Wing XIX Report # 12 (2004-05-29)

This report was submitted by LC Kane Reese

Wing XIX Report #012

29.5.2004 Imperial Calendar




Good day ladies and gentlemen.


Tie Corps site is up in new place yet it has lots of things to correct to reflect current situation.

And to do your help is needed.


Here is how you can help:


Flight Members/Flight Leaders


1.Compare your ID line with the line on the

Any missing medals and IWATS courses put into list and send to your CMDR.

Any missing promotion or need of roster replacing send ASAP to CMDRs!

2.Look at the Flight and Squadron Roster.

         Missing data or incorrect nicknames and such you notice point to CMDR.

3.If you are not on the Roster at all

Rejoin using Tie Corps Enlistment Form but state that you are member of TC and include your ID line.


Squadron Commanders


1.Compare your ID line with the line on the

Any missing medals and IWATS courses put into list and send to me.

Any missing promotion or need of roster replacing send ASAP to me!

2.Look at the Squadron’s Flights and Squadron Roster.

         Missing data or incorrect nicknames you can change already through database.

3.Review your Subordinates requested chages and missing data.

Any missing medals and IWATS courses put into list and send to me.

Any missing promotion or need of roster replacing send ASAP to me!


Remember that Flight Officer can correct Promotion and Roster Placing matters.

And he is willing to do everything as soon as possible. But since he is only human as we are, do help him the best we can.

Other matters will be handled later by proper CS officers.


All medals are logged (accodring to FAQs, available at the Tie Corps site) so they should be sooner or later corrected. However please track what you are missing on your own for sure and do as stated above.


IWTAS courses will be probably handled later. As with medals make a list of what you are missing. More informations soon.


FCHG and Battles missing.

It is stated by FO that if there will be any sufficient tracks they will be uploaded again (e.g. competitions logs etc.). But it seems that your subordinates will have to BSF them again. So keep your pilot files!


Any confirmations from database you have (for medals, IWATS etc.) will be helpful here as well. Keep then too!

And send them along with request of correction.


I’ve already started BSFing for CMDRs yet there is matter you should be aware of:

Database is aware only of battles imputted to January. Any battles added later may not be seen there so you can’t BSF them, this is about those with highest numbers (e.g. XvT-TC #86).

Be patient then.



For now I’m putting on correction things the highest priority.


Holonet News


c      The new TC Site is available at:

c      Still no results for April’s BJ.

c      I was promoted... :)

c      Training Officer resigned.


Week Orders 


c      Avenger Choice Competition 2.

v      Details: ?

v      Deadline: 31st May.

c      Ky's Birthday Competitions.

v      Details: COM Announcement

v      Deadline: 31st May.

c      BGCOM's Judgement: May Edition.

v      Details: BGCOM announcement

v      Deadline: 31st May.

v      Submissions to: BGCOM/VA Davi Anthol (

c      Sovereign League 2004.
[SP Flying][TC-wide]

v      Details: Fly Round 6 assignments :
TIE-FREE #239 "Distress Signal"
XvT-FREE #161 - "Retrieve Stolen Cargo"
XWA-FREE #103 - "Diamondback Sqd #1: Rebel Listening Outpost"
(for more details ask CMDR)

v      Deadline: 4th June for Sixth round.

v      Submissions to:


Standing Orders


c      Do IWATS courses.
Can be found at:

c      Get on IRC, Undernet Server, and channel: #atf.

c      Post on Wing XIX MB:

c      Be Pre-active.




c      MAJ Kane Reese to Lieutenant Colonel




c      None I’m aware of


Squadrons Activity


c      Trapper Squadron:

v      Activity: Moderated Low.

v      Report: Received.

v      Inner Competitions:
Trapper Pilot of the Week.

v      Comments: Slower IRC and email week.   


c      Fury Squadron:

v      Activity: Moderate.

v      Report: Received.

v      Inner Competitions:
COM's Worst Nightmare: Fury vs. Hunter

v      Comments: Rising activity. Excellent work.


c      Flayer Squadron:

v      Activity: Moderate.

v      Report: Received

v      Inner Competitions:
None I’m aware of.

v      Comments: Considering current circumstances fine activity.


c      Storm Squadron:

v      Activity: Moderate.

v      Report: Received.

v      Inner Competitions:
None I’m aware of.

v      Comments: In current situation very nice activity.




Wing XIX Homepage: Under Construction

Wing XIX Message Board:


Trapper Squadron Homepage:

Fury Squadron Homepage:

Flayer Squadron Homepage:

Storm Squadron Homepage:


SSD Avenger Homepage:

Tie Corps Domain:

Emperor’s Hammer Domain:

IWATS Academy:




That would be all for today.

You’re dismissed.




Lieutenant Colonel Kane Reese

Wing XIX Commander

WC/LC Kane Reese/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

BSx5/PCx6/ISMx13/MoT-1rh-3gh/IS-7BW-8BR-9SW-5SR-2GW-2GR/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx27/OV-2E [GLDR]


Sith Battlelord Kane Reese

PCON/SBL Kane Reese/Scholae Palatinae

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