Hammer Report # 19 (2004-11-11)

This report was submitted by LC Mosh

Hammer Weekly Squadron Report
Hammer Squadron
Wing IX/ISD Relentless
Lieutenant Colonel Mosh reporting 11/11/04
Squadron News:
¬ ECR flying didn't go as well as we'd hoped, we're in 3rd place so far.

« SL Fahrer Submitted GFX for ECR and got himself promoted to LT! - well done, drinks are on him as soon as we track down these alci-stealing scum.

« Voort decided to leave us for some reason I don't quite understand, (maybe it was the coffee) this is a shame because he was an important part of this squad and will be sorely missed.

« Total missions flown this week:

Ongoing Competitions:
¬Exercise Cantina Run V
We've got some catching up to do boys. get your thumbs out for the fiction round and write something, even if it's absolute tosh.

«Citation Drive
We're back into citation earning territory now that we have all of 7 members so when you've done your ECR missions, assignments from the Battle Board are: MAJ Jaruus - XWA FCHG1 | CPT Crsepe - XWA CAB1 | LC Mosh - TIE CAB1 | CM Sayo Hirosho - XWA IW1 | SL Klyn Shanga - N/A | SL Fahrer - XWA TC3


«LC Mosh (6372) LGNR:


Flew TIE TC21, TC24
Submitted ECR Fiction
Began work on the Wing IX ECR Battle
Fleet Commander for ISV although it seems to have fizzled out completely
Updated mailing list

©MAJ Jaruus (1073) PLDN:Certified
No Contact (Week 4) - Jaruuuuuuus!!!! Jaruuuuuuus!!!! Keep away from the light...
©LT Fahrer (11613) :
Reported in
Submitted graphics for ECR
Promoted to LT
©CM Sayo Hirosho (7327)
Reported in
Talked to Mosh on IRC
Submitted graphic for ECR
Flew SWG JTL 'like a crack addict'
(I think this means 'a lot' rather than 'like a drugged spastic')
ªCPT Crsepe (5359) PLDN:Trainee
Reported in
Submitted graphic for ECR
©SL Klyn Shanga (11508) GALL:
Reported in
Talked to Mosh on IRC
Submitted graphic for ECR
Submitted fiction for ECR
Squadron Orders:
« Report in every week
« DO ECR!!! - forget everything else.
Mosh's Cantina Special:
Director's Special (rationed)
A very cheap and quite unpleasant indian bourbon from Mosh's emergency backup booze supply.

CMDR/LC Mosh/Hammer/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
BS/PCx4/ISMx22/IS-9BW-6SW-3SR-1GW-1GR/CoLx3/CoB/OV-3E [LGNR]

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