Omega Report # 62 (2005-04-13)

This report was submitted by GN Brian

Omega Squadron members, honored guests,

This week's Omega squadron report. My apologies for the delay, but I was gone Monday night and spent Tuesday night recovering from Monday night.

Squadron Orders:
... well, soon enough.

- Iron Mission Creation contest flying competition, week 2:
XvT-Free 183.
Files due 17 April.

- Ongoing: find and evaluate new recruits.
In particular, VA Stele just sent us one possible... any one taken a look?

Squadron News:
- New recruit possibility from VA Stele... guys, take a look!

- Once I get some free time, we'll initiate contact of new recruits and their COs. In the meantime, we continue to look.

EH-wide News:
- EH presence at Celebration 3:
April 21-24 in Indianapolis, Indiana. AD Joe needs help staffing the EH booth at the convention. Donations to defray the cost of flyers to via Paypal.

- Imperial Storm V: mission designers requested:

- COO news: EH Ladder System under replacement.

- IWATS PROF positions open: BitchX, ASP, XML, Javascript.

- Wing XIV WC sought.

- Recent promotions:
IO Lenvik to full Admiral
TO Stuart to full Admiral
Fringe DO Reinthaler to full Admiral
ISD Chal COM Locke Setzer to Vice Admiral
ISD Grey Wolf COM Pickled Yoda to Vice Admiral

- TIE-FREE 251, XvT-FREE 110, 111, released.

- Graphic designers sought:

- TAC manual 3.02 online:

- TO Report #7:

Activity Reports:
CMDR/GN Brian - awarded IS-BW for winner of top squadron division in Sov SP Ladder, March 2005.

FM/GN Compton - no activity.

FL/COL Ixion Deathbringer - inaugurated the newly-reopened Omega cantina.

FM/LC Yoman - no activity.

Highlights from last week. I wisely left my TIE parked somewhere else for the Garbage concert, so I wouldn't have to risk anyone scratching the paint. Unfortunately that also meant I had to take public transportation for a bit, which was unexpectedly slow. I wasn't expecting speeder-bike class performance or anything, but I think I could have walked faster if you include all the time I spent waiting for the old-fashioned electric train system.


CMDR/GN Brian/Omega-1-1/SSSD Sovereign
SM/1/2/3-WPN] T/D-"Rain" TC PIN: 413

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