Typhoon Report # 14 (2004-10-30)

This report was submitted by CM Dirty Vader

-=Typhoon Squadron Weekly Report=-®

(October 30th 2004)


Damn I love this banner, it's so sexy. The metallic TIE Defenders flying near the surface of the water, the beautiful dark sky, the nice font and of course the squadron mentionned. Aaaaahhh...

Anyway, pretty eventfull week this one. You've been repeated numerous times to fly for ECR, and some of you have. I've got files from CPT Both and LT Lilos, and I thank them for getting them in. I've completed the TIE Free, however I'm trying to find out how to get that bonus goal I haven't indentified yet (if anyone can tell me what it is, I'd appreciate it :P). As for the XWA Free, I'll get my pilot file in as soon as I recuperate XWA CD2, which Mell our BGCOM has been kind enough to offer replacing for me.
Seriously though, for those of you who haven't sent me their files in, please get them in to me ASAP. Remember what you've already been told 50 friggin times? It is imperative that you fly this!!! :P

It's also the end of the month of October, which means it's Monthly Squadron Evaluation time. Those who put in some effort this month will get rewarded :)

CPT Coranel Both has posted a Novel Review on the Typhoon site (http://typhoon.tiecorps.net). To see his expert opinion on this clone wars novel "Star Wars: Jedi Trial" go there! ... on the site!

Quote(s) of the Week

I In a moment of idling for no perticular reason:

* Frothy has joined #Wing_X
* Frothy Bonks SpamFW With the XvT Stick!©®
* Frothy Bonks DirtyVader With the XvT Stick!©®
* Frothy Bonks Joe` With the XvT Stick!©®
* Frothy has left #Wing_X

II And this happened:

[DirtyVader] you on the chal?
[Darkfinn] no... Praetorian...
Useless crap removed
[DirtyVader] whats praetorian these days?
[DirtyVader] SP elite?
[Darkfinn] yes
[Darkfinn] best SP squad in the fleet
[DirtyVader] it might be difficult to take pilots out of TCBG atm
[DirtyVader] we have ECR taking place
[Darkfinn] ECR being?
Useless crap removed
[Darkfinn] our recruitment process takes a few weeks anyways... and we're not in any huge rush to get people
[DirtyVader] and we all take it pretty seriously
[Darkfinn] I'm glad you are...
[Darkfinn] I simply have a small list of qualified pilots who are not in CMDR slots... we don't actively go after CMDRs...
Uhh yeah as if I was trying to get in
[DirtyVader] still regular pilots are considered really important at this time
[DirtyVader] and most take ECR seriously too
[Darkfinn] I understand that... we just got done with the SSL not too long ago... same basic idea...
[DirtyVader] yep
[DirtyVader] except no one really cared for SSL after the 1st six rounds
[Darkfinn] only those on top ;)
[DirtyVader] I was on top :P
[DirtyVader] I didnt care :P
Useless crap removed
[DirtyVader] our squad phoon was in the quarters
[DirtyVader] none of us flew nor did krayt
[DirtyVader] which is why you went through directly to finals i think
[DirtyVader] otherwise we would of met ;P
[Darkfinn] possibly :P
[Darkfinn] if your boys ever want to take us on... just e-mail our CMDR
[DirtyVader] I might just do that
[DirtyVader] after ECR though ;P
And because I was having fun and took pleasure at this little skirmish with the so called elite, I called my buddy Nighty, who's Avenger Elite CMDR and his pilot Sav.
* DirtyVader gives Hero|TV some experience with 2e12l2e12c2t12r2i12c2i12t2y12!!!
* Hero|TV slaps DirtyVader around a bit with a large trout
[DirtyVader] hahaha
[DirtyVader] there's a praetorian guy in #wing_X
[DirtyVader] we're being polite by bitching at each other at the same time
Back in #wing_X
* MAJ_SAvageAz has joined #Wing_X
* MAJ_SAvageAz looks
* Hero|TV has joined #Wing_X
[DirtyVader] meet a guy from prae, one of your competitors :P
[Hero|TV] KILL IT!!!!!
[Darkfinn] bring it on :P
[Hero|TV] competitors? wtf?
* Hero|TV is now known as `Hero
[MAJ_SAvageAz] ?
* `Hero has left #Wing_X
[Darkfinn] aww... he ran away LOL :P
* MAJ_SAvageAz follows
* MAJ_SAvageAz has left #Wing_X
* `Hero has joined #Wing_X

Hehehe sorry the whole thing took so long :P

III [`prae] i like to think of core as a sponge, absorging the life outta the TC
[`prae] cor*
[`Leek] I like to think of Cor as an old washcloth, rotting from all the life he's sucked outta the TC.

Geh! we're all @*&£!:P

TC News/BG News/Wing News

- The new SOV BGCOM has been chosen, General Stele steps up to the position and receives the rank of Vice Admiral.

- The Privateer Fleet has declared war on EH in FreeWorlds for no particular reason. Last weeks CG who also declared war on EH are now neutral So you can dock at Freedom One, just as long as you pay tax. Other FWs news is located on ethc.org.

- Apps for TCBGCOM, Mell's current position, are being accepted

- New Wing X WC is COL Trido.

- Participate in ECR or we bite your head off :P

- The XWA and XvT tourneys are taking place. Dirty beats opponent and advances to next round! weeeeeeee!

- MAJ La'an previous Wing IX WC is now Wing IX COM. Things change so fast, about 7 months ago, La'an was only a CMDR/CM.

- So now Wing IX WC applications are being accepted. Apps will be taken until November 6th and must be sent to RA La'an (thisisquitealongaddress@yahoo.com)


- MAJ Ponda Jarret earned an IS-SR

- CPT Coranel Both earned an IS-SR

- CM Dirty Vader got an IS-BW and IS-SR

Squadron Citations/Status/Comps

- We now have 82!!!

1. Exercise Cantina Run IV: Rescue the Alci!
The Missions have been released:

TIE FREE 105: Blowing Crap Up

XWA FREE 65: Combat Patrol

Get them in ASAP!!!

3.TCBG September Caption Comp This months Caption image is here: participants are to add a clean, yet humorous comment to this. You have until November.
Medals to be awarded: IS-SR to the winner and IS-BR to the runner up

4.SCO: Craft Essay Competition Details on ehtc.org, past 40 days. Ends on the 1st of November.
Medals to be awarded: 1st IS-GR, 2nd IS-SR, 3rd IS-BR.

5.Tactical Office Comps: Tactical Office organizes few competitions with some nice awards to win. Just visit http://calendar.minos.net and check them out.

Typhoon October Flying Comp Results
1. CM Dirty Vader (188, 794)
2. LT Ranj'e Lilos (152,371)
3. CPT Coranel Both (132, 334)
IS BWs goes to Ranj'e Lilos. Remember, Dirty participates for the hell of it not to get the medal. Scores are printed out, for you to know what you achieved compared to others, not for me to show off (like in this case). Thanks to the participants.


CM Dirty Vader (Typhoon 1-1)

*Flew TIE TC 121
*Flew TIE TC 211
*Flew TIE TC 212
*Flew TIE TC 220
*Flew TIE TC 168
*Flew TIE TC 169
*Flew TIE TC 170
*Flew TIE TC 171
*Flew TIE TC 207
*Flew TIE TC 163
*Flew TIE TC 164
*Flew TIE TC 165
*Flew TIE TC 152
*Flew TIE TC 154
*Flew TIE TC 166
*Flew TIE FREE 105 (ECR)
*MP Flying Activity (2 games)
*Participated in XWA Single Elimination Tourney
*Wrote and sent ECR Fiction
*Made and sent ECR GFX
*Earned an IS-BW
*Earned an IS-SR
*E-Mail Activity
*IRC Contact
*AIM Contact
*MSN Contact
*MB Postings
Additional: Achieved the FCHG rank of Executor

LT Ranj'e Lilos (Typhoon 1-2)

*Flew TIE FREE 105 (ECR)
*Made and sent ECR GFX
*Did and sent a plot design for the mission creation for ECR
*E-Mail Contact
*AIM Contact

CPT Coranel Both (Typhoon 2-1)

*Flew TIE TC 52
*Flew TIE TC 121 (Flying Comp)
*Flew TIE FREE 105 (ECR)
*Flew XWA FREE 65 (ECR)
*Made a book review on phoon site
*Earned an IS-SR
*E-Mail Activity
*IRC Contact
*AIM Contact
*MSN Contact
*Called someone a slacker

LT Narraku (Typhoon 2-2)

*MSN Activity

MAJ Ponda Jarret (Typhoon 3-1)

*Earned an IS-SR
*E-Mail Contact
*Was called a slacker

MAJ Elwood the Brave (Typhoon 3-2)

This week, DirtyVader laughs like a maniac as he won't have to put up with sleepy Woody for much longer. Muehehehe ^^

==Pilot of the week==-

CPT Coraneeeeeeeeeeeel Boooooth!

Dirty's Final Thoughts

Keep in Contact and stay Active!
If you haven't flown for ECR, fly for ECR!!! : E Start working on your GFX assignments!
The Challenge and Wing X have good chances of winning ECR, so don't let us down!
Good work to Cor this week for the flying and excellent contact.

Oh and btw try and recruit please (I'll reward you for each pilot you bring in). We'll be down one pilot before the 5th of November. I'd like to keep our membership at 6 pilots minimum.

That's it!

Typhoon Squadron publicity

Typhoon Mailing list: typhoon@isdchallenge.tcbg.net
Typhoon Forum:http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=83
Pilot e-mails: Dirty Vader: dirtyvader@isdchallenge.tcbg.net; Ranj'e Lilos: jbonez23@yahoo.com; Narraku: strayepyon2@hotmail.com; Coranel Both: coranel@isdchallenge.tcbg.net; Ponda Jarret: eh_ponda@yahoo.com; Elwood the Brave: Markus.Friebis@gmx.de

Interested in joining `Phoon? E-Mail Dirty Vader, and we'll talk about it.
I also use mIRC (Undernet server), and can be found on #TIECorps and #Wing_X under the nick DirtyVader. Alternatively, you can reach me on MSN: glgvader25@hotmail.com

CMDR/CM Dirty Vader/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge/PCx2/ISM/MoI/IS-4BW-3SW-2SR-2GW/LoC-CSx2-Rx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB [EXCR] {IWATS-AIM-IBX-ICQ-M/1-MP-SM/3-TLN-WPN-XTT}

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