COO Report # 28 (2016-04-03)

This report was submitted by COO-TCT-TCS/VA Hawkins/TC-4/VSDII Aggressor

FROM: COO/VA Hawkins
DATE SUBMITTED: 2nd April 2016
LOC screenshots waiting to be processed: 0
LOS screenshots waiting to be processed: 0


Welcome to the COO Report!

* * * IMPORTANT * * *

If you ignore the rest of this report, do please take a moment to read this news section.

A matter arose right at the end of March in which a large number of screens were submitted that had been taken in January. It was one of those "Oh, I really must get round to submitting those - I've been putting it off for ages" situations.

Unfortunately, these screens, taken in Januray, would have ended up affecting the outcomes of competitions tracking activity in March, including a change in medal positions. After lengthy discussions, it has been decided that competitions for weekly/monthly activity really should have taken place within, or very, VERY close to, that time period, and that submission 'hoarding', intentional or otherwise, should be discouraged. However, we also realised that we have no officially published guidelines saying so!

As such, I will be seeking to clarify the guidelines for the submission of MP screenshots. My initial draft of these guidelines are as follows:
  • Screenshots should be submitted within one week of the date the match was played, ideally within 24hrs.
  • If they cannot be for what ever reason, email the COO/COOA in advance, to discuss any implications for competitons, etc.
  • The submission of 'hoarded screens' as part of a competition is to be discouraged.
  • The submission of screens for any competition tracking activity within a given week or month that were NOT taken during that time period will be considered cheating. Small numbers of screens taken very near time boundaries may be accepted at the discretion of the person responsible for the competition, especailly if they do not alter the final outcome significantly (no medal positions, etc).
Please remember, if you are pushed for time, there are Python scripts that will allow you to automatically submit when you hit your print screen button. Dempsey is very fammiliar with this, and can offer help if required. If you have any other questions, please contact me for further details.

As a club that operates on the good faith and honesty of it's members, we hope that we can all ensure that our participation in competitions is within the spirit of those competitions. If you have any suggestions on how to improve, strengthen or alter my proposed guidelines, please get in touch.


Due to a flurry of distracting duties, I have been unable to properly promote this weekend for a Combat Event for Star Conflict. As such, I have postponed the Combat Event until next weekend - Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th April.

If you have already organised and flown matches this weekend, please send them to me anyway. I will use them in the event of a tie-break, and will still count as participation in the event.

So, A reminder of what will go down NEXT weekend!

  • Each match will be between two or three TC Pilots, who must form a team.
  • Each match must be PvP, but at any Tier agreed by the pilots in competition. If there is disagreement, the lowest Tier requested will be used.
  • To win a match, a pilot must achieve the highest Efficiency (EFF) compared with his TC opponents. Each highest EFF will be counted as a Victory for that pilot, irrespective of whether the match overall was a victory or not. You are competing against your fellow TC pilots, not everyone else. Leave that for the LoCs!
  • The pilot with the highest number of victories will be the overall winner, and recieve a Distinguished Flying Cross. Other medals for particpation may be added if there are sufficient members taking part.
  • No pilot may compete against an opposing pilot more than three times. After the first three match reports featuring those pilots have been recieved, no further points can be scored when competing in a team containing that pilot, even if another pilot is present.
  • Match reports need to be made by email, to me. Reports will be recorded chronologically - so if you win against an opponent, get it emailed ASAP! Remember, once I get 3 reports on a set of players, no more results can be recorded - so reports will be on a 1st recieved, 1st recorded basis.

If you are still interested, please let me know, especially about the moved date. Thanks!


Last plug - Please take a stab at the COO course!:

This Month's Competitions:


COO Monthly Challenge 2016: - whole TC
A bit of a muddled result this time!
This was an odd one. A processing error caused Battlefront and Star Conflict results to be mixed, leading to the event being changed to Mixed Platform. THEN Battlefront changed their reporting screens, removing AI kills... which made it inelligable for what had previously been it's own competition! Never the less, a Battlefront match did win out in the end!

March Results:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - CPT Aalith - 21 Kills
2nd - CM Sparky - 16 Kills
3rd - FA Pellaeon - 15 Kills

COL Rau Azanable - 13
CM Trideo Arkson - 13
CM Silvius - 11
FA Elwood the Brave - 11
HA Dempsey - 11
RA Hawkins - 10
LCM Grason - 8
COL Wraith - 7
GN Polo - 5
LT Setsune - 3


MP Ace Of The TIE Corps 2016 - whole TC
The Multiplayer Kill Board will used to keep track of points. Each LoC earns you a point for the competition, and a DFC counts for 5 points. Whoever scores most points win. The numbers on the MP KillBoard at the end of the month are the numbers that are tallied. If there are three participants then IS-GW/SW/BW, if only two IS-SW/BW, etc. At the end of the year the top 3 pilots with the most points will receive IS-PW/GW/SW.

March Results:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - FA Pellaeon (#5402) - 102 points
2nd - FA Elwood the Brave (#3034) - 73 points
3rd - COL Rau Aznable (#844) - 56 points

CPT Keth Aalith (#438) - 40 points
CPT Silvius (#13086) - 34 points
CM Sparky (#13050) - 31 points
HA Anahorn Dempsey (#12945) - 24 points
LCM Bodhan Grayson (#55560) - 13 points
GN Dunta Polo (#12796) - 5 points
VA Hawkins (#356) - 5 points
AD Plif (#346) - 5 points
LT Reyla Setsune (#55576) - 5 points
CM Trideo Arkson (#6641) - 4 points
COL Wraith (#2880) - 4 points
CM Archenksov (#13066) - 3 points
LC Iceman (#8318) - 2 points
COL Gyssler (#345) - 1 point
CPT Xavier Sienar (#1609) - 1 point

MP Co-op Ace Of The TIE Corps 2016 - whole TC
The Co-op Kill Board will used to keep track of points. Each LoS earns you a point for the competition. Whoever scores most points win. The numbers on the MP Co-Op KillBoard at the end of the month are the numbers that are tallied. If there are three participants then IS-GW/SW/BW, if only two IS-SW/BW, etc. At the end of the year the top 3 pilots with the most points will receive IS-PW/GW/SW.

March Results:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - CPT Silvius (#13086) - 617 points
2nd - FA Elwood the Brave (#3034) - 400 points
3rd - HA Anahorn Dempsey (#12945) - 331 points

LCM Bodhan Grayson (#55560) - 304 points
LT Reyla Setsune (#55576) - 238 points
FA Pellaeon (#5402) - 92 points
LC Ulrich Drachen (#12970) - 83 points
LT Miakiri (#55566) - 62 points
LCM Junazee (#55562) - 50 points
LC Len Eode (#12966) - 33 points
LT Volac Kingang (#55570) - 31 points
COL Rau Aznable (#844) - 30 points
COL Gyssler (#345) - 29 points
VA Hawkins (#356) - 25 points
COL John T. Clark (#11690) - 16 points
LCM Chrome (#12987) - 13 points
COL Daniel Stephens (#5448) - 12 points
CM leocadio (#13085) - 11 points
AD Mark Schueler (#4182) - 9 points
CPT Spiffy the Chicken (#13047) - 8 points
CPT Xavier Sienar (#1609) - 8 points
LC Iceman (#8318) - 6 points
CM Archenksov (#13066) - 5 points
COL Wraith (#2880) - 5 points
GN Dunta Polo (#12796) - 3 points
AD Plif (#346) - 3 points
CM Ibram Gaunt (#8954) - 2 points
LT Turel (#12989) - 2 points
MAJ Wondra (#12067) - 1 point

Star Conflict: PvP Wingman - whole TC
This competition is to achieve the highest single 'Assists' score in any PvP battle. Simples! Submissions to be made via the normal PvP submission process.

March Results:
Top 3 ranked pilots:

1st - FA Pellaeon - 17 Assists
2nd - COL Rau Aznable - 16 Assists
3rd - FA Elwood the Brave - 14 Assists

HA Dempsey - 14
CM Silvius - 16
COL Wraith - 9
GN Polo - 8
VA Hawkins - 4

This Month's Competitions:


COO Monthly Challenge 2016: - whole TC
Combat Events will run a little differently this year, for the COO Challege.
Each month, a new event will be organised, allowing us to switch between Star Conflict and BattleFront. This competition is Battlefront, giving it the full chance it lost last week! To win, you simply need the highest Kill score in any round of the Star Fighter mode flown in April. Best of luck!


MP Ace Of The TIE Corps 2016 - whole TC
The Multiplayer Kill Board will used to keep track of points. Each LoC earns you a point for the competition, and a DFC counts for 5 points. Whoever scores most points win. The numbers on the MP KillBoard at the end of the month are the numbers that are tallied. If there are three participants then IS-GW/SW/BW, if only two IS-SW/BW, etc. At the end of the year the top 3 pilots with the most points will receive IS-PW/GW/SW.

MP Co-op Ace Of The TIE Corps 2016 - whole TC
The Co-op Kill Board will used to keep track of points. Each LoS earns you a point for the competition. Whoever scores most points win. The numbers on the MP Co-Op KillBoard at the end of the month are the numbers that are tallied. If there are three participants then IS-GW/SW/BW, if only two IS-SW/BW, etc. At the end of the year the top 3 pilots with the most points will receive IS-PW/GW/SW.

Star Conflict: PvP Objectives - whole TC
This competition is to achieve the highest single 'Objectives' score in any PvP battle flown during April. Simples! Submissions to be made via the normal PvP submission process.

Warrior Leage 2016 (MP) - ISD Warrior
TIE Corps vs. AI (TCAI) (MP Coop) - Entire TC
Ruler of the Stars (MP & MP Coop) - Kappa Squadron
Sinner's Delight 2016 - Sin Squadron
Hammer's MP Pilot of the Month - ISD Hammer
TIE Corps on Recon - Entire TC
The Hammer's February Frenzy - ISD Hammer
Epsilon MP Ace of the Month 2016 - Epsilon Squadron
Please let me know if I've missed any!

Mail/telegram activity - lots of this
Processed LoC and LoS
Continued work on my XWiTF project - 3 more missions added, All audio for ToD 1 and 2 complete and in mod, auditioning for ToD 3!
Drafted updates to COO Manual
Took part in Wing II Trivia
Took part in Dempsey's Weekly Tirvia
Submitted combat events/competitions
Hope to see you all in SC sometime soon!

respectfully submitted

VA Hawkins

COO-TCT-TCS/VA Hawkins/TC-4/VSDII Aggressor
GS/SSx2/BSx4/PCx3/ISMx7/IS-1GW-11SW-27BW-2GR-4SR-19BR/MoI/MoT-4rh-4gh/LoC-IS-CS-Rx2/LoS-TS-IS-CSx5/MoC-1doc-1poc-1goc-1soc-10boc/CoLx3/CoS/CoB/LoAx5/OV-16E [LGNR] [Officer 3rd]

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