Wing X Report # 7 (2001-06-25)

This report was submitted by GN Darklord


== Wing X League ==
The Wing X league is in full swing, with the first round complete. Results for this will hopefully be out by Wednesday, or Thursday at the latest. Round 2 has begun, and has been distributed in an email before this report! I'll be updating the website tomorrow to bring it up to date.

== Inferno CMDR Promoted ==
Many congratulations to Inferno squadron CMDR, Calvin Nunb on promotion to the rank of Major! His dedication to Inferno and Wing X is something to be proud of, and this promotion is certainly well deserved! Also he's buying the drinks for a week :P

== BGAPL Challenge Champion ==
Congratulations to CM Sephiroth on becoming the Challenge Champion for the BGAPL!

== Trivia / Webhunt ==
The final round of the webhunt has begun - and the competition is still wide open! Also, the end of the month is coming meaning trivia medals will be awarded shortly.

== Cyclone CMDR ==
I have reviewed all applications for the position of Cyclone CMDR, and have chosen a new CMDR. This is still pending FO approval and I'll announce the new CMDR as soon as it has been approved!

== Tempest vs Praetorian ==
The deadline for this competition is fast approaching, and we'll see if Tempest have secured victory against the elite Praetorian by the time the next report is released with a little luck :)

== Typhoon vs Cyclone ==
Congratulations to Typhoon squadron on victory against Cyclone in their recent competition.

LCM Edvard (Inferno) -> Commander
CPT Calvin Nunb (Inferno) -> Major

LT Wysseri Arestar (Thunder) -> Eta/ISD Colossus
CPT Halcyon (Cyclone) -> Teth/SSSD Sov
CM Myn Nebers (Thunder) -> Reserves
LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor (Typhoon) -> Reserves
LT Xanatos Antares (Thunder) -> Reserves

-- none this week --

-- none this week --

General Darklord
WC/GN Darklord/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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