Wing I Report # 28 (2002-10-27)

This report was submitted by GN Gen Es'mith

Wing I Weekly Report #28

None for October
Although the TIE Corps Site has reopened, DO NOT DO ANY UPDATES to your personnel record or submit any
BSFs and such. Today some of the roster changes have been processed, but expect a delay.
I received no official email from my commanders or pilots this week.
As far as I know, they've all quit.
Some wings and ships have been able to have awards and promotions processed,
I have not. I am thoroughly disgusted at the lack of activity in this wing and am seriously looking at why I should
bother to remain as Wing Commander or even active in the TC as a whole.
Only one squadron, Epsilon, has submitted roster/squadron changes to the FO, as was mentioned in last week's
report. Does anyone actually read my reports?
Expect more if there is more to be offered.

WC/GN Gen Es'mith/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

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