Wing XIII Report # 3 (2003-01-18)

This report was submitted by COL Khadgar

Wing XIII Report #3 - 01.18.03

Pilot's Lounge

It's time to write the fiction.
It's time to light the lights.
It's time to meet the pilots, in the Wing Report tonight.

It's time to put on the uniform.
It's time to dress up right.
It's time to raise the curtain, in the Wing Report tonight.

Why do we always read this?
I guess we'll never know.
It's like a kind of torture.
To have to read this slow.

And now let's get things started.
Why don't you get things started?
It's time to get things started...
In the most sensational...
This is what we call the Wing Report!

Pretty hard to follow up an introduction like that, but here goes...

"Reports of my leaving are greatly exaggerated," Rear Admiral Sarin started.
"No, I will not be leaving, and the leave itself was quite short indeed."
"Indeed, but there was some interest..." Khadgar replied, motioning towards a stack of datapads with interest in becoming Wing Commander.
Sarin laughed, "Well, we certainly won't be needed those. Send them to the cantina, we're in dire need of coasters for the beverages."
Sarin walked over to Khadgar's desk and pushed a button next to a small speaker.
"All hands, hear this. Your Commodore is back, in full force. You have all been doing excellent work during the month. The current Battlegroup competition is quickly coming to a conclusion. I don't need to remind you of what this means. Everyone keep up the great work!"

Letters from the Cardinal...

This week's Cardinal topic: Final exams.

It seems many of you are required to write some exams this month. This can be quite tedious, so I've developed some strategies to help you out:

Rule 1: If it's Chemistry, find the moles, multiply it by something, and then divide by a third thing.
Rule 2: If it's Biology, it is usually either enzymes, Mendel's Laws, or a food chain.
Rule 3: If it's Physics, try plugging the numbers you are given into the formulas you vaguely remember from class.
Rule 4: If it's Math, graph it.
Rule 5: If it's Shakespeare, it's usually the most complex answer, and usually the one which involves obvious literary devices.
Rule 6: If it's History, it's one of the characteristics of a political or economic system.
Rule 7: If it's written response, prattle on with as much as you can, while trying to stick to the topic if possible. If there is a large volume of exams, they will give you a good mark simply because they have to mark too many exams in too short a time. You evil person, you.

Hopefully these tricks will aid you in any exams you may have. And remember, if all other choices are exhausted, choice C is looking pretty good.

Good luck!


- MAJ promotions were extended to CMDRs Delak Krennel, Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk and Girth Snail this week. Congratulations!
- ASF:SC V is still on. Keep up the excellent work!
- RA Sarin went on a very short leave, but is now back in full force.


CPT Delak Krennel was promoted to Major (MAJ).
CPT Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk was promoted to Major (MAJ).
CPT Girth Snail was promoted to Major (MAJ).
LT Draco Caanis was promoted to Lieutenant Commadner (LCM).
SL ZuQ was assigned to Crusader Squadron and quickly promoted to Lieutenant (LT).


LT StarJammer received a Commendation of Bravery (CoB) for reaching over 30 FCHG points!
MAJ Thorn received a Medal of Instruction (MoI) for assisting in the training of SL ZuQ!
LT ZuQ received a Commendation of Bravery (CoB) for reaching over 30 FCHG points!
MAJ Thorn received a Bronze Star of the Empire (BS) for reaching 1000 FCHG points!
LCM Pickled Yoda received a Iron Star - Silver Wings (IS-SW) for winning against the COM in a 1on1 FCHG race.
LCM Draco Caanis received a Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) for winning a Multiplayer competition!

IWATS Courses

LCM Draco Caanis completed IWATS SM/3!
MAJ Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk completed IWATS BX!
COL Klick Sabre completed IWATS AIM!
MAJ Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk completed IWATS BOT!
LT StarJammer completed IWATS AIM!
LT Derric Wessiri completed IWATS AIM!
LT Derric Wessiri completed IWATS ICQ!
MAJ DarkC completed IWATS ICQ!

War Room

Aggressor Strike Force: Supremacy Competition V
Deadline: February 1st, 2003.
Description: General activity competition in the Battlegroup to determine the Flagship, Escort Squadron and Top Pilot for the Battlegroup!

COM's Protector
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Top overall pilot of the month as chosen by the Commodore.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: The pilot to gain the most FCHG points each month wins.

CR Competition
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: The pilot to gain the most Combat Rating points each month wins.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Awards given to the best graphical submissions each month.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Awards given to the best fiction submissions each month.

Beat the COM
Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Given to the first pilot to beat the Commodore in a Multiplayer match each month.

Deadline: Monthly.
Description: Given to the pilot who is able to correctly answer the COM's weekly trivia faster than anyone else, and the most times in a month.

Wing Commander's Office

Once again, nothing too special to say this week. ASF:SC V activity has kept up nicely, and the Grey Wolf is stilling extremely well. It's a very close race. Please look at your Inbox this week and keep up with the excellent activity!

On a personal note, I have some exams in the last week of this month, so I'll be studying to an extent. This shouldn't require any formal leave.

Picture of the Week

Flag Officers - 1
Vortex - 7
Phoenix - 5
Crusader - 6
Odin - 9
Tartarus - 8
Valkyrie - 6
Total: 42

In the service of the Empire,

Colonel Khadgar
Wing Commander, Wing XIII

WC/COL Khadgar/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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