Wing XIV Report # 16 (2003-08-25)

This report was submitted by LC Phantom

My apologies for this late report. I have several projects that have occupied my time, which will hopefully be finished up soon.

Also, as some of you may have noticed, Frodo is now MIA. So until he returns, or something drastic happens, please reffer any questions you may have to me and I will try to answer them in a timely manner.

Wing News

1.- The Intrepid Activity Comp ends tomorrow. Please get your submissions in ASAP. You should also mail them to Frodo, so he can finish tallying up the scores when he returns.

2.- Congratulations are in order for CM Zhaim Jifarr on his recent promotion. Congrats CM!!

3.- The SSL is finally over. Congrats to Diamondback for placing 1st in the XvT division!!

TIE Corps News

Sunday · August 24 · 2003
Flight Officer Back
10:20 - HA Priyum Patel []
Ok, wipe away those tears folks, I'm back. First off, my sincere apologies for this unexpected absence...a culmination of deadlines and serious computer problems all conspired to keep me off line for the past week.

Anyway, the majority of updates are now complete. Those that aren't, I'm afraid will need to be resent to me since I ended up losing a significant portion of my HD during the troubles. Again my apologies for this.

In other news, I'm sorry to report that Vice Admiral RogueWing has decided to step down as Commodore of the ISD Immortal and take up a FM's position in Ghost Squadron. RW was one of the finest Flag Officers to grace the TIE Corps and I'm very sorry to see him go. The Flight Office extends its thanks for all the work he's put into his Battlegroup and Ship.
05:45 - VA Kyle Katarn []
I know this is a bit off topic, but look at this site.

After this Game is finished, then there could be an Imperial MOD made for Star Wars. This game is especially made for MODers. The MOD that comes with Starshatter itself seems a bit superficially! However if there is a good Imp. SW MOD made this could help the EH very much!
Saturday · August 23 · 2003
The Make A New mIRC Function Competition
19:10 - Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias []
I have started yet another COMM competition (this must be a record for COMM ;). Its called the "Make a new mIRC function" competition. The idea is to make a simple function that provides a useful way to do a task in mIRC. Entries do not have to be massive full fledged scripts like P&P, rather a simple paragraph of code that will do something useful.

Rewards are as follows:
1st Place: IS-GR
2nd Place: IS-SR
3rd Place: IS-BR

I'm hoping to promote mIRC scripting in the EH, and perhaps find a few good coders to help make an "EH Script" package. The contest will end at 12 midnight EST 2003/09/05. Please send all submissions to .
Friday · August 22 · 2003
XOA positions open
21:05 - SA Astatine []
The Executive Office is perhaps one of the most important in the Emperor's Hammer. It covers a wide range of duties and responsibilities and requires a large skills base from all staff in the office.
Executive Office Assistant Alpha
This position will primarily deal with tasks related to newsletters and the monitoring of subgroups.
Selection Criteria - Essential
Good written communication skills
An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
Fast email response time
The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel
Selection Criterial - Desirable
Demonstrated HTML experience
High speed internet connection
Proven record keeping experience and/or experience in repetative tasks
Executive Office Assistant Beta
This position will primarily deal with tasks relating to the upkeep and maintenance of the TIE Corps database.
Selection Criteria - Essential
Good written communications skills
An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
Fast email response time
Prior web development experience
Selection Criteria - Desirable
Demonstrated experience with ASP
Demonstrated experience with Access and/or SQL Server
How to apply
You must address each selection criteria in detail, providing supporting evidence and examples for each. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. You will need to meet at least the Essential criteria to be considered for the position. You must include at least three (3) references. At least one must be a former or, preferably, a current superior. Ensure you have the permission of your references first. Applications should be directed to with the subject "Application for XOA".


LT Glauron - LoC
LCM Machinari - LoC
CM Spade - LoC
SL Margarine - LoCx2
CM CrimsonFury - LoCx2
LT Lonestar - LoCx5

Great job on the MP wins!


LT Callista Fairbright has been transferred to the Reserves
LCM Nova Killer has been transferred to the Reserves
CM Sabbath has tranferred from the Reserves to Copperhead. Welcome to the Intrepid!


LCM Zhaim Jifarr has been promoted to CM. Congrats Zhaim!!


Just a reminder, we are still in the middle of a ship wide competition.
Also, I would like to see more MP participation from all members of the Intrepid. Remember, nice shiny medals are awarded for every win.

Final Thoughts

Activity has been on the rise. I like seeing this. You all deserve a good pat on the back for this. I'm proud of all of you for your efforts. Keep up the good work!!

That is all.

WC/LC Phantom/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
BSx3/PCx4/ISMx2/IS-2BW-1BR/LoC-IS-CSx2-Rx4/DFC-Rx2/CoL/CoB/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-AIM-IIC/1-M/1/2-SM/2/3-TT-XTM/1/2}

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