportunity to gain a medal! Keep an eye on for updates!

== Wing X Trivia ==
The latest round of Trivia from MAJ Beef is out (although a little
ANSWERS TO BEEF (! Any answers I receive from now
on will be deleted!

== Wing X Zone Night ==
We're working through the replies we got back from this, hopefully
to get a suitable time thats good for most people. Expect more soon!

== Sov SL Finals ==
Well the finals have finished, but keeping in with the Sov SL
tradition we're going to have to wait a while to get the results...
fingers crossed for Tornado!


A new section to my usual reports (from last time I was Wing X WC!)
I'll see whether its useful or not over the next few weeks! It'll
contain the most important news from within the squadrons.

== Cyclone Squadron ==
The finals for the Cyclone Cup, an internal competition, are
beginning on Monday. LCM Lantel takes on CM Saadam after they won
their finals against CPT Halcyon and CM Crovax respectively. Good
luck to both competitors!

== Inferno Squadron ==
CMDR/CPT Calvin Nunb is to go on leave until May 27th. Taking his
place until this time as A-CMDR will be CM Triji Boliv.

Congratulations to Triji Boliv on being promoted to the rank of
Commander for his service to Inferno squadron!

== Tempest Squadron ==
Tempest Squadron have challenged Inferno to a rematch! They were
defeated last time around but claim to be prepared and ready to take
them on! Good luck to both sides!

A website for Tempest squadron is promised shortly...with a fancy
domain...! ;-)

== Thunder Squadron ==
Congratulations to LT Xanatos Antares on being placed as flight
leader of Flight 3! Also congratulations to SL Tigurius on gaining
that magic promotion to the rank of Lieutenant ;)

Well done to CM Myn Nebers on winning the Thunder Cup internal
competition, gaining a nice new medal for his efforts!

== Tornado Squadron ==
Big news this week is the resignation of LC Hicks which has been
mentioned in the Wing news above so I don't think I need to say any
more here... party in CoHo's honour in the bar in 15 minutes :-)

They have spent the week putting in huge amounts of effort into the
finals of the Sov SL... lets hope they've done enough to beat Sigma!

== Typhoon Squadron ==
A little quiet this week it seems...

SL Tigurius (Thunder) -> Lieutenant
LCM Triji Boliv (Inferno) -> Lieutenant Commander

LC Hicks (Tornado) -> Reserves
LCM Frederik Greyson Jr (Typhoon) -> Reserves
LT Hyuga Seithen (Typhoon) -> AWOL
LT Ryan Tribal (Inferno) -> Hey Squadron

LCM Yutzka Serovich (Typhoon) - Imperial Security Medal
MAJ Aven Kronn (Tornado) - Bronze Star
LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor (Typhoon) - Silver Star
CM Myn Nevers (Thunder) - Iron Star-bronze wings
MAJ Aven Kronn (Tornado) - Imperial Security Medal
LCM Talon Drear (Typhoon) - Imperial Security Medal
LCM Bora Yar (Inferno) - Imperial Security Medal
LC Hicks (Tornado) - Palpatine Crescent
LCM Bora Yar (Inferno) - Iron Star-bronze wings
LCM Richlet (Typhoon) - Imperial Security Medal

CPT Locke (Tempest) - XvT Tactics
CPT Daisuke Airyu (Typhoon) - XvT Tactics
CM Elwood the Brave (Typhoon) - ICQ
COL Striker (Tornado) - Graphics, Core, VBScript, TIE Tactics,
Rebellion Tactics

Thats all for this week!

WC/GN Darklord/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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