Wing X Report # 4 (2003-11-10)

This report was submitted by COL Master

~Wing X Wing Report #4~ - 10th of November 2003~

***~Wing Commander's Rant~***
And so ends another month, where does the time go I wonder, lots of news this week so I'll stop going on and on about nothing and let u get to it.

*** ~Wing News~***
*October - The Month that was*
Yup another month has finished and we get ever closer to that dreaded Xmas holiday and the party filled New Years.

I finished doing my Wing Evaluation last nite and I'm pleased to announce that we all managed to fly 346 missions throughout October. So you can all give yourselves a big pat on the back.

*Stuart smacks Master on the back then runs for his life*

Many of you will find medals floating into your inbox over the next few days due to your activity, excellent job to everyone who gets awarded something. To those who don't, dust off that joystick and find that dreaded IWATS page and go nuts, you wont be without for long.

Here is a list of WC's Own Awards.
They were extremely hard to pick this month but in the end we needed winners, so congrats to the following:

Wing X Squadron of the Month
Thunder Squadron
Wing X Pilot of the Month
CPT Rover
Wing X CMDR of the Month
 CPT Chris McCollum

Congrats to Thunder for winning Squadron of the month for the second month running, excellent job to Rover who broke several High Scores to gain Pilot of the Month, and excellent job to Chris who did a great job at controlling those nutters in Tempest Squadron.

Medals on the ways guys.

*Revised Ship Standing Orders*
After much discussion between me, the COM, and the CMDR's here is the new list of Ship Standing Orders. They are in-force as of right now, and have been approved by both the BGCOM and FO.

I suggest everyone read them as there is quite a bit of info in there.

Here is a few of the main points:

-Responsible for attempting a minimum of one piece of activity per week, including graphics, flying missions, or writing fiction.
-Required to participate in competitions designated as mandatory by their Wing Commander or Commodore, unless they have a good excuse (such as illness, family or real life concerns, technical problems)

Flight Leaders:
-Responsible for writing a Weekly Flight Report.
-Responsible for attempting a minimum of one piece of activity per week, including graphics, flying missions, or writing fiction.
-Required to participate in competitions designated as mandatory by their Commander, Wing Commander or Commodore, unless they have a good excuse (such as illness, family or real life concerns, technical problems)

Flight Members:
-Responsible for attempting a minimum of one piece of activity per week when they are able to do so, including graphics, flying missions, or writing fiction.
-Required to participate in competitions designated as mandatory by their Commander, Wing Commander or Commodore, unless they have a good excuse (such as illness, family or real life concerns, technical problems).

As you can see, everyone has to do at least one thing a week, this includes Flying (FREE/Battle/Multiplayer), IWATS, Graphic Submission or Fiction Submission.

Its not hard to fly at least a FREE or do an IWATS once a week, so get to it guys.

Also Flight Leader's have to write weekly Flight Reports, some FL's already do so which is great, but now all of you have to, its part of the job just like your CMDR's have to write reports.
Find out what day your CMDR would like you to write your reports, if you want a template to use ill supply one, just ask.

*New Pilots*
Welcome to two new pilots to our wonderful ship, MAJ Jeffery Domm who joins Thunder Squadron &  CM Coranel Both who joins Tempest Squadron.

Coranel has been on the Challenge before in Typhoon Squadron under the infamous drunken AD Mell Kerrigan i belive.

Domm hasn't been on our wonderful ship before (better late than never :P) but he is the creator of some of the original XWA-TC Battles so its great to have another mission creator onboard.

Its great to have both of them here. Buy them a few drinks in the Cantina to say Welcome.

*Inferno CMDR Position *
Yeah Inferno CMDR is still vacant, applications have finished and ill be making my final choice this week, its not as easy as i thought , but bare with it and the new CMDR should be in place by next time u see a report from me.

On a side note great work to Woody as A:CMDR, he has done an excellent job and i am really proud and grateful.

*Tempest FL3  Chosen*
Tempest Flight Leader 3 was chosen in the last week or so.

Congrats to LT Fortune, i know he will do a great job and that spot will groom him to become a great pilot and officer, just look at me if u want proof :P

*Tempest Vs Razor*
Haven't got any news other than Razor seemingly hiding their scores from Tempest, prob in fear, hopefully ill have the results next week.

*Bronze Star of the Empire Awarded*
The first of the many monthly medals.

FM/CM Dulcatos of Thunder Squadron, you are here-by awarded an Bronze Star for your activity in the month of October. Excellent Work.

You have not only done your Squadron and Wing proud, but you have made your Commander, Wing Commander and Commodore proud to have you in the Wing.


Let this be a lesson to the rest of you, work hard and you get shiny bobbles.

If you haven't noticed the Challenge is in desperate need of pilots, get out there and ask your friends, your relatives, parents, grandmothers, dogs, i don't care, lets just get some people in here.

I am offering a ISM per recruit (Cadet and RSV's alike) and a PC per 5 recruits, so theres a chance for you to get lots of medals and to help the Challenge.

If you recruit someone, email me and tell me as often i don't know as i don't get informed of who recruited who only that they are coming.

*Comp Results*
Here is a full list of current comp results:

Whomp in the Wargame

Orders: To fly TIE-FREE 149 to help the Battlegroup destroy the Sovereign in Imperial Storm and earn us bragging rights such as "It was all Wing X baby, WOOOOOOOO"!!!!!!

FM/LCM Karce (Thunder)
--------> 76,939 (IS-SW)
FL/CPT Rover (Tempest) -------> 70,170 (IS-BW)
FM/COL Beef (Thunder) ---------> 59,697
WC/COL Master (Wing X) -------------> 57,373
CMDR/CPT Chris McCollum (Tempest) -----> 24,575

Great job guys, not a bad effort when we only had 24hrs notice.

Whip Master into Shape

Orders: Fly TIE-FREE Battle #232 - Ain't Technology Wonderful? and beat your WC.

FL/CPT Rover (Tempest)
----------> 105,632 (IS-SW) (New High Score)
FM/LCM Karce (Thunder) ----------> 101,814 (IS-BW)
FL/LT Fortune (Tempest) --------> 48,282 (IS-BW)
WC/COL Master (Wing X) --------> 40,578
CMDR/MAJ Stuart (Thunder) -------> 36,557
FM/COL Beef (Thunder) ----------> 33,337
FL/CPT Alexi Stukov (Thunder) ------> 29,566

Excellent job to Rover once again who not only gets the victory but smashes the High Score.

Weekly Trivia

I ran out of time to make up questions at the end of last month, but don't fear, the new questions will be out this Wednesday, scores will continue from last month and they are as follows:

CMDR/MAJ Stuart (Thunder)
----> 12 Points
FM/COL Beef (Thunder) -----> 12 Points
FM/CPT Alimet (Inferno) ------> 9 Points
FL/CPT Alexi Stukov (Thunder) -----> 4 Points
FM/LCM Prost Varsis (Tempest) -------> 2 Points

Alexi managed to score an extra point by naming what game the scoring system comes from, the correct answer was Mario Kart.

New Wing Banner

Orders: Create a new Wing Banner for Wing X.

Pretty poor activity for this comp, with only one submission.
So the winner is CPT Chris McCollum who gets awarded an IS-SR for his hard work and the new banner will go up soon.

*New Comps*
I'll be starting at least one new Comp tomorrow, this will be a non-flying comp, so everyone can take part, so stay tuned.

I also have a few other idea's floating around in that vast empty space in me head so expect to see a few things.

If you have any comp idea's feel free to email me, I'm always open to suggestions.

***~Wing Orders~***
*Whip Master into Shape*

It's time for another chance to stick a pilot file up your WC's nether regions.
I am making this a Priority Comp this week as its our main comp running.

You should all know what this means as you have read your Ship Standing Orders :P

All pilots are expected to fly, no excuses, no exceptions, even if u turn cheats on and fly your still taking part and activity is the main thing (not the fact u want to pound your WC into the ground :P)

You can not use the "EHBL doesn't work" line as an excuse not to fly. I'll be sending out a ZIP version of the FREE tomorrow (got to get it first) so there is no excuse for you guys not to fly.

The person with the highest score will win a IS-SW
And everyone who beats me will get a IS-BW

Here's another chance for everyone to beat me once again, the next FREE is
TIE-FREE Battle #238 - Save Dirk Logan's Marriage!

All pilots files are to be sent to your Commanders
(and CMDR's to me) by next Monday, which is the 17th.

CMDR's if you still have pilot files with High Scores pending by Monday can you please inform me of it and the scores.

Finally id like some of you to rate the FREE, it only takes a few moments and its made by former Tempest CMDR and current Immortal COM RA Locke. (Don't say i don't do anything for u Locke!!!! :P)

*Weekly Wing X Trivia*

I explained above, questions out on Wednesday, I'm also looking for someone to run it next month, if you want to do it email me, you will get my gratitude for running it which is worth more than gold, and i suppose ill throw in an ISM too.

The Person with the most right who is the fastest, gets 9 points
Second gets 6 points
Third gets 3 Points
Fourth gets 1 Points

Over the month peoples scores will be counted and at the end of the month the person who has the most points will win a IS-SR, Second getting a IS-BR and third getting one point for the next months round.

Simple as that.
Answers go to me and me only, you send it to the list and your DQ'd for the round, sorry but its the only way for you guys to remember :P

***~Battlegroup News~***
*New IRC Channel*
We have got a new Battlegroup IRC Channel at #tc_battlegroups
So come in and say hello, tell some jokes, have a laugh & chat to some people from other ships.

*ECR in the works*
ECR draws closer and closer, missions have been made (I made the XWA missions personally) so i expect this will start soon since i think Imperial Storm is running down.

***~Fleet News~***

*Imperial Storm IV: The BG's Revenge*
No idea what's going on here, i got told we were about to win but that doesn't seem to be the case, check the Battlegroups Message Board and TC page for up-to-date news.

*Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher*
Mac version has been released which should fix several problems, the ZIP archive has also gone back online until Jan 1st 2004, so use this time to get it to work.

A bug/comment thread can be found here

*CA:TAC Open for Applications*
A huge loss to the EH this week with RA Philo retiring due to Real Life.
Philo was a great CA:TAC and a good guy and he will be missed by lots.

This also means that CA:TAC is open for apps, Mike hasn't posted any requirements but ill give some advice to those who wish to apply.

-You need to have passed all Mission Creation IWATS Courses.
-You need quite a lot of time free to spend in the spot as it is a Full-Time Spot and the workload is quite heavy.
-You need to be patient, you have guys like me emailing you several times a week and annoying the pants off you, if your easily annoyed your going to have to learn to control your temper.
-Your Attache to the 3rd in Command of the EH, its not a task taken lightly, make sure you have thought it through before you apply.
-You have to accept bribes from me. Hey i gotta get shiny Silver and Gold Stars somehow :P

Hope this helps to those who are thinking about it.

***~The Usual Suspects~***

MAJ Jeffery Domm -----> Thunder
CM Coranel Both --------> Tempest



CMDR/CPT Chris McCollum (Tempest) -------> ISM
FL/LT Fortune (Tempest) -----------> IS-BR
FL/CPT Rover (Tempest) -----------> IS-BW x2
FM/LCM Karce (Thunder) ------> IS-SW
FM/CM Dulcatos (Thunder) -----> BS


*Email Changes*

*Ship Averages*
FCHG Average -- 423
Combat Rating Average -- 6

***~Dark Lord of the Week~***
The highly prestigious title of Dark Lord of the Week is only given to the person who has most advanced the success in the wing, amused the WC, or slipped me the most $5 notes in a brown paper bag. This week's winner is:

CM Dulcatos

Your excellent activity throughout October.

***~Ewok of the Week~***
Yub Yub!

Every story has a hero, every journey has a first step, every Fleet has a pilot who's about as much use as an ashtray on a speeder bike. This weeks's Prize Ewok is none other than:

Everyone out there who isn't in Wing X.

What's wrong with the lot of you! Don't you want to be part of greatness.....fine, we will just crush you instead that's fun too :P

***~Quote of the Week~***
"If the secret to success is 'A', then the equation is: A=X+Y+Z, where X=work, Y=play, and Z=keep your mouth shut."

Thanks to Fritz for the quote this week, i want more for next week. Anything is good, funny IRC bits, Funny Quotes, etc etc, don't be shy!!!

***~Site of the Week~***
Only cause I'm to slack to look for another good site :P

***~Final Comments~***
And so ends my 4th report, its on time this week to, hmmm maybe i should have given myself Ewok of the Week, oh well.

Take Care Guys and don't forget to fly!!!

Colonel Master
Wing Commander - ISD Challenge
IWATS Professor - Rebellion Tactics
TAC Office - Head XWA Crash Test Dummy

GS/SSx2/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx13/MoT-1rh-3gh-1bh/IS-20BW-5SW-1SR-1PR/LoC-CSx2-Rx4/DFC-Rx1/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx5/OV-2E [GLDR] {IWATS-AIM-BOT-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TM-TT-XAM-XTM/1/2-XTT}

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