Typhoon Report # 8 (2004-09-04)

This report was submitted by CM Dirty Vader

-=Typhoon Squadron Weekly Report=-®



Another month flies by and a new one awakens: September. Gah! I hate that month! We all have to get back to our daily routines, the weather sucks (well here anyway) and all the women dump their mini-skirts in their wardrobe and take out their jeans :(
EH wise, I guess it was a good week for the club. Typhoon wise, though, this week was a little poor activity wise only, no doubt because of this bloody month which is september that takes us all away from our fun and enjoyment and dumps us at work/school/uni.

Quote(s) of the Week

`MK is now known as MK|Smoke
[Destavol] Lucky Mell.
[Destavol] :P
[Destavol] I'm so dry atm.
[`Voort] mom thinks i'm looking at porn because my feet are blocking the door
[DirtyVader] which is true no doubt
[`Voort] technically, no
[`Voort] i'm reading erotica

TC News/BG News/Wing News

*The e-mail addys of personnel on the roster will now only display if you are logged in. This is to stop Spam b0ts from harvesting them.

*Kudos to the six or so persons who have submitted their Commendations of Loyalty lists to me. For all of you other procrastinating people, send them in!
ALL recommendations must have the subject heading: "CoL Recommendations" or they will be ignored. Recommendations are due September 4th, 2004, at Midnight Eastern Standard Time. No late awards will be accepted.
Update: the Ops mail inbox ate itself, and previous reccs for the CoL have been lost. Re-send a copy of the reccs in.

*AD Khadgar the ASF BGCOM is away on leave until Monday the 6th. All ASF CoLs have been recommended.

*The EH has come victorious in both XWA and XvT WoWs! This is the first time in the history of the club, where the EH won the double. True, the XWA WoW had a very low participation and not many games were played, but it's still a great achievement.

*After Chris's retirement, GN Master is the new commander of Tempest Squadron. Welcome back and good luck :P


*MAJ Ponda Jarett was awarded an IS-SR for 3rd place in the graphics division of The True Story Behind the TC Database Outage and another IS-SR for 3rd place in SWG Screenshot Caption Comp screenshot #1. Those are the XO's fleet wide comps, so this is an outstanding result. Brilliant work Ponda, your medals are on their way.

*Dirty got his CoB back!!! It was robbed from me when the DB crashed together with other medals. Although a not so prestigious medal, it still makes a profile look good and an ID line look bigger :P I'm content! Thanks to Stuart for re-awarding it! The XTT IWATS course also lost when the DB crashed has been re-issued to me with a passing grade (Me no remember what grade I had so I got 70 %, even though it was higher done that :P). Thanks Frodo!

*LT Deckard, has been declared MIA. For 3 months have I tried to get a response out of him, for 3 months I didn't get one. He had been given a lot of time to contact me and hasn't done so. Furthermore, his e-mail address is now invalid. He was found in a strip club in Nar Shadaa, the smuggler's moon by ID agents. When he was brought back here in front of me:

LT Deckard was on his knees, his face beaten no doubt by the agents who brought him back here. He looked up at his "supposed to be"commander.
"You mutinied," Dirty said, his voice icy cold.
Deckard stayed silent for a moment, then spoke, the pain he felt making the task difficult. "I had enough of the life of a pilot-"
"Lies!" Dirty shouted.
The lieutenant jumped and took another few moments before talking again.
"When you were promoted to Squadron Commander," he managed, "I thought you'd kill us all. To me, giving you such a responsibility was a mistake, it was crazy, insane." He looked paled, undoubtedly worried about the repercussions of having said this.
Dirty frowned. "Good you can actually say the truth." He paused. "Decky, for the four months you've been in this squad you've done absolutely nothing. When you first arrived, the previous commander was happy with you for some time, granted, but not that happy. Me? I'm pissed off at you, very pissed off, so pissed off I can imagine hundreds of ways of making you pay. However I'll make this quick."
Dirty launched his hand forward on the younger officer's neck and tightened his grip.
"I'm sorry! I was wrong about you! Please no!" Deckard struggled. Dirty gave an evil smile. "Yes, yes you were. You never bothered to contact me, I kept your rotting carcass on my roster long enough. Now it's time for me to draw the line."
Deckard was nearly out of breath. "Please... I'm...sorry." The Typhoon commander gripped harder and harder on the other's neck until the bones snapped.
"Apology accepted, Lieutenant Deckard."

Aaaah, i feel much better now...

Squadron Citations/Status/Comps

*We currently have 0 citations. Only 5 pilots.

*TCBG Report Caption Contest a picture from the SW universe will be emailed out to the BG. it can also be found at http://www.tcbg.net/images/captionaug.jpg/ participants are to add a clean, yet humorous comment to this (that's gonna be hard :P). IS-GR to 1st, IS-SR to 2nd and IS-BR to 3rd. You have until September the 10th.

*Summer Patrol Your objective is to fly one of any of the 21 free missions that have been listed by the end of this week.



CM Dirty Vader (Typhoon 1-1)

*Flew TIE TC 86
*Flew TIE TC 88
*Flew TIE TC 98
*E-Mail activity
*IRC activity
*MB postings

LT Narraku (Typhoon 1-2)

*MSN activity

LT Deckard (Typhoon 2-1)

*Executed for mutiny (MIA)

MAJ Ponda Jarret (Typhoon 3-1)

*Came 3rd in two of the XO's fleet-wide comps
*Made a submission for the TCBG Caption Comp for August
*E-Mail activity

MAJ Elwood the Brave (Typhoon 3-2)

*No contact. Prepare to be AWOLed unless I hear from you.

==Pilot of the week==-

Maj Ponda Jarrett. Great work!!!

Dirty's Final Thoughts

Keep in contact and be active! Recruitment remains a priority (you'll be rewarded for it), bring people to the squad, the time is now.
Dirty expects higher activity in the upcoming weeks. Let's try and re-make a reputation for this squad, the reputation it had before the squad was closed and re-opened about 5 months ago. And also make a rep for yourselves, doing your best for awards and promos.
If he's reading this, I also call on Woody to respond to me before the start of next week to tell me what he plans to do and if he wants to stay and serve in the squad he commanded just one year ago, to take 'phoon to it's highest point once again.
Ponda, your great comp participation has paid off. Well done :P

I've finished, you may wake up now :P

Typhoon Squadron publicity

Typhoon Forum:http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=83
Pilot e-mails: Dirty Vader: dirtyvader@isdchallenge.tcbg.net; Deckard: kvasir5@fastmail.com.au; Ponda Jarret: eh_ponda@yahoo.com; Elwood the Brave: Markus.Friebis@gmx.de

Interested in joining `Phoon? E-Mail Dirty Vader, and we'll talk about it.
I also use mIRC (Undernet server), and can be found on #TIECorps and #Wing_X under the nick DirtyVader. Alternatively, you can reach me on MSN: glgvader25@hotmail.com


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