Wing X Report # 0 (2001-01-15)

This report was submitted by COL Darklord

ISD Challenge / Wing X News

Quiet week this week....

VA Corran Force celebrates 1 year as Chal COM!
Congratulations to VA Corran Force on his first anniversary as Commodore of the ISD Challenge!

A delayed BSF round-up for December
Slightly delayed for a number of reasons but the BSF count for December in Wing X is still impressive despite nearly 2 weeks of leave given to the wing! Figures were taken up until 31st December, 11:59pm. Here goes:
Cyclone - 80
Inferno - 99
Tempest - 15
Thunder - 21
Tornado - 43
Typhoon - 135
WC - 8
Total - 401

Sov SL
Still awaiting news of the next round which was supposed to be out yesterday....

CM Veers (Tornado) -> Captain

SL Krown (PLT Daedalus) -> Cyclone
CPT Merlin (Wing VIII?) -> Cyclone

LT Xanatos Antares (Thunder) - Imperial Security Medal
LCM Night Grue (Cyclone) - Imperial Security Medal
CM Saadam (Cyclone) - Imperial Security Medal
LCM Kyle Katarn (Cyclone) - Palpatine Crescent
LCM Triji Boliv (Inferno) - Palpatine Crescent
CM Locke (Inferno) - Palpatine Crescent
COL Jack (Inferno) - Palpatine Crescent
CPT Calvin Nunb (Inferno) - Palpatine Crescent
CPT Shakur (Tornado) - Palpatine Crescent
CPT Merlin (Cyclone) - Palpatine Crescent

IWATS Courses Completed
LCM Kyle Katarn - VBScript, PHP/1, PHP/2
COL Syn Kaek - VBScript
LCM Sint Seelasi - Rebellion Tactics, mIRC/2
CPT Calvin Nunb - PHP/1, PHP,2
CM Corran Halcyon - PHP/1

Colonel Darklord

WC/COL Darklord/Wing X/ISD Challenge
[PLDN] {IWATS-CBX-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-SM/1/2}
EH Battlegroups Communications Officer

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