Wing II Report # 0 (2002-11-25)

This report was submitted by COL Stele Pellaeon

WC/COL Stele Pellaeon reporting in for Wing II/SSSD Sovereign 11.25.02


Lil Thrawn's Quote: Order is heaven's first law.
- Alexander Pope

Wing News


-Gentlemen and ladies of the wing. Welcome to another addition of stuff, just stuff going on around the wing. First, I'd like to apologize for my late report. I usually do it Thursday or so but I had a completely wacky week and weekend. I was at my grandfather's for an extremely early Thanksgiving and then last night I signed up for a really monotonous job of stuffing bread rolls in bags for about 6 hours. Pay was not great but hey I'm a student always in need for some extra cash.

-I'm glad to be back focussing on wing matters now. Last week all the Flag Officers got into in depth debates on fleet policies and structure. There were agreements, disagreements, ideas and such. They lasted a good few days with LOTS of replies from some in particular and a few from others. We'll be resuming discussions on the EH messageboard but it will be closed discussions from the fleet. Last thing we need is some hotshot fresh off the Daedalus telling us how to run the fleet =P

-On a really unfortunate note this week, the TC lost LC Khan. While I did not personally know him, I still have a lot of respect and comradery for him and I know that he will be missed in the TC. There is currently a board at the EH messageboard in his memory.

-Also, our CPT John Doe of Sin Squadron will be leaving us for now =( This saddens me a lot. When I was CMDR of Sin I could always count on John in competitions and always looked forward to his outstanding scores. After a while I was getting slightly annoyed at the fact that I couldn't beat him! Heheh, but he was on my team and that's what I liked. I also enjoyed his presence very much. He was with Sin and Wing II such a very long time. He was always dedicated and loyal. I will surely miss him as I'm sure you all will too. Good friend!

-Well, on another note. Stuff going on about the wing. Well, at the moment activity seems to be doing pretty good even though AWOLs occurred and transfers to the reserves. Kappa and Sin are still engaged in the duel match. Sigma beat Tornado Squadron with a fantastic score of 3.3 million points versus 300974!

-The fleet sees AD Cyric step in as the CA:FO. Already he's implimenting policies to straighten out some crinkles in our uniforms. Best of luck.

-And as for the ship, Wing V sees MAJ Frodo take the seat of wing commander. Best of luck MAJ Frodo and we're glad to have you aboard.

Mini-Squadron News


-Kappa: Engaged in match with Sin; won the first week. Currently flying TIEFREE-142 for the second week. LT Shimir Sheerelk was AWOLed.

-Psi: Finishing it's flying against Thunder Squadron; updated the home site.

-Rho: Deciding on a patch for their uniform.

-Sigma: Decimates/slaughters/pummels/annihilates/eliminates/obliterated/torched Tornado Squadron. 3.3million to 300,974; CM Esmael AWOLed soon.
-Iron Star-Bronze Wings goes to
MAJ Artyis for highest score in Sigma vs Tornado match.

- Sin: Engaged in 4 week competition with Kappa Squadron; defeated on the first week. CPT Mordred soon to be AWOLed. CPT John Doe retiring. You others better not think of leaving! =P

- Theta: No report sent yet.

Wing Orders


-Each squadron is to create a squadron patch for the TC uniform. CMDR is to have final approval. Have this done by the end of the month.





-Officer: FM/LT Devil Fish/Sin 3-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
IWATS Course: TIE Mission Creation
Score: 96%
Additional comments: Well done!


Wing II Quotes of the Week

<`Jd> You know I run the wing stele is just there to do the rports and paperwork

* Dashmon has second degree burns on his left hand :P
thx Stele
<`Zombie> ouch
wtf have YOU been up to??? :P

okey dokey pig in a pokey!

The vaunted Order of the Legion of Doom -- Fraternity of Army Retired Telegraph-operators... otherwise known by the acronym... .(you belong to this Stele.)

As to pills you get cat wrap it in towel, get force mouth open hold shut and
massage throat.... then drop cat and run b4 claws can get you ;p
--LC Jon

Carlos wrote:
> aawwwwww !!! *sneeeze* No. 6, Coco looks
> soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute...
Bah. Looks like being on drugs. :P

WC/COL Stele Pellaeon/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-2rh-1gh-5bh/IS-1BW-1BR-2SW/LoCx3/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [PLDN] {IWATS-AIM-RT-SM/2-TM}
"Running away from the battle while outnumbered by the enemy has never killed me; but coming back with reinforcements has killed the enemy."

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