Wing VIII Report # 0 (2001-04-16)

This report was submitted by LC Drake

WING VIII Weekly Report
Week Ending 16.04.01

Fleet News In Brief As taken from
BREAKING NEWS- Cofo resigns as Challenge Commodore
New/Corrected Battles Released
Star Wars Mods in trouble..
Iron Star clarification


Relevant News in Detail

CoFo Resigns as Challenge Commodore.
Corran Force, Commodore of the ISD Challenge has resigned his post to concentrate on coding for the new Dark Brotherhood website. He has been in the post a little over a year. This is a heavy blow to the Challenge and I wish him well in the future.

New/Corrected Battles Released
Admiral Starlion has released several new battles to the fleet. You can check out which ones were released at his TAC Report (

Star Wars Mods in trouble..
This week saw the closure of the Star Wars Quake: The Call of the Force, Half-Life: Imperial Battles and the Unreal Tournament: Emperor's Hammer Projects. A sad loss to anyone who was waiting for them. The coding for a SWQ has been posted on the projects website.

Iron Star Clarification (By HA Astantine)
Either via stupidity or just trying to rort the system, a number of competitions are being submitted that are unacceptable. These competitions are usually one squadron vs another where the highest scoring person from each squadron gets a IS-BW. These competitions will be denied. Similarly, any competitions where the CMDR of the winning squadron gets an award will be denied. I hope that clears things up.


Wing News

Colossus rejuvination marches on..
Many of you newer pilots will not be aware that the Colossus was on the brink of closure less than four months ago. Since then, we have enjoyed a boom in numbers and activity so much so that we are now one of the largest and most active wings in the fleet. Everyone deserves a pat on the back for all your efforts. It is my intention not to stop here though. We must continually recruit and hone our skills!

Clarification of the Iota Situation
Many pilots have come to me regarding the single squadron aboard that remains closed, Iota Squadron. It is my intention to open Iota when we hit 50 pilots (Which isn't to far away). This is because I would rather have Five Squadrons of 10 pilots first. The Command position of Iota is NOT open for applicants at this time.

ISDColossus Email Addresses
If you want to show the pride for your ship then you can't get much better than an Email Addy! Contact Absolut Vodka for one today!!

Nu Vs Eta - The Battle Royale
Last week it was announced that Eta were taking on Nu Squadron in a fight to see who was the greatest. For all there arrogance, Nu failed to wear down the teamwork of Eta and lost. Eta therefore got the
Squadron of the Week! Title for last week. Night Grue tamed Darknyte and grabbed the Iron Star for the Highest score. Read down to see who grabs it this week..

Wing Commander is rushed off his feet!
Until the 30th of April, I shall be working in Tactical. This is currently not a permenant move, only a temporary experiment but it will keep me busy. Things will still be done around here, just they'll be queued with the rest of the stuff I have to do.

Command Staff Changes
Due to RL problems, MAJ Rand al'Thor has stepped down from his position of Pi Commander and transfered to the reserves. His replacement is CPT Owen Nivarian, the former, Rejuvinated Commander. Niv is more active than ever... which is a good sign.
Also this week, I made Darknyte's stay at the Helm of Nu Squadron a permenant one. Thankfully, now he's Commander HE can do all his squadrons BSF's :P

Colossus grabs Two Battlegroup awards!
Now be calm everyone.. The Colossus is once again home to the Battlegroup squadron of the Month! This time, Eta Squadron picked up where Mu left off last month and slaughtered the competition.. My Congratulations to them.

To top that off, Darknyte scooped the Pilot of the Month award! Very well deserved it was too..

Moral of this story? WE ROCK!!!


Mostly regarding the aforementoned contest. Eta gloating and Nu crying.
Reminder to all: The Egroup is used for communication to the wing. I don't mind people posting on there about anything, just be sensible.

Lots of activity...apparently. I've been so busy I haven't had chance to log on for a while. Darknyte extended his lead over me to 20,000 words... I'm considering quoting the entirity of 'War and Peace' online..

Message Boards
More Eta limericks.. I haven't seen any Mu or Nu ones yet :P

More courses passed this week by Colossus Pilots. 10 in total..

 Bradtack  HTML 3
 Andrew Strinder  Tie Mission Creation, Tie Tactics
 Kodiak Kereban  ICQ, Computer Basics
 McCrea  HTML 1 & 3, mIRC 1 &2
 Maru Ki  ICQ
We don't just fly hard, we train hard too...

Now I could say that we had an awful week flying wise... but i'd be lying through my teeth :)
No fewer than 105 BSF's went through my inbox this week! Just to put that in perspective thats TWO for every pilot aboard! That puts us up to 150 for the month and back on course to equal (or exceed) our total last month.

Top 5 Pilots
 1st  LCM Alain Dindareanu  (Eta Squadron)  21 BSF's
 2nd  CM Wap Eal  (Eta Squadron)  17 BSF's
 3rd  CPT Owen Nivarian  (Pi Squadron)  15 BSF's
 4th  LT Kodiak Kereban  (Nu Squadron)  13 BSF's
 5th  CM Absolut Vodka  (Mu Squadron)  12 BSF's

Honorable Mention: LCM Andrew Strinder (Eta Squadron) - 10 BSF's

For the first time in my tenure as Wing Commander, Double Figures were required to get on the top five list. Alain Dindareanu leading the way from his Eta crewmates. CPT Owen Nivarian proves that flying IS possible in Pi and Kodiak Kereban maintains his impressive record of staying in the Top five list.

Winner of
Pilot of the Week? gotta be Alain Dindareanu.. A fantastic acheivement.

Top Squadron
Wowee!.. Just look at all those BSF's.

 1st  ETA SQUADRON  48 BSF's
 2nd  Nu Squadron  22 BSF's
 3rd  Pi Squadron  17 BSF's
 4th  Mu Squadron  15 BSF's
 5th  Omicron Squadron  3 BSF's

Eta regain the top spot after sharing it with Nu last week. But it's good to see ALL squadrons are making a go of it..

The following medals were awarded to our brave pilots this week. My congratulations to them

Iron Star - Bronze Wings:-
Night Grue, Kyle Katarn

Medal of Tactics- Blue Hammer:-
Kyle Katarn

Medal of Instruction:-
Kyle Katarn

LT Darknyte > CM!!
SL Aidan Pryde > LT!!
SL Endymion > LT!!

Transfers In
SL Zeratul Daedulus > Mu 3-3
CM Nic Rety Reserves > Mu 3-2
SL Aidan Pryde Daedulus > Pi 2-4
SL Maru Ki Daedulus > Omicron 1-3
SL Trideo Arkson Daedulus > Omicron 2-3
SL Ayddar Daedulus > Eta 1-2
MAJ Zystem Fryar Reserves > Pi 1-4

Transfers Out
MAJ Rand al'Thor Pi > Reserves
SL Corran Kojo Mu > Reserves
LT Luckoy Mu > Reserves
SL Watkins Nu > Reserves

Mu (-) Nu (-1) Pi (+1) Omicron (+2) Eta (+1)

Net gain of three pilots....Hurarh!!


Squadron Summaries

Mu Squadron now have back their Squadron Commander, Fresh from his semi-leave CM Absolut Vodka is whipping them into shape. Mu are looking good to become that fantastically strong squadron they were when they won the battlegroup squadron title last month.

Nu Squadron is now under the command of Darknyte on a permenant basis. They are working well as a team and are not only flying but taking many courses. Darknyte has institued a lyric competiton in his weekly reports... dunno where he got that idea from :P

Pi Squadron, CPT Owen Nivarian only assumed command on Friday so no report this week. They have a new pilot, Aidan Pryde has already been promoted in his first week aboard! Good job!

Omicron Squadron are in combat with Dagger Squadron at this very moment! The task is to fly FT-1, Uphold the pride of the Colossus and beat them about with a sharp pointy stick!!

Eta Squadron's Commander, Devlin should go on leave more often! Night Grue did a splendid job while he was away and is well on his way to becoming the Baron of the fleet. Eta Squadron first of all saw off the challenge of Nu and then went on to submit most of the BSF's through my inbox this week! The Battlegroup squadron of the month retain their
Squadron of the Week status.



Wing Commander's Leave
I *hope* to be going on holiday during the last week of May/ First week of June. Consider this a pre-warning. Mell will be in charge of wing operations until I come back to repair what damage he did :P


WC/LC Drake/Wing VIII/ ISD Colossus
Flying TIE Advanced Doombringer
ISD Colossus - Fleet Commander's Own 2000
Project Uprising - Keeping the Dream Alive
"Think you're the greatest?... Guess again.."


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