Alpha Report # 0 (2005-04-17)

This report was submitted by MAJ Talons Pryde

SSSD Sovereign
Wing I
Alpha Squadron
Weekly report ending 20050417

Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed Wing Commander, Commanding Officer of the Flagship, and Flight Office;

I, again, bid you welcome to another Alpha squadron report.


Position PIN Rank Name Activity status FCHG Rank
Flight 1
Alpha 1 (CMDR) 1818 Major Talons Pryde Active 465 Centurion
Alpha 2 594 Captain Jenn Sidhe Active 128 Dragoon
Alpha 3 00000 Vacant
Alpha 4 00000 Vacant

Flight 2 (Alpha 2-1 through 2-4)
Alpha 5 (FL) 9441 Commander Kahooli Active 412 Centurion
Alpha 6 11827 Lieutenant Neale Active 15 Grenadier
Alpha 7 343 Colonal Mobiles Unknown 342 Paladin
Alpha 8 00000 Vacant

Flight 3 (Alpha 3-1 through 3-4)
Alpha 9 (FL) 347 Captain Roger Active 689 Legionnaire
Alpha 10 264 Major Nebular Unknown 20 Grenadier
Alpha 11 260 Major Eugene Unknown 980 Executor
Alpha 12 00000 Vacant
Total: 3051
Average: 381.375
Squadron Rank: Paladin

Wow! Look at this list! This is what I like to see! We have 8 pilots and 4 must fly to earn the citation! With any luck, we will keep at least 6 pilots at this time next week and still have a lengthy list!!!! If you have not contacted me, or know of ssomeone who has not, get them to me!
Squadron Citations (41):
TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TIE-TC Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
TIE-TC Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising
TIE-TC Battle 6 - Destruction
TIE-TC Battle 7 - Betrayal
TIE-TC Battle 8 - Strike Against the Pirates
TIE-TC Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors
TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TIE-TC Battle 11 - Renegade Battle
TIE-TC Battle 12 - Jedi Hunt
TIE-TC Battle 13 - Finding the Lakul
TIE-TC Battle 14 - Vader Takes Command
TIE-TC Battle 15 - Special Operations
TIE-TC Battle 16 - Dacian Downfall
TIE-TC Battle 17 - Zaarins Missile Boats
TIE-TC Battle 18 - Interception
TIE-TC Battle 19 - The Tethys Honeymoon
TIE-TC Battle 22 - Aftermath
TIE-TC Battle 31 - Hidden Agenda
TIE-TC Battle 32 - Assassinate the Fleet Commander?
TIE-TC Battle 44 - Military Complex Operation
TIE-TC Battle 76 - Mirror Universe
TIE-TC Battle 77 - Verpine Encounter, Part One
TIE-TC Battle 80 - Reassignment
TIE-TC Battle 94 - The Ultimate Shield
TIE-TC Battle 108 - Unexplored Territory
TIE-TC Battle 113 - Raid on Casserine
TIE-TC Battle 115 - Project Emperor's Revenge
TIE-TC Battle 123 - Strengthen the Emperor's Hammer
TIE-TC Battle 128 - Operation Yridia Alpha
TIE-TC Battle 131 - TIE Fighter Covert Missions
TIE-TC Battle 132 - Battle of the Bins
TIE-TC Battle 155 - The Supplies War
TIE-TC Battle 163 - Project: Athena
TIE-DB Battle 1 - Midnight Requisition
TIE-DB Battle 10 - Relics of the Ancient Jedi
TIE-DB Battle 11 - Black Dragon Rising
TIE-DB Battle 13 - Circlet of Domination
TIE-FCHG Battle 2 - Shadow of Time
2-year plan status
Have all three flight pages up and running with proper maintainance and links to the Squadron's Homepage: 20050501
This is coming along qite well! Excellent work everyone!
This week in Alpha
We have new pilots! Due to the consolidation, we are almost ful. Now if they would only be active... All those who have not reported in, please do so. Flight leaders, get in contact with all members of your flight by the end of this week and let me know what is happening. I want your recommendations on each of them is they fail to report in.

Kahooli sucks! He flies too much. He is putting me to shame with all of his flying. We should all be like that! Excellent work there, Kahooli! You have made a whopping 56 missions in the past two weeks alone! Wow! He currently holds the weekly record of 56 missions. I hold the record for the most missions flown in a month (185). Have fun flying! Let us not be out-done by a measly old man! (Way to fly, Kahooli. Keep it up!)

Lieutenant Neale joined, flew, and got promoted! He already has 15 FCHG points and is looking like a trooper with his steady flying. Excellent job! You might end up taking after your flight leader!

Squadron Orders
Everyone fly! This is not an option! Everyone must complete at least one battle per month if there is not one assigned! Assigned battles will happen soon!

Flight leaders, talk to recruits about helping them with thier certifications. Give them your name and e-dress as well as your ID line. CC me, the WC, and the Commodore (SovCom) every time you do so. I am not allowed to make contact for past mistakes as far as I know. The WC and SovCom have been looking into the ban for me. I want at least 1 more recruit in the squadron to ensure our 6 pilot maintainance. Do something to help us out and soon.

Remember, flight reports are due no later than the 2nd to last day of every month. This month they are due on the 28th Midnight into the 29th Eastern US Time. I will give leeway for sleep time. Refer to the standing orders document for details.

No ordered comps in the making.

Squadron Concerns
An AWOL check was made to certain new members of the squadron. You have until the end of this week to report in!

Commander's Rant
Just one word: COMMUNICATION! This means reportring in when I ask. I have a phone, e-mail, IM, and am patient enough to give 2 weeks. Flight leaders, pass on this message to each of your pilots personally. Get them to report to you first and then me. We have 3 pilots whom have yet to say "Hello" to anyone in the past few months. Get them to say something to me or you by then end of this week!

Final Words
I picked up a nasty adware virus a couple of weeks ago. It kept pop-ups going all day and night long. It dialed me out and used a carrier wave to work in the background. Dropped my speed to about 500 bytes a second. I was still running at 57300 connection but transfers were shot. Took two days and alot of digging to remover the damned thing. Something known as elite search bar. A bad-assed spyware program with a program called "protect.exe" in the system or windows folder constantly running every couple of minutes. I was behind it for a while til I started removing its markers in the registry. What a nightmare. If any of you see this virus or adware from elite something, be ready for a hard core fight. It will not be easy. It wiped out my drive abilities in no time flat.

Most of my reports will arrive on the Monday after the weekend. I am giving time for last mintue submissions of pilots to BSF for the weekend. If this is not an option, let me know. MSE's will be sent NLT the last day of the month.

With all respect,

Major Talons Pryde, Alpha Squadron commander of Wing I on board the Sovereign class SuperStar Destroyer Sovereign, reporting.

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