Wing X Report # 21 (2003-09-14)

This report was submitted by MAJ Frey Gallandro


Report XXI

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.

Some of you may have noticed, others may have not, it has been an extraordinary week, for all of us.


I want to start with a damn fine officer that just resigned, our Flight Officer and Tie Corps Commander, HA Priyum Patel.

Pri just resigned from his positions, after several years of excellent service, but rl is taking it’s price, and so we loose not only a damn fine officer, but an institution of the EH.

Good Luck Pri !

And with Pri resigning, we loose also TK-9780 from Cyclone Squadron.
Thanks for your excellent service TK and good luck in your future, I completely agree with your point of view.

Next, we have a new OPS and I will get my arse in move to finish the MSE’s that are laying on my desk.

Life has been busy for me the last week, I have moved into a new appartment near to my university. And with this move comes a big problem for me, I`m now using a broadband I-net access with awesome 10Mbit/s, just with the little mistake that nearly all ports are closed.

I already requested that they open the ports for IRC and ICQ for my IP, but I have no response yet. I can`t say when I will be able to idle again on IRC, so don`t do any nasty things there, well, not without me :)

The position as CMDR of Inferno and of Tempest are still open for apps, until the end of the week. I have for both positions an application so far.

Oh, I downloaded the new JK3 demo within a couple of secs (>:) ) and I must say that it truly rocks !!!!

So far from the NEWS.


Hehe, we kicked the Fear :)

So far, some Squadron Competitions.

I`m working on the bigger one and hope to present some results till Friday.

Medals and Promotions

To many to list them, since I have just access to webmail, and that’s a pain.

Congrats to all that received a medal, a few will be awarded with a slight delay.

Wing Commanders Corner


I haven`t seen a single pilot file in over a week now, that’s a shame.
You are pilots, so act like pilots.

Have a nice week :)


WC/MAJ Frey Gallandro/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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