Sin Report # 119 (2004-10-21)

This report was submitted by COL Carl Lost

Hello Squadron,

well thanks for your wild response... At least we have a new competition going on within the wing... Do check the Wing II orders section. We have but unti thr 29th of October to send the pilotfiles to Stele !!

I'd like to have some response :)

In regards to the EHBL, relay and submit each and every trouble you have to my so I may relay it to the appropriate authorities. Be assured strongly that TAC is more than willing to help if they know their help is needed and appreciated.

Addendum: I managed to enable XWA and TIE95 in W2k. Relay to me. if you need support there :)

SIN TC Roster:
SIN SQUADRON OF WING II : Long-Range Support
NICKNAME: Wing of the Darknesses
BANNER: sin.jpg
MOTTO: Whoso dares to strike us, Will never survive in our darkness

Nickname: The Skulls
Motto: Worthy skulls are used as our paper weights
1) LC Carl Lost (
2) TBA
3) MAJ Jack Stone (
4) TBA

Nickname: Skeletons in the Closet
Motto: You tag em we'll bag em and set em on the shelf
1) CM Fatboy (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Every Mother's Nightmare
Motto: We are the horrors your mother warned you about
1) CM Tim (
2) LC Michael Emrys (
3) TBA
4) TBA


1) LC Carl Lost

-eMail/ IRC activity

2) TBA

3) MAJ Jack Stone

-eMail/ IRC activity

4) TBA


1) CM Fatboy

-eMail/ IRC activity

2) TBA

3) TBA

4) TBA


1) CM Tim

-eMail/ IRC activity

2) LC Michael Emrys

-eMail/ IRC activity

3) TBA

4) TBA

Wing News&Orders&Misc.
Mandatory Wing Orders:

Wing II Veterans vs Rookies:


Fly one or all of the free missions. Flying more may help your team win.

Wing II Veterans vs Rookies: The wing orders are out and the competition to determine who presently has the upperhand in a head to head match of Veterans vs Rookies is starting today. The missions are attached. You'll see that two of the missions, TIE and XvT, are from the TIE Demo of Mareek Stele's very first mission ever. So give those old nastolgic missions a try.

The rules for the competition:
5pts for the winner of each platform, 3pts for second, 2 pts for third, 1pt for 4th or lower. Accumulated points will determine the winner to see if the Vets can spank the Rookies or if the Rookies can show the Vets what they're truley made of.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **


Wednesday · October 20 · 2004

XVT Week of War!
17:17 - AD Khameir Sarin
The EH is TIED for first place in the XVT Week of War! We need all available skilled pilots to hit their fighters and help defeat the evil TRA!

New battles and missions
02:40 - FA Marcin Szydlowski
Small package

Updated TIE-TC #39
XvT-TC #101
XvT-DB #13
Have fun :)

Sunday · October 17 · 2004
XVT and XWA 1v1 Tournaments
14:21 - AD Khameir Sarin
XWA and XVT Single Elimination Tournaments are set:

Rax vs Roulex
Tek vs Dax
Sav Az vs Fox Malloy
Andrijas vs Major Airyu

Sav Az vs Gunman
Dirty Vader vs LCM Roulex
Dan Klivian vs Andrijas
Ace003 vs Stuart
Major Airyu vs LT Craven
LT Needa vs CrimsonFury

You have the next 10 days to fly these matches. All winners must be reported on the Combat Operations Office Message boards. I will be awarding LoCs per round and DFCs to the platform winners.

Magazine mention for the TIE Corps
04:12 - SA Astatine
The Australian gaming magazine, Hyper, recently ran a fairly comprehensive article on the history of Star Wars games. We get a mention as a fansite. COL Torres scanned the article pages and they're up here. Take note that some of the images are over 200k. The mention of the TIE Corps is on the 4th page.

Saturday · October 16 · 2004

Wing XVI WC Appointed
14:15 - HA Priyum Patel
Many congratulations to Lieutenant Colonel Keller who has been selected as the new Wing Commander for Wing XVI!

In other news, I'm still looking for a new Tiger Squadron Commander. The Squadron flies the TIE Bomber, so if you're an active Freeworlds pilot looking for a command and enjoy dropping torps on hapless Rebels, let me know (!

Windows XP SP2 and You.
07:57 - FA Ender mBind
As usual the Microsoft data on their new "SP2" only elaborates on what it can do more now, and not on what it will fail at now.

As it looks now, SP2 will not run a utility called "TIEPATCH.EXE", something which we use in all patches, also not when you use the XPInstaller.

We will be replacing this utility ASAP but for the time being: if you want to play missions that use patches do not install XP SP2.

Note: Uninstalling SP2 doesn't work, it will just remain on your system and pretend its not there.


Take some some IWATS coruses, as there are nice ones out which will enhance your knowledge and expertise of the world of the Emperor's Hammer :)

COL Carl Lost
CMDR/COL Carl Lost/Sin/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

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