Wing X Report # 3 (2001-05-29)

This report was submitted by GN Darklord


a little quiet this week...

== FMC Comp ==
This 'lil "bob vs fred wars" competition run by the ship doctor is still
going... due to finish on 1st June. Write a comic strip for "bob vs fred
wars" and send it to if you want to take part :P

== Wing X Trivia and Webhunt ==
These competitions are running to plan and details have been forwarded.
Webhunt answers to and trivia answers to

== Sov SL ==
As usual we have heard absolutely nothing from this. I wonder if we'll ever
see the results... I have my doubts.


== Typhoon Squadron ==
A quiet week... but they are in the middle of organising a competition
against Cyclone squadron... more next week on that!

== Tornado Squadron ==
Mairin is runnning around like a headless chicken right now to organise a
competition or two... everyone seems to be running scared of Tornado...
however Inferno have decided to take a pot-shot at Tornado... expect more
news on this later!

== Tempest Squadron ==
Congratulations to Tempest squadron on beating Inferno in their little
competition together! It was a fairly close-cut competition. Well done to
everyone who took part! Their next target is Nu squadron of the ISD
Colossus! (Do I see a repeat of Tornado's supremacy tour here?) They also
welcome back former long-standing member, CM Kaneda Pellail!

== Thunder Squadron ==
Former Thunder CMDR, since Thunder FM Indaro Gallia has departed the squad
and Wing X to take command of Eta squadron! Good luck! Apart from that no
comps planned as many people are out due to exams.

== Cyclone Squadron ==
The lengthy (10 week) Cyclone Cup has come to an end. Congratulations to LCM
Lailon Lantel for gaining the top spot!

== Inferno Squadron ==
CPT Calvin Nunb has returned from leave... thanks to Triji Boliv for looking
after things whilst he was away! Also as already reported, they were
defeated against Tempest. Bad luck guys... time to show Tornado that you're
still a force to be reckoned with!

-- none this week --

CM Kaneda Pellail (Reserves) -> Tempest
LCM Richlet (Typhoon) -> Nu/ISD Colossus

CPT Locke (Tempest) - Distinguished Flying Cross
LT Wysseri Arestar (Thunder) - Palpatine Crescent
LCM Sephiroth (Tempest) - Iron Star-bronze wings
CM Yutzka Serovich (Typhoon) - Imperial Security Medal
LCM Lailon Lantel (Cyclone) - Iron Star-bronze wings
CPT Crovax (Cyclone) - Imperial Security Medal
CM Garrett Hap'Kette (Cyclone) - Imperial Security Medal
CM Triji Boliv (Inferno) - Imperial Security Medal

MAJ TopDawg (Tornado) - Rebellion Tactics, TIE Mission Creation, HTML 1,
HTML 2, SM/2, Graphics, TIE Tactics, ICQ
LCM Wray Muska (Thunder) - ICQ, Rebellion Tactics, HTML 1, HTML 2, HTML 3,
mIRC 1, mIRC 2
LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor (Typhoon) - ICQ
COL Torres (Inferno) - Core, mIRC 1, mIRC 2
CM Garrett Hap'Kette (Cyclone) - HTML 1, HTML 2, HTML 3, VBScript, mIRC 1,
GN Darklord (WC) - VBScript, ICQ

General Darklord
WC/GN Darklord/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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