Epsilon Report # 19 (2004-06-06)

This report was submitted by CM Brin Chaser

Epsilon Squadron Report #19


Well, I thought last week was good. You blew the door off the hinges this time!

That is just stunning :-)

It doubles our previous record for an SSL round and (almost) guarantees us a spot in the finals of EVERY division. The drinks are on you, Eps!

Just to give you an idea of perspective here, the only two squadrons who are in position to match this feat are Psi Squadron and Praetorian Squadron. That would make us one of the three best rounded squadrons in the entire TIE Corps! YEAH! Now that's PROGRESS!

I would like to single out a few people for this round who really kicked butt and took names.

Lieutenant Commander Jer. You amaze me. Three submissions. Maximum participation.

Lieutenant Rez Chaser. You silenced the naysayers by posting three very respectable scores when it matters the most. Great work.

Lieutenant Dano Fado. An excellent TIE file. We really needed it :-P

As for those who didn’t fly, well. I don’t have anything to say about you this week… because I don’t have anything here to write about :-P
Fly next time, and give me an excuse to say something nice about you. I will, I promise.


SSL Round Six – Case closed baby. Get ready for the big time :-)

Epsilon vs. Sigma

It’s on!
Fly these files before the SSL finals start! :-P


I’ll be nominating our platform preferences soon. The deadline is the 15th of June.

Flight Activity

1/1 CM Brin Chaser

- Flew TIEFREE239
- Flew XvTFREE161
- Flew XWAFREE103
- The fiction is very, very close to being completed.
- Creating an abbreviations list for awards and ranks.
- Mailed every squadron member their flight record since I came to power in January. Forward these to the TAC with your PIN!
- Active over email, instant messaging and IRC

1/2 LT Dano Fado

- Taking a break – he flew his SSL file EARLY :-)
- In contact over Instant Messaging and Email

2/1 LCM Jer

- Flew XWAFREE73
- Flew XWAFREE47
- Flew XWAFREE112
- In email contact

2/2 LT Trooper Xarn

- In instant messaging contact

3/1 CM Max

- No flight activity (Technical Explosions)
- In email and instant messaging contact.

3/2 LT Rez Chaser

- Flew TIEFREE239
- Flew XWAFREE103
- Flew XvTFREE161
- In constant contact.


Wow. A few weeks ago we were at what I considered to be our lowest ebb.

I can say with absolute certainty that we are now at our HIGHEST ebb.
Brilliant work Aces!
Go forth and kick butt!

CMDR/CM/Brin Chaser/Epsilon/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

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