Wing XIII Report # 0 (2002-11-19)

This report was submitted by MAJ Hev Randrowan


Welcome back to Coremy Jertese, who recently rejoined Vortex:)
Finally, all squads have assigned CMDRs and FLs again, thanks for your quick moving, CMDRs.
New Mailing group of the GW is


..:[GW Mailing Group]:..

Post message:
List owner:

CMDRs: Copy and paste this stuff, yeah? Whenever you get a new pilot into the squad, be sure to tell him/her to write a message to so he gets on the list, got it?


..:[Weekly Squadron Reports]:..

*checks his list and growls..
*whacks Kehl and Chrissy with a rolled up newspaper.
Where are the WSRs?:) Either: Be ready to hand them in at Fridays or simply tell me to further delay my Wing Report so you can bring your WSRs in before I
rant you. (Shhh... if you don't want to have Sarin eat you alive... better write them on Fridays:)



I heard mumbling that some are keen on some medal grabbing actions...
Heh... nothing against it , no no no, I like the idea. But, IMHO, we shouldn't start flying each other again. If you want a Wing Wide Comp, we gonna
move against another Wing. We are the Wolfpack, we fight together.
CMDRs shall have the right to put up comps between their squads if they want to sharpen claws.

Flight Members/Flight Leaders: Feel free to talk to them and offer your ideas:)
(Shh, little hint: Telling them what you like makes their job easier:)


..:[Overall situation]:..

Members, I still got the feeling that we all miss something. You know what it is? Well... I tell you. We still lack of background.
The reason why I don't have a fiction in the report. But actually: DON'T expect your CMDRs to do all the defining stuff for your squads. It's NOT their job to
actually give them atmosphere and identity. So, to every member out there (especially the old grumps:), start communicating with your CMDRs, tell jokes and do
something crazy on IRC. Hell, if you feel like it, start some traditions inside your squads like the Vortex brewery. We can't do all the thinking and rambling for you.
Everything that is unique and somewhat interesting, write it up, write fiction from it, draw pics from it, take it into your INPRs, take it as a basis of your own behaviour.



Are we allowed to BSF now?:)

CMDRs! Let them roll! BSFs are free to go...

(NOTE: If you submit a BSF right now, you WON'T get a mail notification because the Mailing server is still dead. The BSF will work correctly though.)


..:[Where's my Pizza,d00d?]:..

I'll include to our Wing a nice little habit I developed in Vortexsquad....
Every week, I gonna draw a random number....Then, I gonna count down the WingXIII roster with that number and the lucky one to be drawn will
have the honor to... deliver me a pizza:)

How this looks like: You got to write a fiction on how you get me some (or NOT get me some) pizza. I suggest to really pull me over the table if you wish.
You're allowed almost everything in this kind of fiction, only pizza got to play a decent role...

Well...this week sees the only exception from the count down rule: Thorn, being so kind to flood me with 34 BSFs.... has earned the honor of writing the first
"Where's my Pizza, d00d?" fiction:) Congratulations... and remember... no fiction by next WWR and.... *points at the toilets....

I think you guys can imagine: This concept needs you all to play along... So, if I hit "you" next time, be fair and play along, write a fiction and just don't let me hang, okay?


I think that's all to be said for this week...
You guys are free to go....

WC/MAJ Hev Randrowan/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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