Sin Report # 109 (2004-08-12)

This report was submitted by LC Carl Lost

Hello Squadron,

Really this week has been slow and uneventful. I havce not received submissions for the league (or more correctly Cc:ing so that I know the whereabouts of my pilots) maybe simply because I haven't heard form the league so far. But no worry, Toddy is most probably calculating the score.

Also I wish to assure you that in recards to the Summer Patrol, no w news have reached me. too. So just be patient like me :)

In regards to the EHBL, relay and submit each and every trouble you have to my so I may relay it to the appropriate authorities. Be assured strongly that TAC is more than willing to help if they know their help is needed and appreciated.

SIN TC Roster:
SIN SQUADRON OF WING II : Long-Range Support
NICKNAME: Wing of the Darknesses
BANNER: sin.jpg
MOTTO: Whoso dares to strike us, Will never survive in our darkness

Nickname: The Skulls
Motto: Worthy skulls are used as our paper weights
1) LC Carl Lost (
2) TBA
3) MAJ Jack Stone (
4) TBA

Nickname: Skeletons in the Closet
Motto: You tag em we'll bag em and set em on the shelf
1) CM Fatboy (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Every Mother's Nightmare
Motto: We are the horrors your mother warned you about
1) CM Tim (
2) LC Michael Emrys (
3) TBA
4) TBA


1) LC Carl Lost

-eMail/ IRC activity

2) TBA

3) MAJ Jack Stone

-Extended SemiLeave (Aug. 16th)
-eMail/ IRC activity

4) TBA


1) CM Fatboy

-eMail/ IRC activity

2) TBA

3) TBA

4) TBA


1) CM Tim

-eMail/ IRC activity

2) LC Michael Emrys

-eMail/ IRC activity

3) TBA

4) TBA

Wing News&Orders&Misc.

Mandatory Wing Orders:

-Currently there are no mandatory orders, however there is the TieCorps Summer Patrol that the fleet is participating in.

Mission Assignments

Wednesday · August 11 · 2004

24/7 LoCs
07:04 - AD Khameir Sarin []
24/7 LoC submission for at the COO site has been fixed and is now operational! Big thanks to General Kaerner and his PHP mastery! All Tie Corps members are free to play multiplayer games at any time and then submit them at
Tuesday · August 10 · 2004

24/7 LoC Submission Form
08:22 - AD Khameir Sarin []
The COO 24/7 LoC Submission form is currently undergoing a bit of recoding. They system should be operational in the very near future. All LoCs that have been submitted over the past week will need to be resubmitted due to a loss in data. The Combat Operations Office apologizes for this inconvenience.
Monday · August 09 · 2004

Tactical Officer is back from leave
07:18 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
Yes. I am back. I am married man, and with a lot of duties to perform. I promise to post wedding pictures this weekend, as soon and I pick them up and scan/upload them.

Also, all HSs, pending stuff and new battles will be released ASAP!

XO competitions extended
01:31 - SA Astatine []
The three competitions I was running have been extended til the end of this month. They are:
The True Story behind the TC Database Outage Comp -
Hosting Service Naming Competition -
SWG Screenshot Caption Competition -
The competitions are open to all EH members.
Sunday · August 08 · 2004

FreeWorlds and the EH, TC
11:27 - FA Cyric []
Echo Co has been created or redirected to be the FreeWorlds Training Company! If you create a clone for FW, please on your name add FW at the end of your profile name and in the notes section place Clone of (whateveryourpinis) for Free Worlds.

Iwats Core, Iwats FW, and 5 hours (Screenshot) of ingame playtime are the requirements.

Also before chosing a squadron contact RA Solar Machinus and Maj Caine of the Predator so they can place you where you should be.

Also, all EH people playing Freeworlds on Burnout contact RA Machinus about getting into a squadron tag (compulsory)
Saturday · August 07 · 2004

Freeworld Squadrons
09:46 - HA Priyum Patel []
As well as selecting Squadron Commanders for the Predator Squadrons, we're also assigning people to FM positions. If you intend to continue playing Freeworlds as an EH character, it's important that you get yourself into a Squadron since the [EH] tag no longer exists.

The first thing to do is to read the Predator Mission Statement. This explains how everything will work. Then you need to email myself and WC/MAJ Marcus Caine and tell us:
Which Squadron you wish to join (either Predator or non-Predator)
If you wish to join with a Clone or your primary profile

The details on clones is in the Mission Statement. We'll reply with instructions ASAP.

Also note that unless you're name is down on the Wolf Squadron list, you should note be flying the TIE Phantom (technically using the [EH] tag is also illegal now).

Since we lost Ninj to Rho CMDRship, we lost all our citations since me made a 6th pilot with an impressive combat record... Buu huu huu !!

Get me an other pilot, kwuickly !!

yours, truly,

LC Carl Lost
CMDR-TCT-TCS/LC Carl Lost/Sin/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SSx5/BSx2/PCx4/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-4rh-12bh/IS-6BW-7SW-3GW/CoSx3/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-4E [TMPR]

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