Typhoon Report # 6 (2004-08-21)

This report was submitted by CM Dirty Vader

-=Typhoon Squadron Weekly Report=-®



I'm still on leave for vacationing but since I'm back for a few days (3 to be exact) before I head out again, I decided to do a report hehehe...

This report will cover 2 weeks or so, that being the 2 weeks before now.

TC News/BG News/Wing News

*The COO is on leave for his honeymoon, however operations will continue as normal.

*Today, August 21st, is the FC's Birthday, so that means, Awards! The Commendation of Loyalty is awarded all members of the Emperor's Hammer by the Fleet Commander or Executive Officer who have displayed tremendous dedication to the Fleet. For the TIE Corps:

Each squadron commander can send any number of recommendations for awards to their respective Wing Commander. The Wing Commander chooses three (3) awards. Then these recommendations are forwarded up the chain of command to the respective Commodores and Battlegroup Commanders, making any possible corrections. Then the Battlegroup Commander collects the recommendations for his Battlegroup, and emails them to the Operations Officer, CC'ing the Flight Officer. Also, each Battlegroup Commander has the discretion to award a maximum of three (3) awards to his Flag Officers.


*Ponda was awarded an ISM this week for his great activity in July. Well done!

Squadron Citations/Status/Comps

*We currently have 0 citations. Only 5 pilots.

*TCBG Report Caption Contest
a picture from the SW universe will be emailed out to the BG. it can also be found at http://www.tcbg.net/images/captionaug.jpg/ participants are to add a clean, yet humorous comment to this (that's gonna be hard :P). IS-GR to 1st, IS-SR to 2nd and IS-BR to 3rd. You have until September the 10th.

*Summer Patrol
Your objective is to fly one of any of the 21 free missions that have been listed by the 22nd of August. However only Ponda is a survivor, so this only concerns him.

*SWG Screenshot Caption Competition
Submit a suitable caption to the following two SWG screenshots donated by Vladet: Screenshot #1 Screenshot #2 Submit your caption to jpboyce@indigo.net.au with the subject "My caption pwns - Screenshot x" where x is the screenshot your caption is for. Be sure to include your ID line and usual details.
1st Place - Iron Star w/ Platinum Ribbon/ 2nd Place - Iron Star w/ Gold Ribbon/ 3rd Place - Iron Star w/ Silver Ribbon. You have until the end of August.

*The True Story behind the TC Database Outage
The competition is about the true story behind the TIE Corps database outage. You are to represent either why the database went out or how it affected you and your fellow members. This can be represented in the following categories: 1. Mission Design (in any supported EH platform) 2. Graphics 3. Fiction Graphics submissions should be below 1MB in size. Fiction should be in either Word 2000 format (or less), RTF or HTML. Submissions should be directed to jpboyce@indigo.net.au with the subject line "The True Story behind the TC Database Outage" by the 4th August 2004. Be sure to include your usual details such as ID line.
1st Place - Iron Star w/ Platinum Ribbon/ 2nd Place - Iron Star w/ Gold Ribbon/ 3rd Place - Iron Star w/ Silver Ribbon.You have until the end of August.

*Hosting Service Naming Competition
I want to start offering hosting services to EH members. However, I need a classy and sophisticated name for such a service. Simply send your suggested name to jpboyce@indigo.net.au with the subject line "Hosting Service Name". Be sure to include your usual details, such as ID Line.
1st Place - Iron Star w/ Platinum Ribbon/ 2nd Place - Iron Star w/ Gold Ribbon/ 3rd Place - Iron Star w/ Silver Ribbon.You have until the end of August.


CM Dirty Vader (Typhoon 1-1)

*Vacationing, on leave
*Flew XWA Free 93 with mission HS
*Flew XWA Free 106 with mission HS
*Flew XWA Free 8 with mission HS
*Flew XWA Free 68 with mission HS
*Flew XWA Free 96 with mission HS
*Flew XWA Free 104 with mission HS
*Flew XWA Free 106 with mission HS
*IRC activity
*MSN activity

LT Narraku (Typhoon 1-2)

*Flew XWA TC 13
*MSN activity

MAJ Ponda Jarret (Typhoon 3-1)

*Flew XWA TC 29
*Flew XWA TC 36
*Made submissions for the XO's caption comp
*Made a submission for the True Story Behind The TC Database outage Comp
*Earned an ISM *E-Mail activity

MAJ Elwood the Brave (Typhoon 3-2)

*No Contact

==Pilot of the week==-

MAJ Ponda Jarrett. Good comp participation, keep it up :P

Dirty's Final Thoughts

Keep in contact and be active!
Recruitment remains a priority (you'll be rewarded for it). Keep up the flying and comp activity :P
Felicitations to ponda yet again for his good work and well done to Narraku for completing a challenging battle. Good going. That's it,

Typhoon Squadron publicity

Typhoon Forum:http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=83
Pilot e-mails: Dirty Vader: dirtyvader@isdchallenge.tcbg.net; Deckard: kvasir5@fastmail.com.au; Ponda Jarret: eh_ponda@yahoo.com; Elwood the Brave: Markus.Friebis@gmx.de

Interested in joining `Phoon? E-Mail Dirty Vader, and we'll talk about it.
I also use mIRC (Undernet server), and can be found on #TIECorps and #Wing_X under the nick DirtyVader. Alternatively, you can reach me on MSN: glgvader25@hotmail.com


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