COO Report # 50 (2016-09-03)

This report was submitted by COO-TCT-TCS/VA Hawkins/TC-3/VSDII Aggressor

FROM: COO/VA Hawkins
DATE SUBMITTED: 3rd September 2016
LOC screenshots waiting to be processed: 0
LOS screenshots waiting to be processed: 0


Welcome to the COO Report!


Star Conflict has introduced a new 'versus' mode, where players can challenge friends to matches! I know some of you have already been checking this out.

We are now looking for a weekend in October to hold a Star Conflict Combat event. If there are any weekends that are particularly good for you, please let me know!!


Talk has been going on about how we can talk to each other when playing our games. LC Miles Prowler has suggested the Discord App, an alternative to Teamspeak/Skype. Please use your google-fu to check it out! If you have, and can let us know what it is like, please do so!

In the meanwhile, GA Ronin has sent this message:

And we do have a Ventrilo server that you are all welcome to use.

The information is:


Port number: 60535

No password.

GA Rapier



COO Monthly Challenge 2016: - whole TC

Star Conflict: PvP Kills

This Combat Event was for the Distinguished Flying Cross for September. The goal was to submit a victory screenshot with the highest number of kills + half assists you can get in one round of and Star conflict PvP matches.

August Results:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - COL Aznable - 20 points
2nd - FA Pellaeon - 19 points
3rd - MAJ Silvius - 14 points

HA Dempsey - 13 kills
HA Elwood - 12 kills
GN Polo - 11 kills


MP Ace Of The TIE Corps 2016 - whole TC
The Multiplayer Kill Board was used to keep track of points. Each LoC earned you a point for the competition, and a DFC counted for 5 points. Whoever scored most points won.

August Results:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - HA Dempsey - 73 points
2nd - FA Pellaeon - 49 points
3rd - MAJ Silvius - 39 points

HA Elwood the Brave - 34 points
COL Rau Aznable - 25 points
VA Hawkins - 18 points
GN Dunta Polo - 9 points
CM Bodhan Grayson - 5 points
GN Coranel Both - 4 points

MP Co-op Ace Of The TIE Corps 2016 - whole TC
The Co-op Kill Board was used to keep track of points. Each LoS earned you a point for the competition. Whoever scored most points won.

August Results:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - MAJ Silvius - 750 points
2nd - HA Dempsey - 291 points
3rd - FA Pellaeon - 63 points

HA Elwood the Brave - 37 points
COL Rau Aznable - 30 points
COL Ulrich Drachen - 30 points
CM Bodhan Grayson - 28 points
GN Dunta Polo - 23 points
LC Len Eode - 21 points
LT Volac Kingang - 19 points
LT Reyla Setsune - 15 points
CM Junazee - 14 points
CPT Spiffy the Chicken - 8 points
LT Rachel Drakon - 6 points
VA Hawkins - 2 points
COL John T. Clark - 2 points
CM Ibram Gaunt - 1 point
LCM Lucifer Scorpio Romanov - 1 point

COO's Star Wars Challenge; Episode II - whole TC
The COO's Star Wars Challenge is a competition designed to promote and reward the playing of MP matches based on a Star Wars platform.

August Results:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - VA Hawkins - 17 points
2nd - FA Elwood - 5 Points
3rd - GN Both - 4 points

Star Conflict; PvE Kills - whole TC
This competition is for those pilots who prefer PvE to PvP - which it seems is most of you! The aim is to achieve the single highest kills score in any PvE match type of Star Conflict. Note that for this competition, assists are not counted! If there are four participants, then IS-GW/SW/BW, if only three IS-SW/BW, etc.

August Results:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - HA Elwood - 198 Kills
2nd - FA Pellaeon - 162 Kills
3rd - MAJ Silvius - 80 Kills

HA Dempsey - 77
GN Polo - 66
COL Aznable - 45
LT Setsune - 40
LCM Grayson - 33
LT Kingang - 23
CM Gaunt - 22
LT Romanov - 18
VA Hawkins - 16
LC Drachen - 13
CM Junazee - 9
CPT Chicken - 6
COL Clark - 5
LC Len Eode - 4
LT Drakon - 4



COO Monthly Challenge 2016: - whole TC

Star Conflict: PvP Kills

This Combat Event will be for the Distinguished Flying Cross for September. Your goal will be to submit a victory screenshot with the highest number of kills + half assists you can get in one round of and Star conflict PvP matches.

For this event, Assists are counted, but only at half weight and we round down. If a pilot finishes a match with 10 kills and 5 Assists, the score for the match would be recorded as 12.

Submissions to this competition are made through the database like any other 24/7 LoC submission. While processing LoCs, the COO and COOA keep an eye out for new personal bests and update a shared spreadsheet.

September Standings:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - FA Pellaeon - 16 points
2nd - HA Dempsey - 14 points
3rd - COL Aznable - 13 points


MP Ace Of The TIE Corps 2016 - whole TC
The Multiplayer Kill Board will used to keep track of points. Each LoC earns you a point for the competition, and a DFC counts for 5 points. Whoever scores most points win. The numbers on the MP KillBoard at the end of the month are the numbers that are tallied. If there are three participants then IS-GW/SW/BW, if only two IS-SW/BW, etc. At the end of the year the top 3 pilots with the most points will receive IS-PW/GW/SW.

September Standings:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - COL Rau Aznable - 14 points
2nd - FA Elwood - 8 points
3rd - HA Dempsey - 5 points

MP Co-op Ace Of The TIE Corps 2016 - whole TC
The Co-op Kill Board will used to keep track of points. Each LoS earns you a point for the competition. Whoever scores most points win. The numbers on the MP Co-Op KillBoard at the end of the month are the numbers that are tallied. If there are three participants then IS-GW/SW/BW, if only two IS-SW/BW, etc. At the end of the year the top 3 pilots with the most points will receive IS-PW/GW/SW.

September Standings:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - MAJ Silvius - 29 points
2nd - HA Dempsey - 16 points
3rd - FA Elwood - 11 points

COO's Star Wars Challenge; Episode II - whole TC
The COO's Star Wars Challenge is a competition designed to promote and reward the playing of MP matches based on a Star Wars platform.

Simply submit your MP Screenshot report as normal, and the COO and COOA will track the number of matches played on any Star Wars MP platform, such as XvT, XWA, BF3, and all other approved MP platforms.

Both PvP and PvE matches count towards a pilot's total.

The player with the highest overall Star Wars based MP victories will win each month, and for the year over all.

Normal Screenshot submission requirements apply.

Screenshots that are submitted that were not taken in a given month, or very close to the start of it, will not count towards that month's total, but will count for the yearly total.

September Standings:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - HA Elwood - 1 point
2nd - None
3rd - None

Star Conflict; PvP Objectives - whole TC
This competition is to celbrate the fact that the Combat Operations Office has traditionally focused on PvP, and as such will reflect our current most active PvP platform. As Kills are already covered in the combat event, this competition is for PvP Objectives! The aim is to achieve the single highest Ojectives score in any PvP match type of Star Conflict. If there are four participants, then IS-GW/SW/BW, if only three IS-SW/BW, etc.

September Standings:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - HA Dempsey - 5 Points
2nd - FA Elwood, MAJ Silvius - 4 Points
3rd - COL Aznable, GN Polo - 3 Points
TIE Corps vs. AI (TCAI) (MP Coop) - Entire TC
Sinner's Delight 2016 - Sin Squadron
Hammer's MP Pilot of the Month - ISD Hammer
TIE Corps on Recon - Entire TC
Epsilon MP Ace of the Month 2016 - Epsilon Squadron
Beta Pilot of the Month - Beta Squadron
Alpha Dog of the Month - Alpha Squadron

Please let me know if I've missed any!

Mail/telegram activity
Processed LoC and LoS
Recommended medals
Set up combat events/competitions
Played Fighter Squadron
Played X-Wing miniatures game; TIE Swarms proved their effectiveness!
Back to work after the long summer
As noted in my activity, I am reviewing the current state of MP gaming in the TC. If you have any comments, please get in touch!

respectfully submitted,

VA Hawkins

COO-TCT-TCS/VA Hawkins/TC-4/VSDII Aggressor


GSx2/SSx2/BSx5/PCx4/ISMx7/IS-1GW-17SW-30BW-4GR-7SR-25BR/MoI/MoT-4rh-4gh/LoC-RS-IS-CSx3-Rx3/LoS-RS-CSx4-Rx4/DFC-Rx1/MoC-1doc-1poc-2goc-2soc-12boc/CoLx3/CoS/CoB/LoAx5/OV-17E [LGNR] [Veteran 3rd]

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