Wing XIII Report # 2 (2005-05-21)

This report was submitted by LC Ambar Kilick

Report #2

First off I would like to apologize for my lack of a report last week. My computer got totally messed up but now it is back up and running as you can see. Also I still have had no participants in the GFX comp I started, come on guys it’s an easy medal lets see something. On a related note if any of you happen to know some old members who would make admirable Squadron Commanders let them know about out CMDR openings and encourage them to apply. If they are picked for the position then you will get credit for the recruitment competition as well. Finally to all the current Commanders GET YOUR REPORTS DONE Keiran is the only one who has been doing reports and he’s doing a fine job of it. Remember that Squadron reports are due on Friday so get them in or Crimson and I will take action.

Fleet news:
-For his work at Celebration 3, COL Jan Wemmel has been awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor
-IO Lenvik and CMDR Jarek La'an are made Professors of mIRC scripting and Tie Tactics IWATS respectively
-AD Adren Silvori is the new ISD Intrepid COM
-Imperial Storm has begun
-XWA TC 47 and XWA Free 117 are released

Medals/promotions/ Transfers:

Ship activity:

Keiran flew XWA TC 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46 XWA FCHG 4, and XWA IW 8
Kodiak passed WPN and TT IWATS
Quat’r passed IBX and GFX IWATS


Hamster God passed XTT, SWGB, and HIST IWATS

Blackrage flew XvT Free 187




Wing Commander's new clothes
Start Date: 5/13/2005
End Date: 5/27/2005
IS-SR for first and IS-BR for runner-up. As a result of Ambar's appointment to WC of Wing XIII you are to make him a Custom Uniform to use in his

Wolfpack Recruitment comp
Start Date: 5/13/2005
End Date: 6/13/2005
IS-SR for first and IS-BR for runner up. The pilot who recruits the most new members and/or brings back the most veterans will be awarded an IS-SR. IS-BR for runner up

Wolfpack Iron Star Competitions:
FCHG Comp- For the pilot who gains the most FCHG Points in a month
CR Comp- For the pilot who gains the most CR Points in a month
Graphics Comp- For the pilot who submits the best graphics in a month

Wing roster
Vortex Squadron:
Phoenix Squadron:
Crusader Squadron:
Odin Squadron:
Tartarus Squadron:
Valkyrie Squadron:

Pilot of the week:
Pilot of the week is Keiran Laserlight

WC/LC Ambar Kilick/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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