Epsilon Report # 34 (2004-09-19)

This report was submitted by CM Brin Chaser

Epsilon Weekly Report #34


The final round of the Sovereign Squadron League is *now*. This competition has hardened a bunch of rookies into one of the morepotent squadrons in the Fleet. This competition deserves your respect and your effort. This competition has been the proving ground for the survival and success and recognition of our unit - and our Wing.

This week, and this week only - you are the sole contenders representing the Sovereign in the XvT Division.

This is about more than missions and kills. This is about more than respect - of which you've gone a long way to earning.

This is about Pride.
This is about You.
This is about your Ship.
This is about your Finest Hour.

Epsilon will not have another chance at this for a long time. In that time, things will undoubtedly change. Pilots will come and go. Commanders and Flight Leaders will step aside for the next new wave of talent. The seeds that have been planted here will grow into a force that can bring our Wing to where it deserves to be.

But one thing will remain.

You will know this *THIS* is where Epsilon paved its new legacy. That this squadron, and the pilots who comprise it - deserve to be muttered in the same breath as the great squadrons.

This is where we prove that any rookie who enters this organisation can make a difference at the highest level of representative competition. This is where we prove - again - that grit and determination can match and defeat the most highly-rated opposition.

You're not just flying for Yourselves.
You're not just flying for your Wing.
You're not just flying for your Ship.

You are flying for every Cadet that has had his suggestions ignored, for every Sub-Lieutenant who has had to wait a month for his first promotion, for every Lieutenant who was told to sit down and shut up when the higher-ups were slandering the intelligence of their compatriots.

Because the status-quo supporters are not going to save this Organisation, this Ship, Wing, or Squadron. It's pilots like yourselves who will. With your activity, your ideas, your enthusiasm, your heart and your pride. You are living proof to the people of this organisation that young squadrons *WORK*. Your very existence spits in the face of the fallacy that Commanders need 6 months experience to be fit for command, and that squadrons can't be saved when they drop below a certain number of members. You are doing things that haven't been done since the inception of this organisation. We came out of nowhere - and then showed everyone that it wasn't a fluke. Whether you end up quitting in two months, or end up commanding the Sovereign - you will remember just how good it was to add a spark of life into a struggling unit and to be part of this resurrection. As I've said to our SOVCOM, my greatest TC moment wasn't coming second in the Sovereign Cup, or any other personal achievement.

It was watching you guys fly twenty-four missions in our first week together. A 'dead' squadron, they told me, when I took over.


With our best effort this round - we show everyone who dares to give a damn, that we are the real deal.


Five XVT missions stand between you, and a place on the podium. Submit them to me by the 30th of September.


CM Brin Chaser

- Flew XvTTC63
- All Squadron Members Accounted for. If you're in a position to do so - BUY XVT. $US15 for a memory that lasts a lifetime.



This is about a darn sight more than third place. ;-)

Do yourselves proud - and finally live up to the potential you've given me glimpses of for the last 8 months.

You deserve to be here.

Show that you deserve to be on the podium.

For your Squad!
For your Wing!
For your Ship!
For Yourself!


CMDR/CM Brin Chaser/Epsilon/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

P.S. Well, that's the best I can do, that's the last of my talk on this competition until we're done - now it's your turn :)

Regardless of the result - it has been a pleasure and a privilege to fly with you. You're all damn fine. :-P

Don't let anyone persuade you otherwise.

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