Wing XIII Report # 7 (2002-05-05)

This report was submitted by LC Wes Janson

    Looong couple of weeks. School work, one mother of a math test, and crash course golf training. My lower back is shot to hell right now, so if I seem absent minded or miserable these next few days, I apologize.
    On the plus side - I shot my best game of my one year Golf career yesterday, after moving back from the Gold tees to the White tees. Anyone who golfs knows this can be from an extra four to a hundred and forty yard step back. So I'm happy. :P


1) SCIV is still on!
    I've still got some BSFs to do, which I'll get around to once the Database lets me BSF them again. Last time I tried it, it crapped out on me. Apologies to all (especially LCM Thorn, who reminded me of his BSFs. Sorry man, I'll try it again tonight some, and around 8 AM tommorrow morning if I get a chance!). Same for the rest of you - I have your BSFs, I just need the DB to let me do them.
2) ImpStorm III is on!
    Taken from the Imperial Holonet News Service...  "The Sovereign group layed the smackdown upon the Battlegroups, with losses in the hundreds of thousands! The ISD Immortal was destroyed around 1200 hours yesterday, to which fighter losses totalled almost 95%. The Sovereign group took minimal losses, suffering only three lost fighters. Final estimates are being completed in damages, and should be released shortly..." Thats my foray into journalism. :P
    With some luck, us ASF jockeys will see some serious action soon. I'm getting trigger happy. :P
3) CMDRs announcements for Crusader and Phoenix!!!
These are my preliminary choices... Az, if you have any concerns (since I've been unable to reach you lately), I'm waiting two days to send in the promotions to the FO.
Phoenix - CM Mage!
Crusader - CM Devin Taralis!   
    Thanks to all the applicants, but these are the two I deemed our most qualified applicants. Az, any concerns, you have 48 hours to bring them to my attention. :P
4) Star Wars Galaxies Beta Test signup is on!
    Move fast, limited numbers. I'm adding my name to the list of hopefuls soon. :P
6) Your friendly neighborhood Wing Commander is trying to teach himself PHP, ASP, and MySQL 
    Could be hella ugly... especially trying to learn ASP too. :P Progress reports to be released once I find out how to USE PHP. :P
WC's Note : Should anyone want to help me, I'd appreciate it. :P
7) It's MSE time!
    It's May 5th... where the hell are my MSEs?! I have two right now, I need two more (Tartarus, Vortex). Phoenix won't have an official one this month, and I'll try to get what I can from Hev.


LoCx2 --> LT Daala
PC --> LT Girth Snail
CoB --> LT Girth Snail



-=IWATS Courses=-

XTT --> LCM Death Knight
CBX --> LCM Death Knight


CM Ghost Rezdar --> RSV's --> Valk 3-2! (Thats the second person I've managed to recruit to the Grey Wolf this month. Go me! :P)
SL TK-8733 --> PLT Daedalus --> Vortex 2-2! Welcome aboard!

-=Final Thoughts=-

    Well, we're getting smacked down in SCIV. So I need everyone to get back to their cockpits.
    To our new CMDRs - 48 Hours before I send off your promotions to the FO, so RA Azazel can voice any concerns he has. I'm not forseeing any trouble, so it shouldn't be too bad.
    Uhh, lemme think now... Oh yes! Seeing as Project Delta (or whatever the hell they call it) is in a total stalemate, I need a hand. If anyone out there listening knows someone who can, or can themselves - either make me a template for my reports, or can make me a generator for reports (I don't know which is easier. :P), please e-mail me ASAP. I'm certain I can get you a medal. My ideas for a generator -
1) Fields (IE - News, etc) which will lets me put in the news, and places it into a coherent list.
2) Color coding for Medals/IWATS Courses etc - I click the box on who got the medal and put the name in, and it colors the Medal and name that color.
    Thats all I can think of right now... I'll get back to you. :P I don't know how feasable that is, but if you can, I WILL get you a medal. Even for a template in HTML, you will be fairly rewarded.
    Also - Squadron CMDRs - I want you (for fun. :P) to pick an official Squadron color. This color will be painted on your fighters on the trim, so as to ID you as a Grey Wolf pilot, and which Squadron. For example, I know Phoenix Squadron's primaries are Blue, red, and black. So it's something for fun, for us to use in fictions and so on... plus it lets me color code everyones names in my Reports so as it makes it easier to know where everyone who was awarded something is. :P
    Welp, thats it. Join me next week for Chapter 8! :P
Lieutenant Colonel Wes Janson
Lieutenant Colonel 
( - "The Wrench, Eight Ball"
WC-ENV/LC Wes Janson/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

DJK Hawk Falcone (Sith)/AED/Archanis of Taldryan
Brigadier Janson
IWTAC/BRG Janson/IWCS-5/MC-60 Warhammer/IW/EH

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