Wing XIV Report # 33 (2004-06-13)

This report was submitted by GN Gidda

Wing XIV weekly report #33 - 06/13/2004
All missing CoB, ISM, PC, IS-BR, IS-BW, IS-SR and IS-SW have been added to our profiles, there were 95 of them so it took me a while. COM Frodo will take care to recommend missing BS and BGCOM Khadgar will think about SS, LoC, DFC and the Gold IS medals. Once the old medals are restored I will resubmit recommendations for April and May MSEs as well as some other pending awards.

All our FCHG points have been restored as well with the only exception of Viper Squadron due to a misunderstanding with LC Justin. Fear do not thou! Justin has already submitted to TAC the list of missing battles for his squadron so even Viper FCHGs will be ok in a few days.

Then I want to welcome two new pilots to our Wing, SL Fox Malloy who joined Asp Squadron and CM Bizzare who joined Copperhead squadron. Welcome aboard and have fun on the Intrepid!

LC Crimson Fury stepped down from the position of CMDR, the new Krayt Squadron Commander is CPT Savageaz. Many thanks to CrimsonFury for the awesome work he did during his long tour of duty. Moreover, Krayt Squadron made it to the Sovereign Squadron League play-offs and this is the second year in a row the reach such achievement. Way to go Krayts!

Many congratulations to GN Dax Corrin who broke the 3,000 FCHG points mark and joined the very exclusive club of the Imperators. It's a honor to have such a great pilot in my Wing and I hope to join the club soon (i.e. as soon as my pilot files are BSFed :p). Superb work, Dax!

For the future, I'm planning to run a Wing vs Wing competition based on a mix of single player and multiplayer combat. I'll provide more details as soon as I manage to find an adversary for our Wing...stay tuned and be ready for some action ;-)

Tie Corps Awards
15:25 - FA Cyric []
For their help with the TIE CORPS Roster Crash and their greatly appreciated assistance in gathering the appropriate information so the reprocessing could be completed as fast as it was, the following awards were issued:

VA Khadgar, ASF BGCOM, was promoted to the rank of Admiral
VA Reaper, CA:FO, was promoted to the rank of Admiral
AD Mell, TIEBGCOM, Was submitted for a medal
AD Sarin, COO, Was submitted for a medal
VA Anthol, Former ATF BGCOM, was submitted for a medal
Medals will be issued when the OPS approves them

I have also asked the BGCOM's to award medals where appropriate to all memebers who have made the processing go smoothly.

Domain delegation complete
22:37 - SA Astatine []
The DNS changes for appear to have filtered through the Internet, meaning the domain will now point to the new server.

Combat Operations Office Medals
02:35 - VA Khadgar []
AD Sarin is currently on leave. Therefore, all flag officers submitting missing Legion of Combat or Distinguished Flying Cross awards may submit them to me at I will also do my best to answer any questions or concerns relating to the Combat Operations Office.

New battles and missions
14:38 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
Once again we started to release battles. First is small package containing the following:
  • XW-CAB #1
  • XW-FCHG #1
  • SWGB-DIR #1
More will follow, but you must understand I have to find balance between FCHG restoration, new battles and HSs processing :)

None this week

95 old medals re-awarded due to database loss

LCM Cutter --> MP
Citations FCHG Top 5 CR Top 5
Copperhead Squadron: 0 (5 pilots)

Krayt Squadron: 39 (8 pilots)

Viper Squadron: 9 (6 pilots)

Asp Squadron: 0
(4 pilots)

Cobra Squadron: 0 (5 pilots)

Diamondback Squadron: 238 (7 pilots)

 Total: 286

Imperator [IMPR] (3000 points) Templar [TMPR] (2000 points)
Full list HERE

Jedi 3rd (600 points) Jedi 4th (500 points) Veteran 1st (100 points) Veteran 2nd (90 points)
Full list HERE

WC-TCT-TCS/GN Gidda/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid GS/SSx7/BSx7/PCx11/ISMx22/MoI/MoT-4rh-10gh-10bh/IS-21BW-5BR-16SW-5SR-20GW-3GR-2PW/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx2/DFC-Rx3/MoC-3BoC-1SoC/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoAx9/OV-3E [TMPR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-LIN-M/1/2-SM/2/3-TM/1-TT-XAM-XTM/1/2-XTT}

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