Epsilon Report # 22 (2004-06-27)

This report was submitted by CM Brin Chaser

Epsilon Squadron Report #22


Well, the files for our SSL Finals campaign have been submitted, unfortunately it wasn't our strongest effort. Last week I stated that anything less than 100% would see us lose. I don't think we pulled 100% for this round, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I carry part of the blame for this. I made a major botch (completely my fault) in XWA which prevented my submission from being ready on time, however from what I've seen over the last two weeks, I don't think anyone here gave their absolute best. When someone has two weeks to do something, we can't make excuses when stuff isn't done. Technical Issues are one thing, but my patience is beginning to wear thin on this front. There will be changes after this competition, as I reward those who simply tried harder and gave more to this squad.

I'm not angry at anyone, I'm not even very sad (now I've had a few days to cool off) - I'm just a little dissapointed. After fifteen weeks of grueling competition, I'd like to think we had more left in the tank than what we produced. We ended up with 8 submissions, which is two down from last round, and *SEVEN* down on what is listed in our respective profiles.

We have what it takes to be *contenders*, but until we as a unit make sacrifices - we won't be consistent *winners*. The first is nice to have, but I tell you, having the second is brilliant :-)


Sovereign Squadron League Finals

Okay, for now, we have to wait for the results to come in. Regardless of how we end up, the fact that you made the finals in all three divisions deserves due credit.

Flight Activity

1/1 CM Brin Chaser

- Flew TIETC214
- Flew XvTTC81
- Active over email, instant messaging and IRC

1/2 LT Dano Fado

- No Flight Submission
- Was on leave from the 23rd until the 27th
- Active over email

1/3 LT Ed Best

- Flew TIETC214
- In email contact

2/1 LCM Jer

- No flight activity
- In Instant Messaging contact

2/2 LT Trooper Xarn

- No flight submission – busted CD drive
- Active over Instant Messaging

3/1 CM Max

- No flight activity
- In email and instant messaging contact.

3/2 LT Rez Chaser

- Flew TIETC214
- Flew XvTTC81
- In constant contact.


Take five, Aces. Give yourself a few days off. I'm going to fly a battle a day for the next week in retaliation :-P



CMDR/CM/Brin Chaser/Epsilon/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

...Well done, fellas. :-)

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