Wing XIII Report # 4 (2003-01-25)

This report was submitted by COL Khadgar

Wing XIII Report #4 - 01.25.03

Pilot's Lounge

Colonel Khadgar leaned back in his chair.
It had been another highly active week in Wing XIII.
He checked his console for new activites.
Another 20 simulator reports, he smiled.
An active week, indeed.

Vice Admiral Darksaber breathed a sigh of relief.
"Ah, finally, an updated tally for the Supremacy Competition."
He started to rise from his desk, when suddenly, a ring came from the door.
"Enter," he said.
"A special delivery for the Battlegroup Commander," a Lieutenant quickly noted as the door slid open.
Darksaber smiled, he wondered what it could be.
Several officers filed into the room, all carrying as many datapads as could fit on their person, and placed them in the corner.
Darksaber's eyes opened widely as the pile soon occupied the entire corner of the room, nearly touching the ceiling.
"Just when I finish..." he muttered.
But deep down, he hoped it wouldn't stop.

Letters from the Cardinal...

This week's topic is sequels. Yes, sequels.
Has anyone else noticed all the movie sequel rumors lately?
Seems that a lot of the news we hear is about sequels. Sequels to old favorites, sequels to terrible movies, sequels to movies you've never heard of.
Seems that there is more a willingness to make sequels than newer materials...

Anyway, on that note, it's time to check for Episode III sequel rumors, make arrangements to once again see the Lord of the Rings sequel, watch the telvision to see if the new Indiana Jones sequel is being made, wonder if there is any way they could make a Rocky sequel, and then write a sequel to this Report.

That's all for this week... Read again next week for the sequel!


- Some new members joined us recently. Welcome Luke Morin and Keiran Laserlight!
- ASF:SC V is still on, the big push is on for the final part of the competition.
- Some new battles and missions came out from the Tactical Office recently! See for details.


SL Luke Morin was assigned to Phoenix Squadron and quickly promoted to Lieutenant (LT)!
SL Keiran Laserlight was assigned to Crusader Squadron and quickly promoted to Lieutenant (LT)!


MAJ Hev Randrowan received a Bronze Star of the Empire (BS) for reaching 1000 FCHG points!
MAJ Delak Krennel received a Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) for winning a Multiplayer competition!
MAJ Delak Krennel received a Medal of Instruction (MoI) for assisting in the training of SL Luke Morin!
MAJ Thorn received a Medal of Instruction (MoI) for assisting in the training of SL Keiran Laserlight!
LT Rowland received a Commendation of Bravery (CoB) for reaching over 30 FCHG points!
LCM Joey C received a Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer (MoT-gh) for creating a new mission!
LCM Draco Caanis received two Distinguished Flying Crosses (DFCs) for winning two Multiplayer competitions!

IWATS Courses

LT ZuQ completed IWATS AIM!
LT ZuQ completed IWATS ICQ!
MAJ Delak Krennel completed IWATS AIM!
LT Luke Morin completed IWATS AIM!
LT Rowland completed IWATS AIM!
MAJ Thorn completed IWATS LIN!
COL Klick Sabre completed IWATS CBX!
LT Keiran Laserlight completed IWATS IIC/1!
LT StarJammer completed IWATS IIC/1!
LT Derric Wessiri completed IWATS M/1!
LT Derric ZuQ completed IWATS M/1!
LT Luke Morin completed IWATS M/1!
MAJ Thorn completed IWATS M/2!

War Room

Aggressor Strike Force: Supremacy Competition V
Deadline: February 1st, 2003.
Description: General activity competition in the Battlegroup to determine the Flagship, Escort Squadron and Top Pilot for the Battlegroup!

COM's Protector
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Top overall pilot of the month as chosen by the Commodore.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: The pilot to gain the most FCHG points each month wins.

CR Competition
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: The pilot to gain the most Combat Rating points each month wins.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Awards given to the best graphical submissions each month.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Awards given to the best fiction submissions each month.

Beat the COM
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Given to the first pilot to beat the Commodore in a Multiplayer match each month.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Given to the pilot who is able to correctly answer the COM's weekly trivia faster than anyone else, and the most times in a month.

Wing Commander's Office

The end of the Supremacy Competition is in sight. This means the big push, let's try to get as many points as possible in the final days of the competition. RA Sarin has made a point of making participating in this competition compulsory, and since the competition entails virutally any activity you can do in the TIE Corps (another than IRC activity), so those who end up with a score of zero are liable to be declared inactive.

It has been a great week for the Wing. I've seen many new E-Mails indicating activity, and an excellent example from our Squadron Commanders to complement. Keep it up, everyone!

My exams will be held in the first four days of the last week of this month. What does this mean for E-Mail activity? Not much, I'll still be responding to all E-Mails and such. I'll probably be doing a fair bit of studying, but I'll also be sure to find more time to participate along side the pilots in ASF:SC V.

That's all this week!

Picture of the Week

Flag Officers - 1
Vortex - 6
Phoenix - 7
Crusader - 7
Odin - 9
Tartarus - 8
Valkyrie - 6
Total: 44

In the service of the Empire,

Colonel Khadgar
Wing Commander, Wing XIII

WC/COL Khadgar/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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