Hammer Report # 20 (2004-11-18)

This report was submitted by LC Mosh

Hammer Weekly Squadron Report
Hammer Squadron
Wing IX/ISD Relentless
Lieutenant Colonel Mosh reporting 18/11/04
Squadron News:
¬ ECR Graphics wasn't too bad - fiction ends tomorrow, get a move on if you haven't already written something. This means you Jaruus, Sayo & Crsepe.

¬ BGCOM Mell's replacement was officially announced, VA BubbaX will stay on the Col until the end of ECR and Mell is still lurking in his office here on the Rel for the moment.

¬ Rejili took over as our new beloved WC and reinstalled an old friend of the Relentless, COL Steve the cricket bat. Anyone who doesn't participate in ECR will feel Steve's Willowy wrath

« Klyn was promoted back to LT and FL which probably could have been done earlier but the last time I looked the HCI site was down so I didn't know. Anyway.. alchohol free drinks are on Klyn.

? A Piece of three year old toasted cheese bearing the image of a woman (supposedly the virgin mary) is for sale on e-bay - at $65,000 last time I looked.

« Total missions flown this week: None ( Last week we ( I ) actually managed 9 )

Ongoing Competitions:
¬Exercise Cantina Run VI
The fiction round finishes tomorrow everyone who hasn't submitted yet will NOW type the word Beer into notepad, copy it and paste it 500 times and send the file to me, Rej and Laan.

«Citation Drive
No Change to the battle board this week, anything Klyn flies still won't count. Assignments are still as follows: MAJ Jaruus - XWA FCHG1 | CPT Crsepe - XWA CAB1 | LC Mosh - TIE CAB1 | CM Sayo Hirosho - XWA IW1 | LT Klyn Shanga - N/A | LT Fahrer - XWA TC3


«LC Mosh (6372) LGNR:


Almost finished the first mission of the Wing IX ECR Battle - Test pilots required, contact Mosh
Re-Submitted his Free Mission to TAC

©MAJ Jaruus (1073) PLDN:Certified
He's dead Jim
This would never have happened in the old days
If only COL Steve had been applied earlier
©LT Fahrer (11613) :
Reported in
Submitted fiction for ECR, and very good it was too
ªLT Klyn Shanga (11508) :
Reported in
Talked to Mosh on IRC
Promoted to LT
Promoted to FL
©CM Sayo Hirosho (7327)
Reported in
Continues to fly SWG JTL instead of writing ECR fiction!!!
ªCPT Crsepe (5359) PLDN:Trainee
Reported in
Squadron Orders:
« Report in every week
« DO ECR!!! - forget everything else.
Mosh's Cantina Special:
Extremely popular milk type drink from Arabic areas, supposedly very good for you but not popular anywhere else, strangely.

CMDR/LC Mosh/Hammer/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
BS/PCx4/ISMx22/IS-9BW-6SW-3SR-1GW-1GR/CoLx3/CoB/OV-3E [LGNR]

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