Wing X Report # 0 (2000-11-06)

This report was submitted by COL Darklord

ISD Challenge / Wing X News

WC's Own
Please congratulate THUNDER Squadron on becoming the Wing Commanders Own for the month of October! I have chosen Thunder because of their outstanding communications, contributions to the Mission compendium (some pending approval still... well done Beef!), and also nearly matching the likes of Tornado squadron in terms of BSF's. They have produced excellent entries for the Supreme Squadron Series too! All this from a squadron who, quite frankly, a couple of months back, were not doing anything! Congratulations Thunder Squadron! And especially CMDR/MAJ Indaro Gallia on bringing Thunder back from inactivity!

Wing X BSF Totals for October
Well done everyone on achieving a good number of BSF's last month. The squadron-by-squadron summary is as follows:
Tornado Squadron: 107
Thunder Squadron: 90
Inferno Squadron: 59
Typhoon Squadron: 57
Cyclone Squadron: 54
Tempest Squadron: 22
Total BSF's: 389

Inferno CMDR on leave
COL Manitsas has taken a leave of absence. He will be returning on Sunday 12th November. CM Corran Halcyon is in charge of Inferno until then!

Sov SL
As you should by now be aware, the Battlegroups have been withdrawn from the Squadron League. However Wing X is an exception to this as VA Jarak and GN Wolly have kindly let us stay in the competition. I hear the finals will be with us soon... I'll let you know the details as soon as I have them! However (whilst writing this report in fact) the results for Combat Run 13 have been posted! All squadrons are still within the top 15! Congrats!

Supreme Squadron League
The latest phase of the SSS has been announced. Phase III is a graphics phase. The deadline for the phase is officially 12th November (next Sunday). However to ensure I have time to sent the results to the judges, CMDR's and A-CMDR's must submit their squadron entry to me by 11th November!

The Tornado Saga
They seem to make every weekly report these days but only because they are still heavily involved in competitions with other squadrons, and I actually know about them!! Results are still being compiled for Tornado's comeptition against Dagger squadron which finished yesterday. This week they are taking on Omicron squadron... once again good luck Tornado!

Tempest vs Praetorian
Tempest is currently taking on the elite Praetorian squadron. The competition will end on 10th November! Lets cheer them on... good luck!

Typhoon vs Alpha
The last of the squadron vs squadron comps for this report... Typhoon are up against Alpha in whats proving to be a pretty volatile situation (although I do hear a certain Lieutenant has now transfered out of Alpha! :P) Competition ends on 12th November (I think), and once again, best of luck!

CM Ahkliat (Typhoon) -> Captain (CPT)
LT Krax Tarnisar (Thunder) -> Lieutenant Commander (LCM)

SL Hedgie - PLT Daedalus -> Tornado
SL Allard Sliverthorn - PLT Daedalus -> Thunder
CPT Ice - Typhoon -> Reserves

LC Corran Horn (Tornado) - Bronze Star (BS)
LT Sint Seelasi (Cyclone) - Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
LCM Saadam (Cyclone) - Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
LCM Viresse Kheeta (Tempest) - Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
LCM Talon Zetar (Inferno) - Commendation of Bravery (CoB)
LT Triji Boliv (Inferno) - Palpatine Crescent (PC)
CM Corran Halcyon (Inferno) - Palpatine Crescent (PC)
CPT Fishbone (Tornado) - Palpatine Crescent (PC)
LT Arkady G. Ourumov (Thunder) - Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
LT Kyle Katarn (Thunder) - Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
CPT Beef (Thunder) - Palpatine Crescent (PC)
CPT Kou Taiki (Tornado) - Palpatine Crescent (PC)
CM Xyrryc (Tornado) - Palpatine Crescent (PC)
MAJ Aven Kronn (Tornado) - Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
LT Kaoru Miki (Tornado) - Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
LCM Jerry (Tornado) - Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
CM Veers (Tornado) - Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
MAJ Topdawg (Tornado) - Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
MAJ Indaro Gallia (Thunder) - Palpatine Crescent (PC)
COL Callista (Typhoon) - Commendation of Service (CoS)
CM Corran Halcyon (Inferno) - Commendation of Service (CoS)
COL Callista (Typhoon) - Medal of Tactics (MoT-rh)
CM Corran Halcyon (Inferno) - Medal of Tactics (MoT-rh)
CPT Beef (Thunder) - Medal of Tactics (MoT-gh)
CPT Calvin Nunb (Inferno) - 3 * Medal of Tactics (MoT-bh)

IWATS Courses Completed
LT Kyle Katarn (Thunder) - HTML 1, HTML 2, Squadron Management 2
CPT Calvin Nunb (Inferno) - PHP 1, PHP 2
LT Sint Seelasi (Cyclone) - mIRC 1
LT Arkady G. Ourumov (Thunder) - mIRC 1, mIRC 2
LT Triji Boliv (Inferno) - TIE Mission Creation
CPT Fishbone (Tornado) - mIRC 1

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