Epsilon Report # 28 (2004-08-09)

This report was submitted by CM Brin Chaser

Epsilon Weekly Report #28


Well, I'm back from leave. Congratulations to LCM Jer and LT Rez Chaser for holding the fort in my absense, you did a solid job.

The biggest news is that we had two SSL submissions. Two. One XvT, one XWA. I'm putting it down to a bad week, because last I checked, we had six pilots.

For this reason, I'm going to be sending an email to each pilot. This email is basically a question regarding how much time you have, and where you would like to be in six months.

There isn't any reason why all of you can't be promoted *at least once* in the next six months, but I need to know what you are capable of, and then see proof of it so I can vouch for you to our superiors.


No big ones as of today. Have fun!
Fly, be free! :-P

Flight Activity

1/1 CM Brin Chaser

- Have just returned. Feeling the need for IWATS. Watch this space.

1/3 LT Ed Best

- No Flight Activity
- No contact

2/1 LCM Jer

- Flew XvTFREE10
- In email contact

2/2 LT Trooper Xarn

- No flight activity
- In constant contact

3/1 LT Dano Fado

- No Flight Activity
- No Contact

3/2 LT Rez Chaser

- Completed IWATS ICQ Course: 94% (Great work!)
- In constant contact


This is a new section I've created just for you. Here, I've listed the battles that Epsilon is one pilot file away from recieving a citation for. If you want to become a hero in a hurry, fly these! :-)

(The names in Brackets are the people who have flown them already)

TIETC2 (Brin, Ed)
TIETC7 (Brin, Dano)
TIETC26 (Jer, Ed... wait a minute! I had a highscore in this battle once, bear with me :) This one we will get a citation for.
TIETC211 (Brin, Jer)
XvTTC6 (Brin, Jer)
XvTTC96 (Brin, Rez)
XWATC1 (Brin, Jer)
XWATC3 (Brin, Jer)
XWATC4 (Brin, Jer)
XWATC6 (Brin, Jer)
XWATC8 (Brin, Jer)
XWATC16 (Brin, Trooper)
XWATC19 (Brin, Jer)
XWATC23 (Brin, Jer)
XWATC26 (Brin, Rez)
XWATC29 (Brin, Jer)
XWATC30 (Brin,Jer)

That's 17 potential citations we are only one pilot file away from. You have options on all three platforms, so pick the ones you find to be the most fun. Over the next few weeks, I will add more battles to this list, as I fly battles that Epsilonians have flown without me :-P

Note: It is far more fun to fly missions for fun than for highscores. Since these are not competition files, just enjoy yourselves, there is no pressure. :-) A pilot file is a pilot file, they all rock.


There are so many things we can get credit for in this club, it's not funny. Take IWATS courses - they're fun and fairly easy to complete. Take 15 minutes and fly a free mission, or better yet, a battle.

Think of something to add to our website;
make a cool-looking graphic;
write a poem;
write a story;
submit competition ideas;
post on the messageboard;
visit #wing_i and #sssd_sovereign on IRC (undernet server);
talk to friends about the EH;
recruit friends INTO the EH;
email a squadmate for fun (you're all nice I promise);
download ICQ and talk to your CMDR, WC and COM (or MSN, or AIM, or Trillian);
kick an ewok;
make a custom uniform;

All of these things boost your profile, and increase your chances of promotion and medals. So go have yourselves a ball!



CMDR/CM Brin Chaser/Epsilon/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

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