Wing X Report # 2 (2003-10-09)

This report was submitted by COL Master

~Wing X Wing Report #2~ - 9th of October 2003~

***~Wing Commander's Rant~***
The mighty ISD-II Challenge was silent as it travelled in hyperspace. Pilots and workers alike lay snuggled up in their bunks, weary of the two week long tour around the borders of EH space. After several skirmishes with Rebel's and Pirates alike the crew were looking forward to a nice long rest when they returned to Audora.
In the heart if the Challenge the Cantina was surprisingly quiet also, except for a pair of human engineers playing sabacc all the booths were empty.

The only other figure in the bar was the Wing Commander of Wing X, Colonel Master. He was hunched over a datapad with a drink in hand typing his Wing Report.

He stretched a little and looked around, he knew he still had a few hours before any of the pilots were up and around which was perfect.

Rubbing his eyes he went back to work, he was as tired as the rest of them, but after flying the last engagement and helping COL Beef tweek the flight sims his tiredness was starting to get the better of him.

Ordering another drink from the Bar-Service Droid he continued working, he smiled a little as he reached a certain part, was to be an interesting report.

Yes its report time, and yes i know its late, but I've been working stealthily behind the scenes on a new project of mine so i forgot i had to bring you all your weekly Master fix ;)

*** ~Wing News~***
*September - The Month that was*
Yes we draw close to another month, bringing us ever closer to the end of the year, Christmas, a whole New Year, Resolutions, and getting really really drunk at parties....hmmm bring on New Years!!!!!!.

Several of you will find shiny bobbles in your email hopefully within the next few days for your activity for September, yay for you guys, you deserve it. I'll post a full list of awards when they are awarded.

So congrats to everyone who gets something, lets get our activity up over October so lots more shiny bobbles can go out to all you active pilots.

I'm pleased to announce that three pilots have been promoted this week.

The following pilots have severed the Challenge and Wing X valiantly for several months, and its gives me great pleasure to be able to announce the pilots in question.

Fritz Von Stukart, you have served your squadron, your wing, your ship and your fellow pilots valiantly through several months of service, you are a invaluable member of the Challenge and I am proud to have you serve in the wing, i hereby promote you to the rank of Commander with all its rights and privileges, congratulations.

Cheriss Ke Hanadi, over the last several months you have proven yourself as a fine pilot, a great flight leader and a great wingmate, you have amassed a impressive record in your service so far and I am more than happy to promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, congratulations.

And finally, this one came as a bit of a shock as the pilot is more than qualified for this promotion and it would be an insult for him to keep his current rank any more.

Stuart, over the last several years i have watched as you have progressed in the ranks from Flight Member all the way up to Squadron Commander. You have proved that you are a fine Commander making Thunder Squadron a great squad to be in. You have proven yourself to be much more than a Captain and it gives me great pleasure to award you the rank of Major. Congratulations Major, you deserve it.

*Closure of Cyclone Squadron*
Yes Cyclone has gone down the same road as Tornado and Typhoon and closed. I know its a shame to see another squadron closed, but now we have three active squads who i know are ready to kick some ass.

We are happy to see LC Styles stay with us in the wing in Inferno Squadron. Great to have you still with us Styles.

*Wing Awards for September*
I told you last week that i would be reviving the Wing Awards and yes its time to announce WC's own for September 2003.

Attached to this email you will find a ZIP File, its contains some lovely pictures that were made by our very own Tempest CMDR, CPT Chris McCollum. These pictures show the newly created trophies that the winners have won. Each month the winners will win the trophy and will hold onto it until the next month when the next winners are announce. So if you want to keep your hands on a trophy then you had better win more than one month in a row ;)

Winners also get the following medals:

Squadron of the Month: CMDR: IS-SW - Pilots: IS-BW
CMDR of the Month: IS-SR
Pilot of the Month: IS-SR

And here are your winners for September.

Wing X Squadron of the Month
Thunder Squadron
Wing X Pilot of the Month
FL/CPT Alexi
Wing X CMDR of the Month
 CMDR/MAJ Stuart

Clean Sweep by Thunder this month, congrats to them, medals are on the way boys.
Lets see both Tempest and Inferno kick it up a notch and try and wrestle those trophies off Thunder next month.

If you haven't noticed the Challenge is in desperate need of pilots, get out there and ask your friends, your relatives, parents, grandmothers, dogs, i don't care, lets just get some people in here.

I am offering a ISM per recruit (Cadet and RSV's alike) and a PC per 5 recruits, so theres a chance for you to get lots of medals and to help the Challenge.

*New Pilots*
If you haven't already, please welcome CM Dulcatos to the Challenge. He has joined Thunder squadron and we are glad to have him onboard. Now go buy him a few drinks.

*Ship Standing Orders.*
Being Updated

***~Wing Orders~***
*Whip Master into Shape*

I need your help, I've entered the Sovereign Cup, and I'm likely to get my behind kicked, so i need you guys to help whip me back into fighting form.

So here is your opportunity to beat your WC in combat, which should be every pilots dream!
The chance to stick it too me, and the ability to have complete bragging rights over the fact that you rule and I suck.

Each week in my report, ill pick one TIE-FREE mission for everyone to fly, all you have to do is beat my score.
The person with the highest score will win a IS-SW
And everyone who beats me will get a IS-BW

First Round Results are in, they are as follows:

FL/CPT Rover (Tempest) ----> 26,686 (Wins IS-SW)
FL/CM Infamus (Inferno) ------> 24,672 (Wins IS-BW)
WC/COL Master (X) ------->16,334
FM/CM Dulcatos (Inferno) ------> 10,497

Look how easy it is to beat the WC, now both Rover and Infamus can run around saying i outflew the WC.

Here's another chance for everyone to beat me once again, the next FREE is
TIE-FREE Battle #222 - Emperor's Hammer Postal Service.

All pilots files need to be to your Commanders (and CMDR's to me) by next Monday, which is the 13th. I urge all pilots to take part and win a medal, practice your flying skills, whomp some enemy fighters, win a medal, come away with bragging rights and be one of the best.

What more could you want.

All pilot files to your Commander's as normal.

*Weekly Wing X Trivia*

Standings after One Round:
CMDR/MAJ Stuart ----> 9 Points (10 Right)
FM/COL Beef -----> 6 Points (9 Right)
FM/LCM Prost Varsis -------> 3 Points (5 Right)

That's the standings so far, only three people submitted this week so theres an extra point now up for grabs if you can name what N64 Game this scoring system comes from.

Yes Trivia is making a comeback this coming month.
Each Wednesday I'm going to send out 10 Questions.
You don't only have to be fast, but you have to get them right too.

The Person with the most right who is the fastest, gets 9 points
Second gets 6 points
Third gets 3 Points
Fourth gets 1 Points

And ill give one point to the first person who can tell me what game i got this point scheme from (Two points up for grabs in this now)

Over the month peoples scores will be counted and at the end of the month the person who has the most points will win a IS-SR, Second getting a IS-BR and third getting one point for the next months round.

Simple as that.
Answers go to me and me only, you send it to the list and your DQ'd for the round, sorry but its the only way for you guys to remember :P

Next Round will be out in a new email shortly.

*New Wing Banner*

Yes its time for a new wing banner, I'm looking for a sort of banner that can go on the TC Roster page, so you pretty much can make anything, but remember its for the wing not the ship.

You can submit as much as you want, all entries to me by the 31st of October (CC your CMDR as well).

No Submissions yet, come on i don't care if its boxes and stuff that was made up in paint, i want to see lots of submissions.

*Vote for Comps*
I've started a message board poll at which people are voting for the comps they would like to see over the next month or two, so go vote and write down a few comments.

***~Battlegroup News~***
*New IRC Channel*
We have got a new Battlegroup IRC Channel at #tc_battlegroups
So come in and say hello, tell some jokes, have a laugh & chat to some people from other ships.

*ECR in the works*
Yes the rumors are true, there is a ECR being planned, we are currently the Flagship, and i don't want to lose this title, so lets all train so we can dominate once again.

***~Fleet News~***

*FO Policy*
There is an interesting Message Board post at
I suggest everyone at least go and read it,  as it could help decide what happens in the EH over the next few months.

*Newsletters Published*
Several Newsletters published this week
All links are on the TC News page.

Don't forget if you make some graphics or write something to submit it to the XO for the newsletters, not only is your stuff put on show but you can be awarded LoA's.

*Imperial Storm IV: The BG's Revenge*
Started yesterday, Rules and Details can be found at the War Office ( under Current Wargames.

*Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher*
Yes finally Uber and Shield have been finished, and the EHBL is the result. I know lots of you are annoyed with this idea, but i urge you to go here and read the top Ender' post, he explains why we need this program, it should answer all your questions.

The thread can be found here

***~The Usual Suspects~***

CM Dulcatos -----> Thunder 2-2

LC Styles ------> Inferno 2-2

Stuart -----> Major
Fritz -----> Commander
Cheriss ----> Lt Commander

CMDR/CM Quincy Nelson (Inferno) -----> IS-BR

71 FCHG Points Awarded (Up 10 points from last week, good work)

FM/LT Fortune (Tempest) -- IWATS mIRC 1 -------> 100%

*Email Changes*

*Ship Averages*
FCHG Average -- 524 (up from last week, good job)
Combat Rating Average -- 6

***~Dark Lord of the Week~***
The highly prestigious title of Dark Lord of the Week is only given to the person who has most advanced the success in the wing, amused the WC, or slipped me the most $5 notes in a brown paper bag. This week's winner is:

CPT Rover, for beating his WC in combat, congrats and don't slander my good name too much ;)

***~Ewok of the Week~***
Yub Yub!

Every story has a hero, every journey has a first step, every Fleet has a pilot who's about as much use as an ashtray on a speeder bike. This weeks's Prize Ewok is none other than:

Everyone who didn't partake in the 'Whip Master into shape' comp, shame on you all for missing out on medals. Shame on you all.

***~Quote of the Week~***
i couldnt find anything, if anyone comes across something,  feel free to send it to me.

***~Site of the Week~***
Go read Prost's stories and tell him what you think.

***~Final Comments~***
Master yawned loudly, standing trying to stretch his muscles which were sore and tight.

Looking around he noticed he was the only one in the Cantina, it was time for bed.

Hitting send on the report, so it set to the Wing, Master walked slowly towards the door looking forward to a few hours of needed sleep. 

Colonel Master
Wing Commander - ISD Challenge
IWATS Professor - Rebellion Tactics
TAC Office - Head XWA Crash Test Dummy

WC-TCC:XWA-PROF/COL Master/Wing X/ISD Challenge
GS/SSx2/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx13/MoT-1rh-1gh-1bh/IS-20BW-5SW-1SR-1PR/LoC-CSx2-Rx4/DFC-Rx1/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx5/OV-2E [GLDR] {IWATS-AIM-BOT-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TM-TT-XAM-XTM/1/2-XTT}

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