Inferno Report # 7 (2005-05-01)

This report was submitted by CPT Dirty Vader

-=Inferno Squadron Weekly Report=-®

March 12th 2005


-Firstly we have a new operations officer, which means all our medals and uniforms will be dealt with quickly again.

-Report a little late again as I was waiting for the TO to approve a comp

-The Challenge is passed 900 missions, will she make it to 1000? Await the COM's report for the answer.

-Inferno activity this week was acceptable. Though some pilots have not contacted me tsk tsk tsk.

-MSE done and sent.

-New exciting competition downstairs. This one is for both Inferno and the whole ship! Even you Herr Vice Admiral! Check the details further down. Why do I do this you ask? Well because I love you all I reply. And besides Cor's away

-==Quote of the Week==- I [Khadgar] CHS Demerzel, Senate news?
* CHS|Demerzel grumbles
[CHS|Demerzel] yep
[CHS|Demerzel] -Chancellor’s Missive-
* CHS|Demerzel has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
[FA_Sarin] ouch

TC News/BG News/Wing News

-New Command Staff officers. ASFCOM AD Gilad Pellaeon to the position of Logistics Officer and Grey Wolf COM to the position of Operations Officer

-With these major changes, came the appointment of VA Gidda to ASFCOM and LC Crimson Fury to Grey Wolf COM. As everyone expected. Hurrah for lack of surprises! -The positions of Prefect (Hammer's Fist Commander) and Infiltrator Wing Commander are opened for applications. According to the resignating IWCOM Hobbie Klivian, Astatine himself would make a great candidate as he always seems to know what to do with the SG. Is that sarcasm I detect in that comment? :P

-The position of LEGAL, or Imperial Counsel is open for applications. The LEGAL covers general legal advice and consultation on legal matters relating to the Emperor's Hammer.

-Some popular people (IWCOM, PREF, GMF) have tried to turn the IW and the HF rogue. The expell-happy Security Officer AD Vladet Xavier has had them booted a before making some macho comment about the consequences of attempting such coups.

-Coranel has gone missing!

-CPT Azurin Luna Acting Wing Commander!!


-IS BWs to CM Great Griffin. And another IS-BWs to CM Great Griffin :P



Someone has just stolen WC Coranel Both's recently earned Silver Star. Oh no the madness! All the suspects interviews have been copied here. Spot the thief, give you reason for blaming him and send these to IS-BR to the first in the wing to name corectly and give the correct clue that points towards the real thief! IS-BR for the first guy in Inferno to do this also! One IS-BR for Inferno and one IS-BR for the rest of the Chal!

Enter the witness!
Intel Man: Lieutenant Colonel, when did you say your Silver Star was stolen?
Coranel: Around 2300 hours when I was out for a drink or ten at the cantina.
Intel Man: Did you see any of the suspects while you were there?
Coranel: I'm not sure to be frank. I was pretty drunk at the time. Um, I do remember seeing two pilots. Hmmm, I think I heard the droid say "Thank you Captain" and the other saying "He's not a CPT, he's a LCM! I'm the Captain you damn droid! Now this whiskey better be good..." Actually no, I'm certain I heard this!

Enter the suspect no1!
Intel Man: Good day, Captain Azurin. Answer me this: where were you at 2300 hours yesterday?
Azurin: I was at Mcdonalds' fast food restaurant then I went straight to my quarters. The guy serving there will confirm this.
Intel Man: He has.

Enter the suspect no2!
Intel Man: Mister Prost, please be seated.
Prost: Here?!
Intel Man: Yes here will do.
Prost: Okay!
Intel Man: Now tell me, where were you yesterday at 2300 hours?
Prost: I have no idea! I do not remember anything from yesterday!
Intel Man: How convenient.
Prost: Hey come on, be cool! I'm a firm hater of activity and rewards! You realy think I'd steal that SS?!

Enter suspect no3!
Intel Man: Good day Captain Bonini.
Dan Bonini: Yeah, yeah, just tell me what the hell I'm doing here!!! hick!
Intel Man: Calm down please, you are part of an investigation.
Dan Bonini: Investigation!? Wait a minute, you're accusing me of something!!!
Intel Man: Captain, have you been drinking recently. Your breath stinks of whiskey.
Dan Bonini: Whiskey! Where?!

Enter Suspect no4!
Intel Man: Hello Lieutenant Narraku, seat yourself.
Narraku: Thank you.
Intel Man: Now tell me what you were doing last night at 2300 hours.
Narraku: I was at home in bed, like every other sane person, absent from this ship.
Intel Man: Can anyone confirm this?
LT Narraku: I don't know, probably not. I suffer from amnesia and can't remember what happens more than an hour after I live it. So I don't remember who I've seen yesterday.
Intel Man: Bah, thanks for nothing! How do you know you were sleeping then?
LT Narraku: For the simple reason Agent, that I do not feel tired right now.

Enter Suspect no5!
Intel Man: Lieutenant Colonel Chris McCollum step inside and have a seat please. Would you like a refreshment, a glass of water perhaps?
Chris: Water? Me? Bah! Just stick to what you're good at you god damn Intel freak.
Intel Man: All right. What were you doing last night at 2300 hours?
Chris: I was out with Azurin.
Intel Man: May I ask, what you were doing with Captain Azurin?
Chris: No you may not! I was grabbing a vegetarian burger.

Enter Suspect no6!
Intel Man: Captain Dirty Vader, why must you always be around hmm? Couldn't this interrogation be conducted without you in the picture? Of course, no this is all a plot written by you.
Dirty: Ack! What have I done?! Is this about my indecent exposure in the hangar bay?!
Intel Man: No, where were you at 2300 hours yesterday?
Dirty: In bed. With someone. A woman if you must know. It was great. Until that silly Narraku called me saying he had a bad dream!
Intel Man: *sigh* of course, you were with someone. Do any of us know her, or is she only existent in one of those three brain cells you have tucked up in there?
Dirty: I sure hope you know her. She's very fond of you, you know. She's your mom!


First pilot to complete one of the following objectives wins the IS-BWs each week. -Objective no 1: Fly 4 battles
-Objective no 2: Fly 8 Frees
-Objective no 3: Fly 3 battles and 2 Frees

There are four rounds, one round for each week. The second round has started and finishes on Saturday the 30th 23:59 pm (GMT 4:59 AM)

Results for Round One
Winner: CPT Dirty Vader who completed objective 1. I don't usualy participate in squad comps i have created, but I will claim this IS-BW as I'm the only one to have completed an objective this week.

INFERNO WEEKLY FLYING COMP Each week I will pick a random TIE Fighter battle. Highest scorer for that battle earns an IS-BWs. Comp has 4 rounds, one round lasting 6 days. At the beginning of each round, the battle in question will be assigned to you.

Results for round 1:
1. CM Great Griffin 120, 906

Winner: CM Great Griffin


CPT Dirty Vader (Inferno 1-1)

-Flew TIE TC 173
-Flew TIE TC 177
-Flew TIE TC 212
-Flew TIE TC 222 with 5 mission HSs
-Wrote a fiction piece for comp
-E-Mail Contact
-IRC Contact
-MSN Contact
-AIM Contact

COL Bill Kelso (Typhoon 1-2)

-Computer Troubles/On leave

LCM Ryan (Typhoon 1-3)

-No Contact

CM Great Griffin(Inferno 2-1)

-Flew TIE TC 161
-Won Inferno Weekly Flying Comp Round 2
-MSN Contact

CPT Alexander Anderson (Inferno 2-2)

-AIM Contact

CPT Dujhod (Inferno 3-1)

-Flew TIE Free 14
-Flew TIE Free 115
-E-Mail Contact

LT Narraku (Inferno 3-2)

-MSN Contact

Pilot of the Week

CM Great Griffin. Yet again!

Dirty's Final Thoughts

There you go new comp there to make you think a bit. If you like Agatha Christie novels or want to become a cop this one's just for you. Send your submissions to not the wing mailing list. There, glad i cleared this up :P

For those Inferno people who haven't contacted me, please do in future. I understand that this is the end of the year and exams are filling your life, but nevertheless I must report your activities. No Contact doesen't work for anyone. Sending an e-mail message is surely not an impossible time consumming thing to do. If you don't, I'll be e-mailing you each week, and none of us want that :P

I have contacted some people over on the Sov for a 2 squad vs 2 squad competition. I have one squad interested for the moment, all we need is a second. I will keep you people updated on the situation.

I saw Supersize Me the other day, pretty cool documentary :P

Okay report done, I'm a happy man, have fun :P

Typhoon Squadron publicity

Inferno Mailing list:
Inferno Forum:
Pilot e-mails: Dirty Vader:; Bill Kelso:; LCM Ryan:; Great Griffin:; Alexander Anderson:; Dujhod:; LT Narraku:

Interested in joining Inferno? E-Mail Dirty Vader, and we'll talk.
I also use mIRC (Undernet server), and can be found on #TIECorps and #Wing_X under the nick DirtyVader. Alternatively, you can reach me on MSN:


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