Omega Report # 65 (2005-05-20)

This report was submitted by GN Brian

Omega Squadron members, honored guests,

(aka, "Episode 3 update")

It's been a long time since the last weekly report-- my apologies for the gap, but real life interfered, even conspiring to keep me away from computers and the internet for the better part of a week.

(and I wasn't nearly crazy, er, dedicated, enough to type out a whole report via my friend's cell phone while we were in Europe, or to pay international roaming charges for it...)

This week's report will only cover things in the last week or 10 days... covering three week's worth of news would just be too much, and too much of it would be out of date.

Squadron Orders:
- SSSD Sovereign Single Player Ladder, week 3!
TIE-FREE #254 - The Inspection
XvT-FREE #173 - Fury Simulator Challenge (XvT EHSP version 2.0 is required)
XWA-FREE #75 - Tarentum on Patrol
Due: May 22nd, Sunday!!

- Do IWATS courses, earn a chance at additional medals!
See 16 May 2005 post on the TC site.
"Once per week, I will be choosing an IWATS course, ANYONE who completes that IWATS Course during that specific week will get an IS-BR."

- Ongoing: find and evaluate new recruits.
Looks like we're making some progress here.

- Ongoing: XvT Week of War:

Squadron News:
- COL Ixion takes first place in TIE division, SSSD Sov May 2005 Single Player ladder, week 1!

- Activity for May SP week 1 was weak, but week 2 looked much better. Can we hold it up for week 3??

- Once I get some free time, we'll initiate contact of new recruits and their COs. In the meantime, we continue to look.

EH-wide News:
- For his efforts with Celebration 3, AD Joe has received a promotion to FA and the MoH!

Congratulations, Joe!

- COL Wimmel has received a GoE for his efforts at Celebration 3.

- AD Adren Silvori is now ISD Intrepid COM.

- Squadfirst 2.0.5 released.

- Iron Mission Creator missions final result: TIE Free 256 and XvT Free 188!

- New battles: XvT-TC 113, XvT-TC 114, and XvT-TC 115.

- TO report:

Activity Reports:
CMDR/GN Brian - flew TIE-FREE 255 for Sov SP May week 2.

FM/GN Compton - no activity (busy with the newborn!)

FL/COL Ixion Deathbringer - flew TIE-FREE 255, XWA-FREE 113 for Sov SP May week 2. Flew TIE-FREE 252 for Sov SP May week 1.

FM/LC Yoman - flew TIE-FREE 255 for Sov SP May week 2.


Episode 3... the verdict is...


Compared to the utter tripe that is Episode 1, and the marginally-offensive junk that is Episode 2... Episode 3 is a much, MUCH BETTER movie. True, you know what's going to happen and how predictable it's going to be, but the usual Lucas flaws (horrible dialogue that's cheesy and written for 7 year olds, plus overused special effects) aren't too bad. The spaceship explosions are damned cool, actually.

Actually SEEING what we've known is going to happen... mmmmmmmm... VERY satisfying for Star Wars fans like us. For the uninitiated, probably less-so...

I'd say more, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. At least where I was, the lines weren't too bad. I'd make the time and GO NOW if you haven't yet.

I don't know when it's opening in Europe-- considering I just got back from a week's vacation in Great Britain and Scotland I probably should have made a note!-- but if you're in Europe, I suggest you find out when it's out and start making plans!


CMDR/GN Brian/Omega-1-1/SSSD Sovereign
SM/1/2/3-WPN] T/D-"Rain" TC PIN: 413

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