Hammer Report # 21 (2004-12-03)

This report was submitted by LC Mosh

Hammer Weekly Squadron Report
Hammer Squadron
Wing IX/ISD Relentless
Lieutenant Colonel Mosh reporting for the last fortnight 3/12/04
Squadron News:
¬ The battle creation section of ECR ends today, our battle stands with 3 missions out of four completed, unless I knock the last one out very quickly instead of sleeping tonight.

« Klyn won 3rd place in ECR graphics and was awarded a IS-BR - well done.

« Fahrer flew himself into the FCHG books as a Grenadier - keep it up.

« It's December, the WSR gets festive new colours.

« Total missions flown this week: Many - I don't have them all to hand - all by LT Fahrer

Ongoing Competitions:
¬Exercise Cantina Run VI
The Battle section ends today - look out for new comps very soon.

«Citation Drive
No Change to the battle board this week, anything Klyn flies still won't count. Assignments are still as follows: MAJ Jaruus - XWA FCHG1 | CPT Crsepe - XWA CAB1 | LC Mosh - TIE CAB1 | CM Sayo Hirosho - XWA IW1 | LT Klyn Shanga - N/A | LT Fahrer - XWA TC2


«LC Mosh (6372) LGNR:


Almost finished the Wing IX ECR Battle
Moved to Dubai and paid loads of money for stuff he already owned
Got bitten by insects a lot

©MAJ Jaruus (1073) PLDN:Certified
Last seen at the mercy of COL Steve in the Deck 25 locker room
©LT Fahrer (11613) GREN:
Reported in
Updated his uniform
Completed IWATS IIC1
Completed IWATS IIC2
Completed IWATS IBX
Flew XWA F1, F98, TC17, TC something else and another TC
ªLT Klyn Shanga (11508) :
Reported in
Updated his uniform
Awarded IS-BR for 3rd place in ECR GFX
Flew the ECR Battle as a test pilot and reported back to Mosh
©CM Sayo Hirosho (7327)
No contact
I presume he's still flying SWG
ªCPT Crsepe (5359) PLDN:Trainee
No Contact
Squadron Orders:
« Report in every week
« Watch your mail boxes for new and exciting comps.
« Remember there's no I in 'Team' but there are 4 in 'Patronising idiot'.
Mosh's Cantina Special:
Harley Davidson
Vodka, Galliano & Orange Juice in a long glass over ice.

CMDR/LC Mosh/Hammer/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
BS/PCx4/ISMx22/IS-9BW-6SW-3SR-1GW-1GR/CoLx3/CoB/OV-3E [LGNR]

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