Wing X Report # 24 (2005-05-08)

This report was submitted by COL Coranel Both

Wing X WC Report #24 - May 8, '05

(DirtyVader): Stu: some caller, who got the wrong number and decided to be rude
(DirtyVader): rude isnt the word though hmmm
(`sTOart): what is his number (including area code) im sure we can find some site out there that sends intense hate telemarketing
(DirtyVader): 0208 959 9234
(DirtyVader): 00 44 <--- british code
(DirtyVader): have fun :P
(ChrisBRB): that is the worst phone number ever. :P
(DirtyVader): mine is damned easy
(ChrisBRB): 15 digits long??? :P
(ChrisBRB): mine is 10! :P
(`sTOart): same
(`sTOart): bleh
(DirtyVader): hehe
(ChrisBRB): now I can see how L dialed wrong to England and get a phone sex operator by mistake. :P
(DirtyVader): seriously????
(DirtyVader): that happened? :P
(ChrisBRB): he says so. :P
(DirtyVader): haha


I got up from watching Blade 2. My day can't get any worse than on with my report! (not sure how the two are related...but just roll with it :P)

I was out of town for a week. I didn't have to listen to Bubba try to pretend that he does stuff as BGCOM. It was good stuff. However, it's over now. I'm sure he'll start pretending again. Such is life...

-===Wing News===-

* The Challenge flew over 1,000 missions last month! Congrats to everyone who flew during that period. I'd like to point out that most of the missions were flown over just the three week period that was last month's FCHG Race! 1,000 in three weeks...not bad! :P

* Speaking of the FCHG Race...grats to CM TK-9780 who took 1st, and LT Katherine Cantor Flyer who took second! There medals are already in their inbox!

* Medals! Grats to CPT Rover on his two IS-BW's and ISM; LT Katherine Cantor Flyer on her BS, four IS-BR's, IS-BW, IS-GR, and MoT-rh; CM TK-9780 on his BS, IS-SR and IS-SW; LT Sempren Kale on his CoB; CM Great Griffin on his PC; CPT Dujhod on his ISM; CM Alexi Stukov on his ISM; COL George on his PC; LCM Impulse on his PC; LCM Cyrus on his ISM; COL Darklord on his PC; LT Oni on his PC and CoB; and LCM Ryan on his CoB

* Congrats to people who were promoted this week! LCM Marlin, MAJ Fritz Von Stukart, MAJ Daniel Bonini; CM Ranj'e Lilos; MAJ Azurin Luna

* SL Phelan transferred to Typhoon from the Daed, and LC Zekk Terrik joins Typhoon also, from the RSV's. Welcome aboard, both of you!

* Typhoon is one pilot short of being a completely full squadron!!!

* On that note...with gaining two pilots this week, the Challenge is now the largest Wing in the Fleet!!!!!!

* If you've been doing activity like SWG or Freeworlds, make sure you let your CMDR's know! It counts as activity!

-===TC News===-

All news can be found at


1. TIE Corps Battlegroup Training Night. The TCBG sponsored MP night. Show up in IRC channel #EHCOC on Saturdays at 6pm GMT (1pm EST) to win LoC's and DFC's!

I think ImpStorm is starting up soon...and a possible Us-vs.-ATF comp. I dunno...I need to find out or something :P

-===Pilot of the Week===-

CPT Dirty Vader, with 138 missions flown!


Thunder: Received
Typhoon: Received
Inferno: Received
Tornado: Not Received
Tempest: Received


Party hardy!


TC Site:
ISD Challenge:

If you get mIRC, join an undernet server and join #wing_x. I'm frequently there using Coranel or Cor-dead or some other variant as a nick.

WC/COL Coranel Both/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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