Sin Report # 3 (2016-12-07)

This report was submitted by CMDR/GN Jarek La'an/Sin/Wing II/ISDII Warrior

Sin Squadron - Report #3

Hopefully you've all noted that the database has now returned to a previous state of functionality without, touch wood, any further sign of malicious meddling. I've held off submitting a MSE for now and will do so for another 24 hours in order to give you all the chance to get any activity carried out in November but not able to be recorded/submitted through the system - if I see nothing then any new activity previously missed will be added to the December MSE, you'll not miss out but any earned reward may be slightly delayed!

With that in mind I consider the last 2 weeks an unplanned leave period, nothing more, so I look forward to hearing from you all again in the coming weeks.

The WARD's fiction comps should now have ended, with results pending soon. Warrior trivia is ongoing and I expect to see increasing numbers of Sinners taking part.

Squadron Status

CMDR/GN La'an - WSR, Warrior Trivia x3, IS-BR (Trivia)
FM/CPT Dante - Contact
FM/MAJ Wondra - Contact
FM/LT stevenpowell - Contact

FL/CPT Xavier Sienar - Contact, TAC Duties/Database Work
FM/LT Zarroc Darkblade - AWOL Recc Extant
FM/COL Wraith - Contact

Operational Picture

'Just because the central system is down that doesn't mean you're down, you're still able to fly... what do you mean the hangar magentic fields won't engage... and the launch tubes are locked shut, fighter racks are jammed and the magazine handling systems are frozen. Ok. Those are all very valid reasons not to fly... erm... carry on.'

Wing Commander's Office, Command Deck, ISDII Warrior

In Closing

An enforced period of quiet, right before the festive season, so I imagine motivation is incredibly low - understandable if not ideal. With that in mind I'd like to see a push for the next 10 days to produce some activity to see out December before coming back fresh for a strong start to 2017. RtF is just around the corner! From a certain point of view...

Yours Aye,

CMDR/GN Jarek La'an/Sin/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
CSx8-Rx4/LoS-CSx2/MoC-3doc-3poc-5goc-6soc-35boc/CoLx9/CoB/LoAx44/OV-13E [TSRS] [Elite 4th]

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