Wing X Report # 1 (2003-09-30)

This report was submitted by COL Master

~Wing X Wing Report #1~ - 30th September 2003~

***~Wing Commander's Rant~***
Ahhh my very first Wing report, i feel so misty i think I'm going to cry *sniffles*.

May i just thank all those who helped me settle in as a Wing Commander, all those cakes, cookies, and exploding flaming brown paper bags that appeared outside my office door were just wonderful, thanks again :)

*** ~Wing News~***
*New Wing Commander*
Well if you have been living under a rock or something for the last few days you may have missed that the Challenge has a new WC, and its me! So yay me and everyone should buy me a drink to say "Yay Master" or something along those lines :P

Congratulations to Elwood the Brave who was promoted to the rank of Major yesterday due to his fine service to Typhoon Squadron and the Challenge.

Congratulations Woody, this promo is well deserved and may you enjoy being a Major.
Now everyone buy him a drink to help celebrate.

*Closure of Typhoon Squadron*
Yes the rumors are true, after much discussion its been decided to close Typhoon Squadron as everyone other than Woody were AWOL.

This is the second closed squadron we have now, and i know I'm not the only one who doesn't like this.
It's a known fact our numbers have been dropping and quite fast, we are no longer one of the biggest ships in the fleet, so we need to increase our numbers.

By this time next month id like to see us with number rising, so all of us, lets get out there and recruit some newbies, just think of all the fun we can have with them ;)

*New Commander's*
I know they have had the spots for a week or so now, but one again, congrats to CPT Chris McCollum who is the new CMDR of Tempest and CM Quincy Nelson who is the new Inferno CMDR.

Good luck to both.

If you haven't noticed the Challenge is in desperate need of pilots, get out there and ask your friends, your relatives, parents, grandmothers, dogs, i don't care, lets just get some people in here.

I am offering a ISM per recruit (Cadet and RSV's alike) and a PC per 5 recruits, so theres a chance for you to get lots of medals and to help the Challenge.

*New Competitions*
Yes i have annoyed our COM with heaps of Comp Approval e-mails, so now we have some lovely comps to take part in.

They are all outlines in the Order's section below.

*New Pilot*
Please welcome Lt Fortune to Tempest Squadron.
Fortune joins us from lands unknown, so if you see him around say hello and perhaps buy him a drink.

*Ship Standing Orders.*
Being Updated

***~Wing Orders~***
*Whip Master into Shape*

I need your help, I've entered the Sovereign Cup, and I'm likely to get my behind kicked, so i need you guys to help whip me back into fighting form.

So here is your opportunity to beat your WC in combat, which should be every pilots dream!
The chance to stick it too me, and the ability to have complete bragging rights over the fact that you rule and I suck.

Each week in my report, ill pick one TIE-FREE mission for everyone to fly, all you have to do is beat my score.
The person with the highest score will win a IS-SW
And everyone who beats me will get a IS-BW

So its really easy to win some medals.

Now I'm aware that the missions are off-line, however i wont let that stop us!
The Mission File is attached to this email, and is TIE-FREE Battle #24 - Krett #1

I would like all submissions by the 6th, which is next Monday, ill be announcing the winner in my report as well as the next "round" of it.

All pilot files to your Commander's as normal.

*Weekly Wing X Trivia*

Yes Trivia is making a comeback this coming month.
Each Wednesday I'm going to send out 10 Questions.
You don't only have to be fast, but you have to get them right too.

The Person with the most right who is the fastest, gets 9 points
Second gets 6 points
Third gets 3 Points
Fourth gets 1 Points

And ill give one point to the first person who can tell me what game i got this point scheme from ;)

Over the month peoples scores will be counted and at the end of the month the person who has the most points will win a IS-SR, Second getting a IS-BR and third getting one point for the next months round.

Simple as that.
Answers go to me and me only, you send it to the list and your DQ'd for the round, sorry but its the only way for you guys to remember :P

First lot of Questions will be out tomorrow.

*New Wing Banner*

Yes its time for a new wing banner, I'm looking for a sort of banner that can go on the TC Roster page, so you pretty much can make anything, but remember its for the wing not the ship.

You can submit as much as you want, all entries to me by the 31st of October (CC your CMDR as well).

*Monthly Awards*
Once I've gotten all my CMDR's MSE's expect me to announce Pilot, Squadron & Commander of the month.
There's some shiny bobbles to be won with this too.

More on this next report. 

*Vote for Comps*
I've started a message board poll at which people are voting for the comps they would like to see over the next month or two, so go vote and write down a few comments.

***~Battlegroup News~***
*New IRC Channel*
We have got a new Battlegroup IRC Channel at #tc_battlegroups
So come in and say hello, tell some jokes, have a laugh & chat to some people from other ships.

*ECR in the works*
Yes the rumors are true, there is a ECR being planned, we are currently the Flagship, and i don't want to lose this title, so lets all train so we can dominate once again.

***~Fleet News~***

*FO Policy*
There is an interesting Message Board post at
I suggest everyone at least go and read it,  as it could help decide what happens in the EH over the next few months.

*Newsletters Published*
Two Newsletters were published this week.
All links are on the TC News page.

Don't forget if you make some graphics or write something to submit it to the XO for the newsletters, not only is your stuff put on show but you can be awarded LoA's.

*Imperial Storm IV: The BG's Revenge*
Started yesterday, Rules and Details can be found at the War Office ( under Current Wargames.

*Project Shield*
I am told this is almost complete, with only the XvT-FREE missions left to update.
Trust me guys this will be worth the wait.
Should be reading in the next 24hrs.

Keep an eye on the TC news page for updates.

*Patches Released*
Ender has been a busy SCO this week with several patches and updates being released.
Can you find a list  in his latest report which can be found here.

***~The Usual Suspects~***
(Anything i miss i apologize, I'm going off Reports since i wasn't WC for some of this)

LT Fortune ---> Tempest 1-2

MAJ Elwood the Brave -- Typhoon CMDR ----> Inferno 1-2
LT Zarn -- Typhoon 3-4 ----> RSV's (AWOL)
LT Yokel -- Typhoon 3-2 ----> RSV's (AWOL)
LT John Pennl -- Typhoon 1-3 ---> RSV's (AWOL)
LT Jack Dawl -- Typhoon 1-2 -----> RSV's (AWOL)

Elwood the Brave (Inferno) ----> Major

WC/COL Master (Wing X) ----> Iron Star - Bronze Wings
CMDR/CPT Stuart (Thunder) ----> Iron Star - Silver Ribbon
FM/COL Beef (Thunder) ----> Iron Star - Gold Wings
FM/COL Beef (Thunder) ----> Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon
FM/COL Beef (Thunder) ----> Iron Star - Silver Wings x2
FL/CPT Alexi Stukov (Thunder) ---> Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon
FL/CPT Alexi Stukov (Thunder) ---> Iron Star - Bronze Wings
FL/CPT Rover (Tempest) -----> Iron Star - Bronze Wings

61 FCHG Points Awarded

FM/LT Fortune (Tempest) -- IWATS Squadron Management 3 ----> 95%

*Email Changes*

*Ship Averages*
FCHG Average -- 508
Combat Rating Average -- 6

***~Dark Lord of the Week~***
The highly prestigious title of Dark Lord of the Week is only given to the person who has most advanced the success in the wing, amused the WC, or slipped me the most $5 notes in a brown paper bag. This week's winner is:

CPT Stuart  - By flying seven battles which forced me to remember how to BSF.

***~Ewok of the Week~***
Yub Yub!

Every story has a hero, every journey has a first step, every Fleet has a pilot who's about as much use as an ashtray on a speeder bike. This weeks's Prize Ewok is none other than:

Everyone who stands in the Challenge;'s way >:P

***~Quote of the Week~***
*** RA_Locke sets mode: +o `Prost
*** `Prost sets mode: -o `Prost
<`Prost> ops is too much like responsibility :P
*** Stan-Away has joined #tc_battlegroups
*** RA_Locke sets mode: +o Stan-Away
*** `Tyke sets mode: +o `Prost
*** `Prost sets mode: -o `Prost
*** Stan-Away sets mode: +o `Prost
*** `Prost sets mode: -o `Prost
<`Prost> will you stop opping me!!! :P

~We all love our op's, well except Prost :P

***~Site of the Week~***
Go read Prost's stories and tell him what you think.

***~Final Comments~***
Not a bad week activity wise, several people flying, medals being awarded and IWATS tests being done, lets see if we can increase this for next week.

Until next time....

Colonel Master
Wing Commander - ISD Challenge
IWATS Professor - Rebellion Tactics
TAC Office - Head XWA Crash Test Dummy

WC-TCC:XWA-PROF/COL Master/Wing X/ISD Challenge
GS/SSx2/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx13/MoT-1rh-1gh-1bh/IS-20BW-5SW-1SR-1PR/LoC-CSx2-Rx4/DFC-Rx1/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx5/OV-2E [GLDR] {IWATS-AIM-BOT-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TM-TT-XAM-XTM/1/2-XTT}

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