Kraken Report # 1 (2005-01-15)

This report was submitted by CM Conjre

Kraken Squadron Report 01/15/05

[[Squadron News]]

CMDR appointed
CM Conjre has been appointed to Commander of Kraken squadron. *Please send all battle submissions to me now. I can now record them.*

Conjre promoted:
Lieutenant Commander Conjre has been promoted to the rank of Commander.

The ATF is in dire need of pilots. Please probe the Recruits and Reserves for possible canditates. I've already got a list of a few people interested.

BG Colors:
ATF BG primary color: blue
ATF BG secondary color: Silver
Kraken Squadron: Sea Green with a shade of Grey

[[ATF News]]

Grand Master Nocturnus (Gelton Torr) is looking for a new custom uniform and hosts a competition for this. The ATF can participate too. Look in the competitions section of this report for details.

If you want an '' e-mail address, mail COM Ky Terrak (

[[EH/Tie Corps News]]

20:39 - HA Cyric
Congratulations to LC Mayk Wolverine on being named the new WC for Wing XV, ISD Vanguard

13:02 - RA Frodo
TIE Free 194 has been remastered by its creator and the new version can now be downloaded at the mission compendium! (Please go and fly it if you haven't already.)

23:19 - AD Alex Foley Outage (And Change of OPS E-mail Address)
Earlier this week (and all related services) went down. Turtle, as many of you know, is headed to Iraq to serve in the United States Army and will be gone for 18 months. I talked to his wife earlier today, and she thinks that most likely his server was unplugged. She's going to try and get it back online if she can. Unfortunately, since Turtle is out of the country, Minos probably is not a very reliable hosting service. If it comes back online, please back-up all of your files and try to find new hosting (/me pokes the new FC).
Due to this outage, I have switched my e-mail address. To avoid spam, I'm not going to post it here, but the redirect should now point to my new address. You can also log into the Tie Corps database to see it once it's been changed. Please update your address books accordingly if you've been using

The Science Office has a new URL:


[[Transfers In/Out/Around]]
CM Zeke Freeman from 1-3 to 2-1
CM Conjre from 2-1 to 1-1


BGCOM Judgement website:
Send all submissions to TK-2107 (
TIE-TC 173
XvT-TC 90
Fiction:Carridaii is under attack by a NR task force of MC-90, MC-80, MC-70a and support vessels. The ATF is the nearest and only hope of the Carridaii people. Write a story about the ATF's interdiction on Carridaii.
Trivia: Real easy stuff this month. Go check it out.
Graphics: create a graphic of the battle in the Fiction Topic - Carridaii is under attack by a NR task force of MC-90, MC-80, MC-70a and support vessels. The ATF is the nearest and only hope of the Carridaii people.

CM Conjre - Wrote this report, IRC Activity
CM Zeke Freeman - Reported In
LT Kolos Murdock - Please e-mail me
LT Loyol Xeon - Working on Kraken squadron website
SL Guiltyspark - Please e-mail me
CPT Alsdyr - Please e-mail me.

-Do at least one activity during this months BGCOM Judgement and let me know what you did.
-Contact Me please

KRAKEN SQUADRON : Interdiction
NICKNAME: Aces Of The Deep
BANNER: kraken.jpg
MOTTO: The Kraken sleepeth, faintest sunlights flee

Nickname: Kraken's Hand
Motto: From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
1) CM Conjre
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Kraken's Maw
Motto: Until the latter fire shall heat the deep
1) CM Zeke Freeman
2) LT Loyol Xeon
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Kraken's Eye
Motto: In roaring, he shall rise and on the surface die
1) LT Kolos Murdock
2) SL Guiltyspark
3) TBA
4) CPT Alsdyr

Respectfully submitted,
CM Conjre

CMDR/CM Conjre/Kraken/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

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