Wing X Report # 0 (2000-12-05)

This report was submitted by COL Darklord

ISD Challenge / Wing X News

Squadron of the Month
Congratulation Tornado squadron on becoming the battlegroups Squadron of the Month! A well deserved (and long awaited) award!

SSSD Sovereign Squadron League
All results are now in and sent to the judges for the quarter finals of the Sov SL. Some squadrons were a little dissapointing but I'm sure we'll have a few contenders for the semi finals! Saying that however, Wing X did send in the highest number of TFR's for a Sov SL round to date (since I've been WC anyways :P) Well done to everyone that took part!

Thunder CMDR
Following the resignation of MAJ Indaro Gallia as Thunder CMDR, I'm pleased to announce the new CMDR of Thunder squadron to be CPT Beef!

Wing Commanders Own
Please congratulate Cyclone squadron on becoming WC's own for November! Some may see this as a strange choice but they have improved by vast amounts since CPT Brandon took over a month ago now. I haven't seen Cyclone this active since I left the squad to become WC! And for a squad of 7 members (6 active), to achieve the 2nd highest number of BSF's in Wing X is no mean feat! They also beat Eta squadron in their first inter-squad match for a long time! Congratulations Cyclone - keep up all the good work!

Supreme Squadron Series
Still nothing new here...

LT Triji Boliv (Inferno) -> Lieutenant Commander

LT Nico Avenger (Cyclone) -> Reserves
LT Vader (Reserves) -> Typhoon
COL Jack (Naval Corps) -> Inferno
CPT Shakur (Reserves) -> Tornado

LT Serpentine (Typhoon) - Imperial Security Medal
LT Kyle Katarn (Cyclone) - Palpatine Crescent
LCM Saadam (Cyclone) - Imperial Security Medal
LCM Sint Seelasi (Cyclone) - Bronze Star
CPT Kou Taiki (Tornado) - Imperial Security Medal
CPT Shakur (Tornado) - Imperial Security Medal
MAJ Topdawg (Tornado) - Imperial Security Medal
CPT Brandon (Cyclone) - Palpatine Crescent
LCM Jerry (Tornado) - Palpatine Crescent
CM Xyrryc (Tornado) - Palpatine Crescent
CPT Fishbone (Tornado) - Palpatine Crescent
LC Corran Horn (Tornado) - Palpatine Crescent
CM Elwood the Brave (Typhoon) - Palpatine Crescent
CM Corran Halcyon (Inferno) - Palpatine Crescent
CPT Calvin Nunb (Inferno) - Palpatine Crescent
COL Syn Kaek (Typhoon) - Imperial Security Medal
CPT Ahkliat (Typhoon) - Palpatine Crescent
LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor (Typhoon) - Palpatine Crescent
CM Veers (Tornado) - Palpatine Crescent
LCM Triji Boliv (Inferno) - Palpatine Crescent
MAJ Topdawh (Tornado) - Imperial Security Medal
CM Corran Halcyon (Inferno) - Imperial Security Medal

IWATS Courses Completed
CM Elwood the Brave (Typhoon) - Graphics, Computer Basics
COL Kessler (Tornado) - Computer Basics
LCM Jerry (Tornado) - HTML 1, HTML 2, HTML 3, Computer Basics
COL Darklord (WC) - HTML 1, HTML 2, Computer Basics
CPT Brandon (Cyclone) - Naval Staff, Computer Basics
LCM Xeraan Rhazzazor (Typhoon) - HTML 2, mIRC 2
LT Kyle Katarn (Cyclone) - Computer Basics, Graphics
CPT Beef (Thunder) - Squadron Management 2

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