Tau Report # 0 (2004-12-14)

This report was submitted by GN Kaerner

Tau Squadron Update

Monday - December 14, 2004 

Squadron News


The squadron homepage has been updated and a very special christmas message can be seen on the intro page. The new Tau Squadron banner of 2005 can be found here. All done by GN Reinthaler.

SWG: JTL has been released, bought, and already uninstalled by several squadron members. The high hopes we had for JTL turned out to be a real dissapointment.

CPT Rax von-Kluge has been promoted to Major! Many congratulations.    

LT Nom Anor has been awarded the Bronze Star of the Empire (BS) by FA Sarin for outstanding work and dedication to the MP community.

LC CrimsonFury has been awarded the Imperial Service Medal (ISM) for some sort of SP competition(!).

MAJ Tek has been awarded a Letter of Achievement (LoA) for submission to the EH NL #105.

CPT Gistenjunge has passed the IWATS AMP and Freeworlds courses.


Flight Deck

  • Battlegroup Judgement (M) [Details]
  • Tau CR Race (M) [Details]
  • MP in #ehcoc (D) [Details]
  • XvT WoW (M) [Details]
  • XWA WoW (M) [Details]

(M)onthly (D)aily

Quite a few LoCs although from quite a large time span. Great work by Nom Anor in flying alot of WoW matches and earning 4 DFCs!

Gist: 5 LoCs + 1 battle
NA: 38 LoCs + 4 DFCs
BD: 3 LoCs
Rax: 1 LoC
Tek: 4 LoCs
CF: 1 LoC
Total: 52 LoCs + 4 DFCs + 1 battle.


Captain Abbey Danger, Tau flight nurse

No transfers this week.
Squadron strength: 11 members.

Nickname: Demon Knights
Motto: Darkness kills our enemies

1) GN Kaerner
LT Desperado
4) CPT Gistenjunge

Nickname: Death Bringers
Motto: We strike into the heart of the enemy
1) GN von Reinthaler
2) SL Akisne Obinashu

3) LT Nom Anor
4) LCM Big Daddy

Nickname: Black Death
Motto: We bring our enemies the Eternal Darkness
1) MAJ Rax von-Klug

MAJ Tek Selkirk
3) LC CrimsonFury

4) TBA

Link(s) of the week

Quote(s) of the week

We've lacked some good drunken quotes as of late. This has got to be one of the best displays of drunk typing ever seen in the channel (or maybe anywhere else for that matter), thanks for making such a gallant effort Gist!
[21:38] * gist has joined #tausquadron
[21:38] * X sets mode: +o gist
[21:39] * gisten has joined #tausquadron
[21:40] * gisten has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)
[21:40] <gist>  odh]
[21:40] <gist> im s ot ufcking drujnkmn
[21:41] <gist> pitay taht kae isnt on soh e meht get hsom e thinks to cppastre
[21:41] <gist> its rturneing so fast eand dthe birds arewssinging
[21:48] <gist> ptiay sat aiceant eit myu prfoflile nosw
[22:01] <gist> dkcf
[22:01] <gist> got to slep meo
[22:01] <gist> ficl o, sdrim,l
[22:01] <gist> dfi\,
[22:01] * gist has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
The morning after...
[14:09] <Von-Rein> how ya feeling, buddy?
[14:12] <gist> im sober, and today ill stay so
[14:13] <Von-Rein> ok man, my turn
[14:13] <Von-Rein> can't drop the torch now that it's lit :P
[14:14] <gist> hehe
[14:19] <Kaerner> hehe
[14:19] <Kaerner> kinda hard to top that performance :)
[14:20] <gist> eaten nothing, sport, beer, sauna, party with loads of beer...
[14:20] <gist> i ruined my room
[14:20] <gist> i think i was falling around
[14:20] <Kaerner> hehe great stuff!
[14:25] <MAJ_Rax> lol
[14:27] <Desp> gist eaten nothing, sport, beer, sauna, party with loads of beer...
[14:27] <Desp> wonderful combination
[14:28] <gist> twas funny
[14:29] <MAJ_Rax> I'm gonna be pretty drunk tonight
[14:29] <Desp> I was drunk last night, but smart enough to stay away from my computer :P
[14:30] <gist> i broke my joystick
Rax and Rein discussing the learning experiences of college.
[10:50] <MAJ_Rax> so lots of hot bitches around your way?
[10:50] <Von-Rein> its like the fucking latin sensations here
[10:50] <Von-Rein> i should have went to college long ago
[10:50] <Von-Rein> and accumulated many STDs :P
[10:50] <MAJ_Rax> yes you should have
IT geeks at work!
[12:35] <Desp> I
[12:35] <Desp> hate
[12:35] <Desp> Windows
[12:35] <Desp> !
[12:36] <Von-Rein> lol
[12:37] <Desp> oh and I absolutely hate havning no hardware firewall
[12:37] <Desp> my computer's as open as a bombay hooker :/

General Magnus Kaerner
Rogue Dark Side Adept
Commanding Officer Tau Squadron

CMDR/GN Kaerner/Tau/MC Tripidium





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